
赵宇峰 段继 冯顺山

赵宇峰, 段继, 冯顺山. 反应破片对带壳装药的冲击效应[J]. 爆炸与冲击. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0063
引用本文: 赵宇峰, 段继, 冯顺山. 反应破片对带壳装药的冲击效应[J]. 爆炸与冲击. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0063
ZHAO Yufeng, DUAN Ji, FENG Shunshan. A study of the failure of cased charge under impact of reactive fragments[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0063
Citation: ZHAO Yufeng, DUAN Ji, FENG Shunshan. A study of the failure of cased charge under impact of reactive fragments[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0063


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0063
基金项目: 山西省基础研究计划(202203021222074,20210302124340)

    赵宇峰(1987- ),男,博士,讲师,zhaoyufeng0613@126.com


    冯顺山(1952- ),男,硕士,教授,ssfeng@bit.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TJ55; O389

A study of the failure of cased charge under impact of reactive fragments

  • 摘要: 为了研究反应破片对带壳装药的冲击毁伤效应,通过弹道实验和AUTODYN有限元仿真,结合由等效破片初速和等效格尼速度表征的带壳装药各失效等级判据,获得并对比了惰性破片和反应破片冲击下带壳装药的等效破片初速、等效格尼速度、带壳装药的反应持续时间、鉴证靶破坏情况和炸药层峰值压力,分析了反应破片靶后释能特点对带壳装药失效的影响。结果表明:惰性破片可使带壳装药发生正常爆轰失效;反应破片穿靶后的动能与化学能叠加效应弱,只能使带壳装药发生爆燃失效或爆炸失效,带壳装药的等效格尼速度与格尼速度的比值为0.014~0.233,炸药层峰值压力为1.04~3.62 GPa。
  • 图  1  轴对称等壁厚带壳装药结构一端轴线起爆条件下破片初速随弹轴的分布

    Figure  1.  Axial distribution of fragments velocity of axial symmetry and equal wall thickness cased charge under one axis detonating condition

    图  2  实验的布局示意图及现场布置

    Figure  2.  Schematic of terminal ballistic experimental setup and experiment environment

    图  3  带壳装药

    Figure  3.  Experimental target

    图  4  仿真模型示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic of simulation model

    图  5  破片冲击带壳装药后的钢鉴证靶表面

    Figure  5.  Damage of steel identification target after fragments impacting cased charge

    图  6  破片冲击带壳装药后试件失效的典型高速摄影照片

    Figure  6.  Typical high-speed photography of specimen failure after fragments impacting cased charge

    图  7  破片冲击带壳装药仿真结果

    Figure  7.  Simulation results of fragments impacting cased charge

    图  8  惰性破片冲击带壳装药时壳体观测点的峰值压力时程曲线

    Figure  8.  Peak pressure history at the observation point of the casing when inert fragments impacting cased charge

    图  9  反应破片作用下炸药各观测点的峰值压力

    Figure  9.  Peak pressure at observation points of explosives under the impact of reactive fragments

    图  10  破片动能时程曲线

    Figure  10.  Kinetic energy history of the fragments

    表  1  反应破片试件参数

    Table  1.   Parameters of reactive fragments

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    表  2  Al/PTFE材料的强度模型参数和状态方程参数[19]

    Table  2.   Strength model parameters and equation of state parameters of Al/PTFE[19]

    强度模型参数 状态方程参数
    A0/MPa B0/MPa n C0 m Tm/K C1/(m·s−1) S1 γ0
    8.044 250.6 1.8 0.4 1.426 500 1450 2.2584 0.9
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    表  3  反应破片和惰性破片冲击带壳装药的实验结果对比

    Table  3.   Comparison of experimental results between reactive fragments and inert fragments impacting cased charge

    破片序号 着靶速度/(m·s−1) vxSi/(m·s−1) $\sqrt{2E_{{\mathrm{S}}_i}} $/(m·s−1) kEi 鉴证靶破坏情况 炸药失效等级
    1 1210 1198 2598.7 0.964 圆形凹坑 正常爆轰
    2 934 290 629.1 0.233 无凹坑 爆炸
    3 1298 17 36.9 0.014 无凹坑 爆燃
    4 869 186 403.5 0.160 无凹坑 爆燃
    5 888 159 344.9 0.128 无凹坑 爆燃
    6 875 26 56.4 0.021 无凹坑 爆燃
    7 927 132 286.3 0.106 无凹坑 爆燃
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    表  4  惰性破片和反应破片3冲击带壳装药的实验与仿真结果对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of experimental and simulation results of inert fragments and reactive fragments impacting cased charge

    破片序号 vxSi $\sqrt{2E_{{\mathrm{S}}_i}} $ kEi
    实验/(m·s−1) 仿真/(m·s−1) 误差/% 实验/(m·s−1) 仿真/(m·s−1) 误差/% 实验 仿真 误差/%
    1 1198.0 1211.3 1.11 2598.7 2627.5 1.11 0.9640 0.9740 1.04
    3 17.0 18.2 7.06 36.9 39.5 7.04 0.0137 0.0146 6.57
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