Protection ability of liquid-filled structure subjected to penetration by high-velocity long-rod projectile
摘要: 为提高蓄液结构的防护能力,开展蓄液结构弹道侵彻实验,通过改变其前、后面板厚度配比,研究前、后面板不同厚度匹配对蓄液结构破坏模式、压力载荷特性及防护能力的影响。结果表明:弹丸初速是影响入射波压力峰值大小的主要因素。固定前、后面板总厚度不变时,随着前、后面板厚度比的增大,前面板破坏模式由剪切冲塞-薄膜鼓胀-凹陷变形转变为剪切冲塞-薄膜鼓胀直至剪切冲塞破坏,后面板破坏模式由隆起-碟形破坏转变为薄膜鼓胀-花瓣开裂破坏。前、后面板破坏模式是相互影响的,前、后面板厚度匹配关系决定了其相应破坏模式的发生。前面板薄后面板厚的蓄液结构吸收冲击动能更多,抗侵彻能力也更强。Abstract: In this work we carried out ballistic impact tests on the liquid-filled structure to improve its protection capability. By adjusting the thickness match ratio to the structure's front panel to its rear ones, we studied how this ratio's influence on the structure's failure modes, pressure loading characteristics and protection capabilities. The results show that the projectile velocity is the main factor that affects the magnitude of the incident pressure peaks. With the increase of the ratio of the back panel thickness to the rear panel thickness, the front panel's failure mode changes from the shear plugging-film bulging-depressed deformation to the shear plugging-film bulging until the shear plugging is damaged, whereas the back panel's failure mode changes from the bulging-dishing damage to the film bulging-petal cracking damage. The front and back panels' failure modes affect each other, the matching relationship of the front and back panels' thicknesses determines the occurrence of the corresponding failure modes. The total thickness of the front and back panels being the same, the larger the thickness ratio, the more the impact energy is absorbed and the stronger the structure's penetration capability.
表 1 材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters
材料 E/GPa ρ/(kg·m-3) ν σy/MPa σb/MPa δ/% 45钢 205 7 800 0.3 335 598 16 Q235钢 210 7 850 0.3 235 400~490 22 表 2 弹道实验结果
Table 2. Result of ballistic experiment
工况 h1/mm h2/mm v0/(m·s-1) vr/(m·s-1) ΔE/J pm/MPa pc/MPa 1 1 5 792.44 300.60 6 585.61 9.70 1.61 2 1 5 958.22 390.62 9 378.62 18.04 2.14 3 1 5 1 067.99 440.90 11 591.07 24.50 2.20 4 2 4 773.56 294.30 6 269.34 9.22 1.85 5 2 4 953.97 383.20 9 349.40 17.82 2.06 6 2 4 966.84 402.70 9 464.50 17.74 1.95 7 4 2 792.62 321.73 6 428.02 8.90 1.31 8 4 2 996.19 490.10 9 214.41 21.10 2.01 9 4 2 1 053.43 531.00 10 128.89 -
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