Influences of blocked obstacles on propagation of gaseous detonation in pipeline
摘要: 建立了长2 800 mm、内径为50 mm的圆管内爆轰波传播实验装置,采用光电二极管探测火焰锋面以获得爆轰波的传播速度,采用烟迹法记录爆轰波的胞格结构。通过在管道不同位置设置阻塞率为1的聚丙烯薄膜,研究不同初始压力下不同氩气稀释浓度的C2H2+2.5O2+nAr预混气体爆轰波在通过全阻塞障碍物前后传播速度及胞格结构的变化。结果表明,气相爆轰波在达到稳态爆轰后,在通过全阻塞薄膜障碍物的过程中会产生2种不同的传播形式:速度亏损和爆轰失效。气相爆轰波穿过不同区域的传播过程可以分为3个阶段:稳态传播阶段、速度亏损阶段或爆轰失效阶段、过驱爆轰阶段。Abstract: An experimental circular pipeline with a length of 2 800 mm and a diameter of 50 mm was established to study the gaseous detonation propagation. Photodiode detectors were used to obtain the flame propagation velocity and the smoke film method to get the cellular structures. Polypropylene films with the blocking rate of 1.0 were set in the pipeline to investigate the characteristics of detonation velocity and cellular structures. Gaseous mixtures of C2H2+ 2.5O2 diluted by argon in different volumes were used as experimental medium. The initial pressures varied in experiments. Results show that there are two different propagation forms after the detonation wave passes through the film obstacles, including velocity deficit and detonation failure. The propagation of gaseous detonation wave in blocked obstructions can be divided into three stages: stage of steady propagation, stage of velocity deficit or detonation failure and stage of overdriven detonation.
Key words:
- detonation wave /
- blocking obstacles /
- velocity deficit /
- detonation failure
表 1 薄膜前爆轰波传播速度实验值与理论值对比
Table 1. Comparison between experimental and theoretical values of detonation velocity before films
p0/kPa 薄膜位置 膜前气体 膜前测点 膜后气体 v/(m·s-1) vCJ/(m·s-1) v/vCJ 30 A C2H2+2.5O2 N1, N2 C2H2+2.5O2 2 370 2 359 1.00 B C2H2+2.5O2 N7~N10 C2H2+2.5O2+40%Ar 2 053 2 118 0.97 B C2H2+2.5O2 N7~N10 C2H2+2.5O2+80%Ar 1 831 1 873 0.98 40 A C2H2+2.5O2 N1, N2 C2H2+2.5O2 2 360 2 374 0.99 B C2H2+2.5O2 N7~N10 C2H2+2.5O2+40%Ar 2 035 2 052 0.99 B C2H2+2.5O2 N7~N10 C2H2+2.5O2+80%Ar 1 648 1 684 0.98 50 A C2H2+2.5O2 N1, N2 C2H2+2.5O2 2 381 2 387 1.00 B C2H2+2.5O2 N7~N10 C2H2+2.5O2+40%Ar 2 045 2 063 0.99 B C2H2+2.5O2 N7~N10 C2H2+2.5O2+80%Ar 1 668 1 692 0.98 表 2 聚丙烯薄膜B后的测点N10、N11处的最小速度
Table 2. Minimum velocities of N10, N11 after polypropylene film B
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