Numerical simulation of friction sensitivity of high explosives
摘要: 为了研究炸药摩擦安全性,利用熔化摩擦模型对几种高能炸药的摩擦感度进行了数值模拟,结果符合实验,并根据热分解反应速率分析了感度规律。由于炸药熔点一般低于点火温度,所以基于一个考虑熔化现象的炸药摩擦模型,在炸药感度实验条件下进行了一维数值模拟,给出了炸药熔化结果和摩擦点火的时间:4种摩擦感度较弱的炸药包括DATB、NQ、TATB和TNT的点火时间的顺序即感度顺序符合实验结果,说明摩擦点火模型适应性。进一步结合炸药热分解反应速率的大小顺序,数值模拟证明,在一定摩擦强度下,点火顺序会发生交换,说明摩擦感度实验不能完全说明炸药摩擦感度强弱顺序。Abstract: In order to study the explosive friction safety, a numerical simulation of high explosive friction sensitivity experiment was performed based on a melting friction model. The numerical results agree with the experiment results. The law of friction sensitivity was then analyzed based on the thermal decomposition rate. As the melting temperature is usually lower than the ignition temperature, a one-dimension numerical simulation of sensitivity experiment was conducted using a model that took account of melting, and the ignition times and melting results were obtained. The order of four explosives' ignition time including DATB, NQ, TATB and TNT meet agree with the experiment results, proving the applicability of the model. Furthermore, based on the order of the thermal decomposition rate, the numerical results have proved that, when the friction strength reaches certain degrees, the order of ignition time will change, which means that the sensitivity experiment cannot fully describe the order of the explosive sensitivity.
表 1 单质炸药的摩擦感度[10]
Table 1. Friction sensitivity of simple explosive
炸药 η/% 炸药 η/% HMX 92~100 TNT 4~6 PETN 92, 100 TATB 0~4 RDX 76±8 DATB 0~4 Tetryl 12 NQ 0 材料 ρ/(kg·m-3) c/(J·kg-1·K-1) k/(J·m-1·s-1·K-1) km/(J·m-1·s-1·K-1) Q/(MJ·kg-1) Ea/(kJ·mol-1) Z/s-1 L/(kJ·kg-1) Tm/K TNT 1 654 1 062.76 0.260 3 0.266 20 1.26 144 2.51×1011 521 353.9 DATB 1 834 1 092.05 0.259 0 0.259 70 1.26 194 1.17×1015 344 559.0 TATB 1 930 899.58 0.543 9 0.182 34 2.51 251 3.18×1019 652 721.0 NQ 1 690 1 125.52 0.410 0 0.626 40 2.09 87.4 2.87×107 402 518.0 Fe 7 840 465 49.8 - - - - - - 表 3 3种炸药的点火时间、点火温度和熔化区厚度
Table 3. Ignition time, temperature and molten zone thickness for three explosives
炸药 p/MPa ti/s Ti/K hm/μm TATB 400 0.52×10-3 860 1.03 40 0.026 770 3.48 4 0.65 690 0 0.4 28 640 0 DATB 400 0.74×10-3 940 5.71 40 0.075 790 4. 11 4 4.4 690 203.5 0.4 206 620 712. 1 NQ 400 2.6 1 300 22.71 40 0.095 800 85. 87 4 2.7 640 242. 4 0.4 19 540 3 517.3 -
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