Experimental study on penetration-resistance characteristics of honeycomb shelter
摘要: 为研究蜂窝遮弹层的抗弹丸侵彻性能,采用15 mm弹体对六边形单元蜂窝遮弹层结构进行了侵彻实验研究。实验结果表明,同钢筋混凝土遮弹层相比,蜂窝遮弹层的破坏仅发生在弹靶接触的六边形单元内,且破坏面积较小,同时弹体在侵彻蜂窝遮弹层过程中易发生偏航现象。应用应力波传播理论分析了实验结果,主要是六边形单元对其内的混凝土约束作用及其自身阻隔作用,使混凝土抗压强度和弹体在侵彻过程中受到的阻力增大,从而减小了弹体的破坏效应。Abstract: To study the hexagonal honeycomb shelter's penetration-resistance performance, a series of experiments were done using a kind of projectile with a diameter of 15 mm. Compared with the steel reinforced concrete shelter, the penetration damage done to the honeycomb shelter occurs inside the hexagonal component element, the damaged area is relatively smaller, and the angle of the yaw in the honeycomb shelter is larger than the one found in the steel reinforced concrete shelter. Analyzing the experimental results based on the theory of the stress wave propagation, we studied the mechanism of the shelter's strength enhancement and found that, due to the steel pipe's restriction and countercheck, the compressive strength of the concrete and the resistance of the projectile were amplified in the process of the projectile's penetration, thus reducing the projectile's damaging effect on the honeycomb shelter.
Key words:
- mechanics of explosion /
- penetration /
- yaw /
- stress wave /
- honeycomb shelter
表 1 实验数据
Table 1. Experimental data
No. v/(m·s-1) α/(°) β/(°) H/mm 靶体破坏描述 HST1 566.3 90 10 贯穿 正面:仅有1个六边形单元有漏斗坑,面积约180 cm2。背面:
1个单元有明显漏斗坑,周边单元局部混凝土被震落,面积约500 cm2。HST2 681.7 90 18 贯穿 正面:仅有1个六边形单元有漏斗坑,面积约190 cm2。背面:
1个单元有明显漏斗坑,周边单元局部混凝土被震落,面积约600 cm2。HST3 783.3 90 6 贯穿 正面:仅有1个六边形单元有漏斗坑,面积约320 cm2。背面:
1个单元有明显漏斗坑,周边单元局部混凝土被震落,面积约650 cm2。RCT1 568.6 90 2 贯穿 正面:有明显漏斗坑,面积约320 cm2,有7条明显裂纹。
背面:有明显漏斗坑,局部隆起,面积约700 cm2,有3条裂纹。RCT2 696.6 90 10 贯穿 正面:有漏斗坑,面积约450 cm2,有13条裂纹,裂纹最宽1 mm。
背面:有明显漏斗坑,面积约1 100 cm2;有10条裂纹,裂纹最宽为3 mm。 -
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