• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


王一雯 郑成 吴卫国

王一雯, 郑成, 吴卫国. 弹性楔形体入水砰击载荷及结构响应的理论计算与数值模拟研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(11): 113303. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0276
引用本文: 王一雯, 郑成, 吴卫国. 弹性楔形体入水砰击载荷及结构响应的理论计算与数值模拟研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(11): 113303. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0276
WANG Yiwen, ZHENG Cheng, WU Weiguo. On slamming load and structural response of a flexible wedge via analytical methods and numerical simulations[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(11): 113303. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0276
Citation: WANG Yiwen, ZHENG Cheng, WU Weiguo. On slamming load and structural response of a flexible wedge via analytical methods and numerical simulations[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(11): 113303. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0276


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0276
基金项目: 高技术船舶科研项目(2014[493]);基础加强计划重点基础研究(2020-JCJQ-ZD-225-11)

    王一雯(1990- ),女,博士,讲师, yiwenwang90@whut.edu.cn


    郑 成(1991- ),男,博士,讲师,zhengchengyeep@whut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O352

On slamming load and structural response of a flexible wedge via analytical methods and numerical simulations

  • 摘要: 针对弹性楔形体砰击载荷及结构响应问题,采用理论解析计算方法以及任意拉格朗日-欧拉(arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian, ALE)流固耦合数值计算方法开展研究。分别分析不同边界条件、入水速度、板厚以及斜升角对弹性结构所受砰击力及结构响应的影响及变化规律,并探讨砰击载荷时间历程和物面分布特性。结果表明,通过增大斜升角可有效降低弹性楔形体砰击载荷和结构响应,斜升角自10°增大至30°,无量纲砰击力峰值减小至6.9%,结构变形极值减小至6.5%。可通过水弹性因数${ {R_{\text{F}}} = {C_{\text{B}}}\tan \beta \sqrt {EI/(\rho {L^3})} /v }$评估板厚、入水速度、斜升角以及边界条件对砰击载荷作用下结构水弹性效应的影响,在水弹性因数RF>1.71时,可采用理论解析方法高效高精度预报砰击载荷作用下弹性楔形体结构变形响应。
  • 图  1  弹性楔形体砰击载荷及结构响应示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematics of slamming load and structural response of a flexible wedge

    图  2  采用不同模型得到的板厚为8mm、以 1 m/s的速度垂直入水的弹性楔形体$ x' = 0.5L $处结构变形的时间历程

    Figure  2.  Time series of the structural response at $ x' = 0.5L $ of the flexible wedges with different deadrise angles and the plate thickness of 8 mm at the vertical water-entry velocity of 1 m/s calculated by different models

    图  3  t=20, 40 ms时沿弹性楔形体物面的结构变形分布($ \ \beta $=10°, b=8 mm)

    Figure  3.  Response distribution along the wedge structure at t=20, 40 ms ($ \ \beta $=10°, b=8 mm)

    图  4  砰击入水计算模型

    Figure  4.  The water-entry impact computation model with mesh generation

    图  5  不同网格尺寸的楔形体模型所受结构砰击力

    Figure  5.  Comparison of slamming forces of wedge models with different mesh sizes

    图  6  刚性和弹性楔形体所受到的无量纲砰击力 (β=10°)

    Figure  6.  Dimensionless slamming forces on rigid and elastic wedges with β=10°

    图  7  刚性和弹性楔形体所受到的无量纲砰击力 (β=30°)

    Figure  7.  Dimensionless slamming forces on rigid and elastic wedges with β=30°

    图  8  10°斜升角弹性楔形体入水过程中自由液面变化及流场压力分布(v=8 m/s)

    Figure  8.  Fluid evolution and pressure distribution during the process of the elastic wedge with β=10° entering the water (v=8 m/s)

    图  9  30°斜升角弹性楔形体入水过程中自由液面变化及流场压力分布(v=8 m/s)

    Figure  9.  Fluid evolution and pressure distribution during the process of the elastic wedge with β=30° entering the water (v=8 m/s)

    图  10  刚性和弹性楔形体点1~4处的无量纲砰击压力-时间历程(β=10°,v=6 m/s)

    Figure  10.  Dimensionless slamming pressure-time history curves at points 1−4 of the rigid and elastic wedges (β=10°, v=6 m/s)

    图  11  刚性和弹性楔形体点1~4处的无量纲砰击压力时间历程($ \beta $=30°,v=6 m/s)

    Figure  11.  Dimensionless slamming pressure-time history curves at points 1−4 of the rigid and elastic wedges ($ \beta $=30°, v=6 m/s)

    图  12  不同板厚的楔形体x′ =0.5L处的结构变形 (β=30°)

    Figure  12.  Structural responses at x′=0.5L of the wedges with different thicknesses (β=30°)

    图  13  不同板厚的楔形体x′=0.5L处的结构变形(β=10°)

    Figure  13.  Structural responses at x′=0.5L of the wedges with different plate thickness (β=10°)

    图  14  不同板厚的楔形体x′=0.5L处的结构变形(β=45°)

    Figure  14.  Structural responses at x′=0.5L of the wedges with different plate thicknesses (β=45°)

    图  15  两端固支的不同板厚的弹性楔形体x′=0.5L处的结构变形(β=30°)

    Figure  15.  Structural responses at x′=0.5L of the clamped wedges with different plate thicknesses (β=30°)

    图  16  不同入水速度下两端简支楔形体的结构变形极值 (β=30°)

    Figure  16.  The maximum responses of the supported wedges at different impact velocities (β=30°)

    图  17  不同入水速度下两端固支楔形体的结构变形极值(β=30°)

    Figure  17.  The maximum responses of the clamped wedges at different impact velocities (β=30°)

    表  1  空气域及水域状态方程参数

    Table  1.   Parameters for equations of state of air and water

    空气1.2 3400.40.4
    1 0001 4801.92−0.096
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    表  2  不同网格尺寸模型信息

    Table  2.   Three models with different mesh sizes

    4100 24 000 57
    2200 55 800 440
    1400223 5005 142
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    表  3  两端简支的不同板厚的弹性楔形体$x' = 0.5L $处的结构变形峰值

    Table  3.   The maximum structural responses at $x' = 0.5L $ of the supported wedges with different plate thickesses

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    表  4  $\ \beta=30^\circ $的不同板厚的弹性楔形体$x'=0.5L$处的结构变形峰值

    Table  4.   The maximum structural responses at $x'=0.5L$ of the wedges with $\ \beta=30^\circ $ and different plate thicknesses

    11 397.94009.1
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    表  5  不同板厚的楔形体在不同入水速度下的水弹性因数

    Table  5.   The hydroelastic factors of the wedges with different plate thicknesses at different water-enter velocities

    b=5 mmb=8 mmb=11 mm
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  • 收稿日期:  2020-08-12
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