Effect of initial temperatures on CO2 explosion suppression
摘要: 将CO2充入的液化石油气中并进行点火,研究不同初始温度下CO2对多元混合气液化石油气爆炸的抑制作用。实验显示:初始温度15℃时CO2体积分数达到36%时,混合气体退出可爆范围,临界氧浓度为12.8%;初始温度50℃时CO2体积分数达到39%时,混合气体退出可爆范围,临界氧浓度为12.2%。结果表明:CO2对液化石油气爆炸的抑制效果在一定程度上要受环境温度的影响。Abstract: In this work we studied the effect of CO2 on explosion suppression for multi-component mixed gas at different initial temperatures by igniting the gas obtained from adding CO2 to the mixture of LPG and air. Our study indicates that when the volume fraction of CO2 reaches 36% at the initial temperature of 15℃, the mixed gas is beyond the explosive range and the critical volume fraction of oxygen is 12.8%; when the volume fraction of CO2 reaches 39% at the initial temperature of 50℃, the mixed gas is beyond the explosive range, and the critical volume fraction oxygen is 12.2%. The result shows that the effect of CO2 on the LPG suppression explosion is influenced by temperature to a certain extent.
Key words:
- mechanics of explosion /
- explosion suppresion /
- temperature /
- LPG /
- CO2
表 1 初温15℃时CO2抑爆体积分数
Table 1. Volume fractions of CO2 explosion suppresion at initial temperature of 15℃
No. φ1/% φ2/% φ3/% 1 2.2 0 20.5 2 3.0 36.0 12.8 3 4.0 33.0 13.2 4 5.0 29.0 13.9 5 6.0 26.0 14.3 6 7.0 20.0 15.3 7 8.0 13.0 16.6 8 9.0 8.0 17.4 9 10.0 5.0 17.9 10 10.8 0 18.7 表 2 初温50℃时CO2抑爆体积分数
Table 2. Volume fractions of CO2 explosion suppresion at initial temperature of 50℃
No. φ1/% φ2/% φ3/% 1 2.0 0 20.6 2 3.0 39.0 12.2 3 4.0 34.0 13.0 4 5.0 31.0 13.4 5 6.0 28.0 13.9 6 7.0 21.0 15.1 7 8.0 16.0 16.0 8 9.0 10.0 17.0 9 10.0 7.0 17.4 10 11.9 0 18.5 -
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