Effects of reflected wave on premixed-gas explosion and dynamic response of tube shells
摘要: 为研究管道内甲烷/空气混合气体火焰和压力波的传播规律,对内载压力波作用下管壁的动态响应进行实验。结果表明,末端闭口实验中,管道末端的反射激波会引起当地火焰亮度的增大,而前端反射激波则有可能导致火焰内部的分离从而出现熄灭与复燃现象。相对于末端开口工况,末端闭口实验时管道两端产生的往复反射激波对管壁具有叠加加载作用,导致管壁产生较大的环向应变。Abstract: Experiments were carried out and the dynamic response test of the tube wall was conducted simultaneously to characterize the flame and pressure wave propagation generated by methane-air mixture explosion in a shock tube. Our results show that in the closed tube, the reflected compression wave from the end wall produces a positive interference that increases the flame brightness, on the other hand, the compression wave reflected from the front end wall may bring about flame separation and thus lead to flame quenching and recrudescence in the reaction region. In addition, in contrast with the open-ended experimental configuration, the multiple reflections from both of the end walls exhibit a continuous load effect on the tube shell, which results in a larger dynamic elastic strain in the closed blast tube.
Key words:
- mechanics of explosion /
- reflected wave /
- flame speed /
- pressure /
- blast tube /
- tube shell strain
表 1 管道上传感器布置
Table 1. Arrangement of sensors on the blast tube
编号 传感器类型 L/m S1 光电 1.0 S2 光电 1.5 S3 光电 2.5 S4 光电 3.5 S5 光电 4.5 S6 光电 5.5 S7 光电 6.5 S8 光电 8.0 S9 光电 9.0 S10 光电 10.0 S11 压力 1.0 S12 压力 2.5 S13 压力 4.5 S14 压力 6.5 S15 压力 8.0 S16 压力 10.0 S17 应变 6.5 S18 应变 8.0 -
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