Experimental study on the minimum ignition energy of methane at low temperature
摘要: 为探索低温工况下甲烷的爆炸特性,利用自行构建的实验装置,测试了温度为-90~0 ℃、压力为0.1~0.5 MPa的条件下甲烷的最小点火能。研究表明:在研究范围内,随着压力的升高,甲烷的最小点火能减小,且低压时甲烷最小点火能随初始压力的增高减小较快,高压时减小较慢;随着温度的升高,甲烷最小点火能也减小,且低压时甲烷最小点火能随初始温度的增高减小较快,高压时减小较慢;甲烷的最小点火能分别与压力平方的倒数、温度的倒数呈近似线性关系。Abstract: In this paper, we tested the minimum ingition energy (MIE) of methane at low temperature using an experimental apparatus fabricated by ourselves to characterize the explosion of methane at a low temperature ranging from -90 to 0 ℃ and under a pressure ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 MPa. It was found that, within the scope of the study, as the pressure increases, the MIE of methane decreases and does so faster with the increase of the initial pressure under low pressure but more slowly under high pressure; as the temperature increases, the MIE of methane also decreases and does so faster with the increase of the initial temperature at low pressure but more slowly under high pressure; the MIE of methane is approximately linear with the reciprocal of the square of the pressure and the that of the temperature.
Key words:
- methane /
- MIE /
- temperature /
- pressure
表 1 本研究结果与其他研究结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of this research result with other research results
表 2 最小点火能测试结果及标准偏差
Table 2. MIE test results and standard deviation
压力/MPa Em/mJ 不确定度 183 K 213 K 243 K 273 K 183 K 213 K 243 K 273 K 0.1 0.880 0.720 0.650 0.560 0.0160 0.0160 0.0220 0.0280 0.3 0.102 0.080 0.076 0.068 0.0070 0.0080 0.0110 0.0160 0.5 0.037 0.034 0.030 0.026 0.0014 0.0060 0.0100 0.0090 -
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