Research progress of target resistance model of cavity expansion theory and its application
摘要: 从静/动态空腔膨胀模型的理论体系出发,介绍了空腔膨胀模型在不同方向上取得的成果,主要涉及理想侵彻条件的空腔膨胀压力计算模型及数值模拟方法和空腔膨胀模型在典型侵彻问题及复杂弹靶条件下的应用。在理想侵彻条件下的空腔膨胀压力计算模型中,主要讨论了靶体材料、屈服准则和状态方程对空腔边界应力的影响规律及空腔膨胀模型的适用性问题;根据数值模拟中初始条件的不同,介绍了空腔表面恒定速度/恒定压力两种数值模拟方法,证明了数值模拟方法的可靠性;整理了空腔膨胀模型的基本假设、适用范围、工程应用特点,列举了其在典型侵彻问题及多层复合靶板、约束靶体、弹体刻槽和异形截面形状弹体等复杂弹靶条件下的应用。针对空腔膨胀模型的研究现状,总结了目前空腔膨胀模型在冲击动力学领域的应用方向,归纳了空腔膨胀模型应用中尚存在的问题,展望了空腔膨胀模型下一步的重点发展方向。Abstract: The cavity expansion theory is one of the main basic theories for the theoretical analysis of penetration problems. It is mainly used to analyze the failure response characteristics of typical target materials under impact load, and then to determine the penetration resistance of the target. It is widely used in the analysis of high-speed impact penetration and failure problems. Domestic and foreign scholars have made abundant research achievements on plastic and (quasi) brittle materials based on the theory of cylindrical and spherical cavity expansion. Starting from the theoretical system of the static/dynamic cavity expansion model, the results of the cavity expansion model in different directions are introduced, mainly involving the cavity expansion pressure theoretical calculation model and numerical simulation method under ideal penetration conditions, and the application of cavity expansion model to typical penetration problems and complex missile target conditions. The theoretical calculation model under ideal penetration conditions based on cavity expansion theory mainly discusses the influence aspects of target material, yield criterion and equation of state on target resistance and the applicability of the cavity expansion model. According to the different initial conditions in the numerical simulation, two numerical simulation methods of cavity surface constant velocity/constant pressure are introduced, and the reliability of the numerical simulation method is proved. The basic assumptions, application scope and engineering application characteristics of the cavity expansion model are summarized, and its applications in typical penetration problems and complex missile targets such as multilayer composite target plate, constrained target, projectile grooves and projectile body with special cross-section are listed. Based on the current status of the cavity expansion model, we summarized the current cavity expansion model application direction in the field of impact dynamics, and the problems existing in the application of the cavity expansion model, as well as the key development direction in the cavity expansion model.
Key words:
- penetration /
- cavity expansion theory /
- resistance model
表 1 常见的几种屈服准则与状态方程
Table 1. Several common yield criteria and equations of state
屈服准则/状态方程 函数表达式 备注 Mohr-Coulomb $\left| {{\sigma _r} - {\sigma _\theta }} \right| = Y$ $ {\sigma }_{r} $和$ {\sigma }_{\theta } $分别为径向应力与环向应力,Y为屈服强度 Tresca $\left| {{\sigma _r} - {\sigma _\theta }} \right| = \lambda p + {\tau _0}$ $ {\tau }_{0}=\dfrac{3-\lambda }{3}Y $ Griffith ${\left( {{\sigma _r} - {\sigma _\theta }} \right)^2} = Y\left( {{\sigma _r}{\text{ + }}{\sigma _\theta }} \right)$ $ {\sigma }_{r} $和$ {\sigma }_{\theta } $分别为径向应力与环向应力,Y为屈服强度 Drucker-Prager $ \left\{ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {\sigma _r} - {\sigma _\theta } = \lambda p + {\tau _0}& p \text{<} {p_{\text{m}}} \\ {\sigma _r} - {\sigma _\theta }{\text{ = }}\left( {{\tau _0}{\text{ + }}\lambda {p_{\text{m}}}} \right)\dfrac{{{p_1} - p}}{{{p_1} - {p_{\text{m}}}}}& {p_{\text{m}}} \text{≤} p \text{≤} {p_1} \\ {\sigma _r} - {\sigma _\theta }{\text{ = }}0 & p \text{>}{p_1} \end{array} \right. $ $ {\sigma }_{r} $和$ {\sigma }_{\theta } $分别为径向应力与环向应力,
Y为屈服强度,p1、pm为临界压力Hoek-Brown ${\left( {{\sigma _r} - {\sigma _\theta }} \right)^2} = Y\left( {{m_0}{\sigma _r}{\text{ + }}{\sigma _\theta }} \right)$ 无量纲数m0与材料强度及脆性程度有关 统一强度理论 $\dfrac{1}{{1{\text{ + }}b}}\left( {{\sigma _1} + b{\sigma _2}} \right) - \gamma {\sigma _3} = {\sigma _{\text{t}}}$ $ \gamma ={\sigma }_{\mathrm{t}}/{\sigma }_{\mathrm{c}} $为靶体材料拉压比,$ {\sigma }_{\mathrm{t}} $和$ {\sigma }_{\mathrm{c}} $分别为靶体材料的
抗拉和抗压强度,b为中间主应力的效应参数Voce应变硬化 $\sigma {\text{ = }}\left\{ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} E\varepsilon & \sigma \text{≤} Y \\ Y + \displaystyle\sum\limits_{i = 1}^2 {{Q_i}} \left( {1 - \exp \left( {{C_i}\varepsilon } \right)} \right) & \sigma \text{>}Y \end{array} \right.$ Qi和Ci为硬化参数 线性压力-体积应变 ${p_{\text{m}}} = K\varepsilon $ $ \varepsilon $为应变 三段式线性状态方程 ${p_{\text{m}}} = \left\{ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} K\varepsilon & p \text{≤} {p_{\text{c}}} \\ {p_{\text{c}}} + {K_{\text{c}}}\left( {\mu - {\mu _{\text{c}}}} \right)& {p_{\text{c}}} \text{<}p \text{≤} {p_1} \\ {p_1} + {K_1}\left( {\mu - {\mu _{\text{p}}}} \right)& p \text{>}{p_1} \end{array} \right.$ K、Kc、K1为弹性区、孔隙压实区和密实区的
体积模量,pc、p1为临界压力表 2 不同
$R_{\rm t} $ 的表达式Table 2. Different values of Rt
来源 Rt表达式 备注 Bishop[1] ${R_{\text{t}}} = \dfrac{{{\sigma _{\text{y}}}}}{{\sqrt 3 }}\left\{ {1 + \ln \left[ {\dfrac{{\sqrt 3 E}}{{\left( {5 - 4v} \right){\sigma _{\text{y}}}}}} \right]} \right\}$ $ {\sigma }_{\mathrm{y}} $为靶体屈服强度 Rubin[89] ${R_{\text{t}}} = \ln \left( {4{\varsigma ^2}} \right){Y_{\text{p}}} - {f_{\text{t}}} - \left( {2/3 + \ln 4} \right){\sigma _{\text{y}}}$ Yp为弹体屈服强度,$ {\sigma }_{\mathrm{y}} $为靶体屈服强度, ft为与靶体材料相关的常数 Godwin[85] ${R_{\text{t}}} = \left( {{\text{2 + }}2\sqrt {1{\text{ - }}{Y_{\text{p}}}/{Y_{\text{t}}}} } \right){\sigma _{\text{y}}}$ Yp为弹体屈服强度,$ {\sigma }_{\mathrm{y}} $为靶体屈服强度 A-W模型[84] $ {R_{\text{t}}} = \dfrac{7}{3}\ln \left( {{\alpha _{\text{k}}}} \right){\sigma _{\text{t}}} $ $ {\alpha }_{k} $为与靶体材料相关的常数 S-W-Z-S模型[90] $ {R_{\text{t}}} = \dfrac{2}{3}{\sigma _{\text{y}}}\left( {1 + \ln \dfrac{{2E}}{{3{\sigma _{\text{y}}}}}} \right) + \dfrac{2}{{27}}{{\rm{\pi }}^2}E $ $ {\sigma }_{\mathrm{y}} $为靶体屈服强度,E为弹性模量 L-W模型[88] $ \begin{aligned} {R_{\text{t}}} =\,& S + C{\rho _{\text{t}}}{\left( {{U_{{\text{F0}}}}\exp \left( { - {{\left( {\dfrac{{u - {U_{{\text{F0}}}}}}{{n{U_{{\text{F0}}}}}}} \right)}^2}} \right)} \right)^2} -\\ & \dfrac{1}{2}{\rho _{\text{t}}}{\left( {u - {U_{{\text{F0}}}}\exp \left( { - {{\left( {\dfrac{{u - {U_{{\text{F0}}}}}}{{n{U_{{\text{F0}}}}}}} \right)}^2}} \right)} \right)^2} \end{aligned} $ $ {U_{{\text{F0}}}} = \sqrt {{Y_{\text{H}}}/{\rho _{\text{t}}}} $,S为靶体静态阻力,YH为材料动态屈服强度 表 3 侵彻深度理论预测公式
Table 3. Theory prediction formula of penetration depth
来源 侵彻深度预测公式 Frew等[101] $ \begin{aligned} \dfrac{P}{{\left( {L + {{2a} / 3}} \right)}} =\,& \dfrac{1}{C}\left( {\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{p}}}}}{{{\rho _0}}}} \right)\left\{ {\ln \left[ {1 + \dfrac{{2B}}{{3A}}\left( {\sqrt {\dfrac{{{\rho _0}}}{Y}v} } \right) + \dfrac{C}{{2A}}{{\left( {\sqrt {\dfrac{{{\rho _0}}}{Y}v} } \right)}^2}} \right]} \right.+ \\ &\left. { \dfrac{{4B}}{{\sqrt {18AC - 4{B^2}} }}\left[ {{\rm{arctan}}\dfrac{{2B}}{{\sqrt {18AC - 4{B^2}} }} - {\rm{arctan}}\left[ {\dfrac{{3C\sqrt {{{{\rho _0}} / Y}} v + 2B}}{{\sqrt {18AC - 4{B^2}} }}} \right]} \right]} \right\} \end{aligned} $ Warren[91] $ P = \dfrac{m}{{2{\text{π }}{a^2}{\rho _0}N}}\ln \left( {1 + \dfrac{{N{\rho _0}{v^2}}}{R}} \right) + 4a $ Wen[92] $P = \left\{ \begin{array}{*{20}{l}} \left( {\sqrt {4\psi - 1} - 2\psi \cos \psi } \right)a & P \text{≤} {L_{\text{N}}} \\ \dfrac{P}{{L + 8{\psi ^3}\eta a}} = \left( {\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{p}}}}}{{{\rho _{\text{t}}}}}} \right)\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{t}}}{v^2}}}{{{\sigma _{\text{e}}}}}\dfrac{1}{{2\left[ {1 + \beta \sqrt {\dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{t}}}}}{{{\sigma _{\text{e}}}}}} v} \right]}} + \dfrac{{\left( {\sqrt {4\psi - 1} - 8{\psi ^3}\eta } \right)a}}{{L + 8{\psi ^3}\eta a}}& P\text{>} {L_{\text{N}}} \end{array} \right. $ Teland等[96] $ P = \dfrac{2}{{\text{π }}}\dfrac{M}{N}\ln \left[ {\dfrac{{\left[ {1 - \dfrac{{\text{π }}}{4}\dfrac{{{R^2}}}{M}{X_1}} \right]\dfrac{{v_0^2}}{S} + \dfrac{M}{N} - \dfrac{{\text{π }}}{4}\dfrac{{{R^2}}}{M}{X_1}}}{{\dfrac{M}{N} + \dfrac{{\text{π }}}{4}{X_1}}}} \right]{\text{ + }}{X_1} $ Kong等[17] $ \begin{aligned} \dfrac{P}{{{l_{{\text{eff}}}}}} =\,& \dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{p}}}}}{{2{N_2}C{\rho _0}}}\ln \left( {\dfrac{{A{f_{\text{c}}}{N_0} + {N_1}B\sqrt {{\rho _0}{f_{\text{c}}}} v + {N_2}C{\rho _0}{v^2}}}{{A{f_c}{N_0}}}} \right) + \dfrac{{{\rho _{\text{p}}}{N_1}B\sqrt {{\rho _0}{f_{\text{c}}}} }}{{{N_2}C{\rho _0}\sqrt {{\rho _0}{f_{\text{c}}}\left( {4AC{N_0}{N_2} - N_1^2{B^2}} \right)} }}\times \\ &\left[ {\arctan \left( {\dfrac{{{N_1}B\sqrt {{\rho _0}{f_{\text{c}}}} }}{{\sqrt {{\rho _0}{f_{\text{c}}}\left( {4AC{N_0}{N_2} - N_1^2{B^2}} \right)} }}} \right) - \arctan \left( {\dfrac{{{N_1}B\sqrt {{\rho _0}{f_{\text{c}}}} + 2{N_2}C{\rho _0}v}}{{\sqrt {{\rho _0}{f_{\text{c}}}\left( {4AC{N_0}{N_2} - N_1^2{B^2}} \right)} }}} \right)} \right] + \dfrac{{kd}}{{{l_{{\text{eff}}}}}} \end{aligned} $ 注:表中参数与上文一致,A、B、C、N1、N2、k、d、M、leff等为与材料或弹体结构相关的常数。 -
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