Influence of void coalescence on spall evolution of ductile polycrystalline metal under dynamic loading
摘要: 针对强动载作用下延性金属的层裂问题,在分析孔洞之间几何关联的基础上,定义了一个新的耦合损伤及孔洞几何信息的孔洞汇合判定方法,同时,基于能量守恒原理,解析了孔洞汇合对损伤快速增长影响的物理机理.通过分析数值计算结果和对比相关文献的实验可知:孔洞汇合后不仅引起损伤增长,而且导致了损伤材料内部微孔洞数目的减少、孔洞平均尺寸的增加。Abstract: In the present study, with a view to solve the spallation of ductile metal under intense dynamic loading, we develop a new void coalescence criterion accounting for the damage and void geometry based on the geometric relationship between voids. Following the principle of energy conservation, we reveal the physical mechanism explaining the influence of void coalescence on the growth of damage. The comparison between calculated results and experiment data indicates that void coalescence leads to rapid growth of damage, reduction of void numbers, and increase of average void size.
Key words:
- solid mechanics /
- spallation /
- intense dynamic loading /
- ductile metal /
- void coalescence /
- damage evolution
表 1 损伤材料内部孔洞数及孔洞大小的统计结果
Table 1. Damage statistics
dg /μm N dv 实验 计算 实验 计算 30 236 11.460 38.1 12.17 0.044(考虑汇合) 37.12(考虑汇合) 60 363 3.236 22.7 22.36 100 267 1.421 33.0 34.51 200 111 0.566 55.1 42.60 -
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