A CEL method with changeable computational domain
摘要: 为了更好地兼顾拉氏方法和欧拉方法各自的特长,提出一种可将拉氏介质映射到欧拉计算域的耦合欧拉-拉格朗日(CEL)方法。通过这种映射,将欧拉-拉格朗日重叠区域的接触面协调问题转换为欧拉区域内的多介质计算问题,简化了CEL方法的构造过程。通过与侵彻实验和结构对爆炸冲击波响应实验的比较,验证了新算法,计算结果与实验数据符合较好。Abstract: In order to improve the large deformation problem within the Lagrangian domain, a CEL method with the capability of mapping Lagrangian materials to the Eulerian domain was presented. The contact problem in the Eulerian-Lagrangian overlapping region was converted to the multi-materials problem in the Eulerian region. The construction of the CEL method was also simplified. The method was verified by the calculation of two experiments (a steel bullet impacting an aluminous plate experiment and a structure response to the blast wave experiment). It is found that the numerical results agree well with the experimental data.
Key words:
- CEL method /
- mapping algorithm /
- computational domain /
- impact dynamics
表 1 各工况弹体残余速度
Table 1. Residual velocity of the bullet
工况 入射速度/(m·s-1) 剩余速度/(m·s-1) 相对误差/% 实验 计算 1 341 164 173.5 5.79 2 396 266 270 1.50 3 508 415 422 1.69 4 730 665 674 1.35 5 863 802 815 1.62 -
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