• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


陈亚 谈超 郭亚洲

陈亚, 谈超, 郭亚洲. 金属靶板侵彻数值模拟对比研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(4): 044201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0125
引用本文: 陈亚, 谈超, 郭亚洲. 金属靶板侵彻数值模拟对比研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(4): 044201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0125
CHEN Ya, TAN Chao, GUO Yazhou. Comparative study of numerical simulations of projectile penetration into metal targets[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(4): 044201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0125
Citation: CHEN Ya, TAN Chao, GUO Yazhou. Comparative study of numerical simulations of projectile penetration into metal targets[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(4): 044201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0125


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0125
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11922211);高等学校学科创新引智计划(111 计划)(BP0719007)

    陈 亚(1992- ),男,硕士研究生,995096330@qq.com


    郭亚洲(1981- ),男,博士,教授,guoyazhou@nwpu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O385

Comparative study of numerical simulations of projectile penetration into metal targets

  • 摘要: 数值模拟是研究靶板侵彻问题的重要手段。为对相关软件的选取提供参考,采用当前广泛使用的3种有限元软件(LS-DYNA、ABAQUS、PAM-CRASH)对同一个靶板侵彻实验进行了数值模拟,并比较了各模拟软件的优缺点。研究结果表明:3种软件的模拟结果与实验结果均基本一致;对平头形弹体侵彻的模拟效果普遍优于对半球形弹体的模拟效果;在弹体剩余速度、冲塞块速度2个方面,3种有限元软件的数值模拟结果与实验结果大致吻合。其中,ABAQUS和PAM-CRASH对上述特征量的模拟结果更接近实验结果,平均相对误差普遍小于15%,且PAM-CRASH多数模拟结果误差都小于10%;而在弹体变形量上,3种软件的模拟结果均与实验结果相差较大。此外,LS-DYNA在模拟时的鲁棒性较好,模拟结果较稳定,PAM-CRASH对参数设置最敏感,ABAQUS在计算时间和效果上较平衡。
  • 图  1  实验中所使用的弹体[11]

    Figure  1.  Projectiles used in the experiments[11]

    图  2  不同形状弹体侵彻钢板时,弹体剩余速度随弹体初速度的变化[11]

    Figure  2.  Changes of projectile residual velocities with their initial velocities during penetration of the projectiles with different nose shapes into steel targets[11]

    图  3  弹体和靶板有限元模型

    Figure  3.  Finite element models of the projectiles and targets

    图  4  模拟得到的平头形弹体在224.0 m/s速度下侵彻过程中的von Mises应力云图

    Figure  4.  Simulated von Mises stress contours for penetration of the blunt flat-headed projectile with the initial velocity of 224.0 m/s

    图  5  模拟得到的半球形弹体在327.0 m/s速度下侵彻过程中的von Mises应力云图

    Figure  5.  Simulated von Mises stress contours for penetration of the hemispherical projectile with the initial velocity of 327.0 m/s

    图  6  不同方法得到的不同形状弹体侵彻钢板时的剩余速度与其初始速度的关系曲线

    Figure  6.  Changes of projectile residual velocities with their initial velocities obtained by different methods for penetration of the projectiles with different nose shapes into steel targets

    图  7  不同方法得到的不同形状弹体侵彻钢板时的弹体直径变形量与其初始速度的关系曲线

    Figure  7.  Changes of projectile diameter deformations with their initial velocities obtained by different methods for penetration of the projectiles with different nose shapes into steel targets

    图  8  不同方法得到的不同形状弹体侵彻钢板时的弹体长度变形量与其初始速度的关系曲线

    Figure  8.  Changes of projectile length deformations with their initial velocities obtained by different methods for penetration of the projectiles with different nose shapes into steel targets

    图  9  不同方法得到的不同形状弹体侵彻钢板时冲塞块速度与弹体初始速度的关系曲线

    Figure  9.  Changes of plug velocity with initial projectile velocity obtained by different methods for penetration of the projectiles with different nose shapes into steel targets

    图  10  不同方法得到的不同形状弹体侵彻钢板时靶板最大变形量与弹体初始速度的关系曲线

    Figure  10.  Changes of the maximum deformations of the targets with initial projectile velocity obtained by different methods for penetration of the projectiles with different nose shapes into steel targets

    图  11  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为399.6 m/s的平头形弹体侵彻钢靶时,靶板网格单元尺寸对平头形弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  11.  Influences of target mesh size on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulated by LS-DYNA for penetration of the flat-headed projectile with the initial velocity of 399.6 m/s into the steel target

    图  12  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为200.4 m/s的平头形弹体侵彻钢靶时,靶板网格单元尺寸对平头形弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  12.  Influences of target mesh size on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulated by LS-DYNA for penetration of the flat-headed projectile with the initial velocity of 200.4 m/s into the steel target

    图  13  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为224.7 m/s的平头形弹体侵彻钢靶时,靶板网格单元尺寸对平头形弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  13.  Influences of target mesh size on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulated by LS-DYNA for penetration of the flat-headed projectile with the initial velocity of 224.7 m/s into the steel target

    图  14  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为452.0 m/s的平头形弹体侵彻钢靶时,靶板网格单元尺寸对半球形弹体弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  14.  Influences of target mesh size on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulated by LS-DYNA for penetration of the hemispherical projectile with the initial velocity of 452.0 m/s into the steel target

    图  15  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为300.0 m/s的平头形弹体侵彻钢靶时,靶板网格单元尺寸对半球形弹体弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  15.  Influences of target mesh size on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulated by LS-DYNA for penetration of the hemispherical projectile with the initial velocity of 300.0 m/s into the steel target

    图  16  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为244.2 m/s的平头形弹体侵彻钢靶时,摩擦因数对平头形弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  16.  Influences of friction coefficient on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulated by LS-DYNA for penetration of the flat-headed projectile with the initial velocity of 244.2 m/s into the steel target

    图  17  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为362.9 m/s的半球形弹体侵彻钢靶时,摩擦因数对弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  17.  Influences of friction coefficient on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulated by LS-DYNA for penetration of the hemispherical projectile with the initial velocity of 362.9 m/s into the steel target

    图  18  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为285.4 m/s的平头形弹体侵彻钢靶时,惩罚刚度缩放因数(SLSFAC)对弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  18.  Influences of penalty stiffness scaling factors (SLSFACs) on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulated by LS-DYNA for penetration of the flat-headed projectile with the initial velocity of 285.4 m/s into the steel target

    图  19  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为326.7 m/s的半球形弹体侵彻钢靶时,惩罚刚度缩放因数对弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  19.  Influences of penalty stiffness scaling factor on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulatedby LS-DYNA for penetration of the hemispherical projectile with the initial velocity of 326.7 m/s into the steel target

    图  20  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为244.2 m/s的平头形弹体侵彻钢靶时,黏性阻尼因数(VDC)对弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  20.  Influences of viscous damping coefficient (VDC) on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulated by LS-DYNA for penetration of the flat-headed projectile with the initial velocity of 244.2 m/s into the steel target

    图  21  采用LS-DYNA模拟初始速度为420.6 m/s的半球形弹体侵彻钢靶时,黏性阻尼因数对弹体剩余速度和靶板冲塞块速度的影响

    Figure  21.  Influences of viscous damping coefficient on the projectile residual velocity and target plug velocity simulated by LS-DYNA for penetration of the hemispherical projectile with the initial velocity of 420.6 m/s into the steel target

    表  1  弹体剩余速度平均相对误差对比分析

    Table  1.   Comparative analysis of the average relative error of the residual projectile velocity

    平头形 8.37 4.07 3.71
    半球形 4.06 5.40 2.82
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    表  2  弹体变形量平均相对误差对比分析

    Table  2.   Comparison of the average relative error of the projectile deformation

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    表  3  冲塞块速度平均相对误差对比分析

    Table  3.   Comparison of the average relative error of plug velocity

    平头形13.19 2.673.31
    半球形10.51 8.944.07
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    表  4  靶板最大变形量平均相对误差对比分析

    Table  4.   Comparison of the average relative error of maximum deformation of the target

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    表  5  主要有限元模型参数对LS-DYNA数值模拟结果的影响

    Table  5.   Influences of main finite element parameters on the numerical simulation results of LS-DYNA

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    表  6  主要有限元模型参数对ABAQUS数值模拟结果的影响

    Table  6.   Influences of main finite element parameters on the numerical simulation results of ABAQUS

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    表  7  主要有限元模型参数对PAM-CRASH数值模拟结果的影响

    Table  7.   Influence of main finite element parameters on the numerical simulation results of PAM-CRASH

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    表  8  不同软件计算时长比较

    Table  8.   Comparison of the calculation time of different software

    平头形981 8101 012 037LS-DYNA~28.5
    981 8101 012 037ABAQUS~38.0
    272 954 289 114PAM-CRASH~14.0
    半球形982 1071 012 345LS-DYNA~29.0
    982 1071 012 345ABAQUS~40.0
    375 741 395 789PAM-CRASH~17.5
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