Explosion characteristics of zirconium dust cloud
摘要: 采用20 L近球形爆炸实验系统对锆粉尘云的爆炸特性开展了实验研究,分别分析了初始点火能量、点火延迟时间、粉尘云浓度3种因素对锆粉尘云爆炸强度的影响,揭示了锆粉尘云在密闭容器中的爆炸特性。在本实验条件下,结果表明:初始点火能量对锆粉尘云最大爆炸压力有显著影响,锆粉尘云最大爆炸压力随初始点火能量的增大而增大;随点火延迟时间的增加,锆粉尘云最大爆炸压力先增大后减小,存在最佳点火延迟时间;随粉尘云浓度的增大,锆粉尘云最大爆炸压力先增大后减小,存在最佳锆粉尘云浓度,得到锆粉尘云的爆炸下限为18~20 g/m3。Abstract: A 20-liter nearly-spherical container was employed to examine the influence of initial ignition energy, ignition delay time and zirconium dust concentration on the characteristics of zirconium dust cloud explosion. The experimental results indicate that the maximum explosion pressure of zirconium dust cloud increases as the initial ignition energy increases, however, with the increase of ignition delay time, the maximum explosion pressure of the dust cloud increases at first and decreases thereafter. At the same time, there exists an optimal ignition delay time. In addition, with the increase of dust concentration, the maxmum explosion pressure of the dust cloud increases at first and decreases thereafter as well. Finally, there exists an optimal dust concentration, and the lower explosion limit of zirconium dust cloud is 18 to 20 g/m3.
Key words:
- zirconium /
- dust cloud /
- explosion pressure /
- initial ignition energy /
- ignition delay time
表 1 不同工况下引燃后罐中的压力
Table 1. Pressure in the liter after ignitionunder different working conditions
E/kJ m/g p/kPa 1 0.24 1 2 0.48 9 3 0.72 15 4 0.96 21 5 1.20 28 6 1.44 37 7 1.68 46 8 1.92 52 9 2.16 59 10 2.40 68 表 2 不同初始点火能量下锆粉尘云最大爆炸压力
Table 2. Maximum explosion pressures of zirconium dust cloud at different initial ignition energies
E/kJ pmax/kPa tmax/ms 是否爆炸 1 28 225.6 不爆炸 2 36 210.0 不爆炸 3 49 196.2 发生爆炸 4 54 230.0 发生爆炸 5 62 230.4 发生爆炸 6 69 198.2 发生爆炸 7 78 212.4 发生爆炸 8 83 204.0 发生爆炸 9 89 217.4 发生爆炸 10 100 228.2 发生爆炸 表 3 不同点火延迟时间下锆粉尘云最大爆炸压力
Table 3. Maximum explosion pressures of zirconium dust cloud at different ignition delay times
td/ms pmax/kPa 是否爆炸 20 42 不爆炸 40 46 发生爆炸 60 49 发生爆炸 80 56 发生爆炸 100 47 发生爆炸 表 4 不同锆粉尘云浓度下锆粉尘云最大爆炸压力
Table 4. Maximum explosion pressures of zirconium dust cloud at different zirconium dust cloud concentrations
c(Zr)/(g·m-3) pmax/kPa 是否爆炸 15 29 不爆炸 18 30 不爆炸 20 56 发生爆炸 30 73 发生爆炸 40 82 发生爆炸 50 198 发生爆炸 60 343 发生爆炸 70 397 发生爆炸 80 465 发生爆炸 90 254 发生爆炸 100 220 发生爆炸 110 163 发生爆炸 120 147 发生爆炸 130 135 发生爆炸 140 131 发生爆炸 188 113 发生爆炸 -
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