Analysis of muzzle flow field characteristics of gun fired in different media
摘要: 为研究水下炮密封式发射膛口流场及在不同介质中的膛口流场分布特性,建立了水下密封式发射二维轴对称膛口多相流数值模型。采用VOF(volume of fluid)模型、标准 k-
$\varepsilon $ 湍流模型,结合用户自定义函数及动网格技术,分别对水下密封式发射与空气中发射膛口流场演化过程进行了数值模拟与对比。计算结果表明,火炮在水下发射时的膛口流场与空气中发射时有明显差异。水下密封式发射时的最大膛压与空气中基本相同,弹丸初速较空气中发射降低了32 m/s,而膛口压力与温度有明显的升高;水下密封式发射时大约在140 μs初步形成马赫盘,而空气中发射时马赫盘形成较晚,约在320 μs;与空气中发射相比,水下发射时的激波核心区面积更小,且弹丸头部不存在冠状冲击波。水下密封式发射时,马赫盘距离膛口轴向位移随时间变化呈指数增长;空气中发射时,马赫盘距离膛口轴向位移随时间变化呈线性增长。Abstract: To study the muzzle flow field created by a sealed launch of an underwater gun and the distribution characteristics of the muzzle flow field in different media, a two-dimensional axisymmetric numerical model for the muzzle multiphase flow created by an underwater sealed launch is established. The volume of fluid numerical model, standard k-$\varepsilon $ turbulence model, user-defined function (UDF) and dynamic mesh technology are used to numerically analyze and compare the evolution process of the muzzle flow field between underwater sealed launch and air launch. The calculation results show that the muzzle flow field is notably different from that in air when the gun is launched under water. The maximum chamber pressure of the underwater sealed launch is basically the same as that in air. The muzzle velocity of the projectile is reduced by 32 m/s compared with launching in air, while the pressure and temperature of the muzzle are significantly increased. The Mach disc of the underwater sealed launch is initially formed at about 140 μs, while the Mach disc of the air launch is formed later, at about 320 μs. Compared with launching in air, the core area of shock wave in underwater launch is smaller, and there is no coronal shock wave around the head of the projectile. In the case of underwater sealed launch, the axial displacement of the Mach disc from the muzzle increases exponentially with time, while in the case of air launch, the axial displacement of the Mach disc from the muzzle increases linearly with time.-
Key words:
- underwater launch /
- muzzle flow field /
- Mach disk /
- multiphase flow
表 1 内弹道及膛口参数
Table 1. Interior ballistics and muzzle parameters
发射环境 x/m v0/(m·s−1) pm/MPa p0/MPa T0/K 空气中 1.94 985 317 62 2 152 水下 1.94 953 324 96 2 380 -
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