• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


胡偲 吴艳青 黄风雷

胡偲, 吴艳青, 黄风雷. 高温下带金属壳PBX炸药低速撞击敏感性数值模拟[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2019, 39(4): 041403. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0254
引用本文: 胡偲, 吴艳青, 黄风雷. 高温下带金属壳PBX炸药低速撞击敏感性数值模拟[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2019, 39(4): 041403. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0254
HU Cai, WU Yanqing, HUANG Fenglei. Numerical simulation of confined PBX charge under low velocity impact at high temperature[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2019, 39(4): 041403. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0254
Citation: HU Cai, WU Yanqing, HUANG Fenglei. Numerical simulation of confined PBX charge under low velocity impact at high temperature[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2019, 39(4): 041403. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0254


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0254
基金项目: 科学挑战专题(TZ2016001);国家自然科学基金(11572045,11472051);中物院安全弹药研发中心开放基金(RMC2015B03)

    胡 偲(1994- ),女,博士,3120160068@bit.edu.cn


    吴艳青(1974- ),女,博士,教授,wuyqing@bit.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O383

Numerical simulation of confined PBX charge under low velocity impact at high temperature

  • 摘要:

    炸药撞击感度和热安全性是评价炸药安全性能的重要指标。为了对高温下炸药撞击敏感性变化规律进行可靠预测,本文中通过数值模拟,研究不同预加热温度下带壳PBX炸药装药在小弹丸低速撞击下的热力学响应,得到炸药点火前至点火阶段局部高温区的位置、形态、温度和应变随时间在炸药中分布的变化。结果显示,炸药发生点火的撞击阈值速度与烤燃温度的关系并非单一随温度升高而降低,而是在加热至348.15 K时达到最高;根据温度和应力应变云图分析可得,随着烤燃温度的提高,炸药强度下降,PBX炸药装药局部高温区快速升温的主导因素由局部剪切变为压缩。热软化对炸药的撞击敏感性起重要作用。

  • 图  1  使用表1参数的应变率-温度-最大流动应力曲面图

    Figure  1.  Maximum flow stress as a function of temperature and strain rate at selected parameters

    图  2  二维轴对称有限元模型及其网格划分示意图

    Figure  2.  Meshing of two-dimensional axisymmetric finite-element model

    图  3  预加热温度为301.15 K时,不同撞击速度下炸药装药的反应过程分数云图

    Figure  3.  Reaction fractions at different impact velocities and a preheating temperature of 301.15 K

    图  4  预加热温度为348.15 K时,不同撞击速度下炸药装药的反应过程分数云图

    Figure  4.  Reaction fractions at different impact velocities and a preheating temperature of 348.15 K

    图  5  预加热温度为378.15 K时,不同撞击速度下炸药装药的反应过程分数云图

    Figure  5.  Reaction fractions at different impact velocities and a preheating temperature of 378.15 K

    图  6  不同预加热温度和撞击速度下炸药装药中的最大反应过程分数

    Figure  6.  The maximum reaction process fraction at different pre-heating temperatures and impact velocities

    图  7  不同预加热温度和撞击速度下PBX炸药装药的平均反应过程分数

    Figure  7.  The average reaction fractions of the PBX charge at different temperatures and impact velocities

    图  8  预加热温度为301.15 K时炸药装药的温度云图

    Figure  8.  Temperature of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 301.15 K

    图  9  预加热温度为301.15 K时炸药装药的体积应变云图

    Figure  9.  Volumetric strain of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 301.15 K

    图  10  预加热温度为301.15 K炸药装药的等效应变云图

    Figure  10.  Equivalent strain of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 301.15 K

    图  11  预加热温度为301.15 K炸药装药的Mises应力云图

    Figure  11.  Mises stress of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 301.15 K

    图  12  预加热温度为348.15 K时炸药装药的温度云图

    Figure  12.  Temperature of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 348.15 K

    图  13  预加热温度为348.15 K时炸药装药的体积应变云图

    Figure  13.  Volume strain of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 348.15 K

    图  14  预加热温度为348.15 K炸药装药的等效应变云图

    Figure  14.  Equivalent strain of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 348.15 K

    图  15  预加热温度为348.15 K炸药装药的Mises应力云图

    Figure  15.  Mises stress of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 348.15 K

    图  16  预加热温度为378.15 K时炸药装药的温度云图

    Figure  16.  Temperature of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 378.15 K

    图  17  预加热温度为378.15 K时炸药装药的体积应变云图

    Figure  17.  Volumetric strain of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 378.15 K

    图  18  预加热温度为378.15 K炸药装药的等效应变云图

    Figure  18.  Equivalent strain of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 378.15 K

    图  19  预加热温度为378.15 K炸药装药的Mises应力云图

    Figure  19.  Mises stress of the explosive charge at a preheating temperature of 378.15 K

    图  20  局部高温区的位置变化

    Figure  20.  The change of the locations of localized heating at different preheating temperatures

    图  21  不同预加热温度下PBX炸药中局部高温区的温度时间曲线

    Figure  21.  Temperature as a function of time for the localized heating regions at different preheating temperatures

    图  22  不同预加热温度下PBX炸药中局部高温区的塑性功时间曲线

    Figure  22.  Plastic work as a function of time for the localized heating regions at different preheating temperatures

    图  23  不同预加热温度下PBX炸药中局部高温区内能时程曲线

    Figure  23.  Histories of internal energy for the localized heating regions at different preheating temperatures

    表  1  Johnson–Cook强度模型参数

    Table  1.   Parameters of Johnson–Cook model

    A/MPa B/MPa C m n Tref/K Tm/K
    15 0 0.2 0.6 1 301.15 540
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    表  2  固体反应物的状态方程参数

    Table  2.   Equation of the state parameters for solid reactants

    pcrush/MPa μcrush K1 K2 K3 Klock μlock
    0.689 5 0.125×10−3 0.102 7×1011 0.217 2×1012 0.288 8×1013 0.665 4×1011 0.09
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    表  3  气体产物的状态方程参数

    Table  3.   Equation of the state parameters for gaseous products

    R1/GPa R2 R3/GPa R4 ω
    166.89 5.9 5.969 2.1 0.45
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    表  4  PBX化学动力学参数

    Table  4.   Chemical kinetic parameters for PBX

    No. Zk/s−1 Ea k/(kJ·g−1·mol·K)
    1 1.08×1026 148.93
    2 1.41×1021 220.64
    3 2.60×1016 185.48
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    表  5  用于温度计算的参数

    Table  5.   Parameters for temperature calculation

    TCJ/K vCJ/cm3/g R5/GPa CV, s/(J·kg−1·K−1) CV, CJ/(J·kg−1·K−1)
    2 500 0.387 3 0.85 1 600 2 000
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