Experimental study on detonation wave profiles in RDX-based aluminized explosives
摘要: 为了获得含铝炸药爆轰反应区附近铝粉的反应情况,对两种RDX/Al炸药和一种RDX/LiF炸药的爆轰波结构进行了测量。实验过程中,利用火炮加载产生一维平面波,通过光子多普勒测速仪测量炸药/LiF窗口的界面粒子速度。结果表明:含铝炸药爆轰波的结构与理想炸药的差异较大,其界面粒子速度曲线没有明显的拐点;反应初期,由于气相产物与添加物之间温度的非平衡性,RDX/Al界面的粒子速度低于RDX/LiF炸药的;随后,由于铝粉反应放能,RDX/Al界面的粒子速度高于RDX/LiF炸药的;微米尺度铝粉在CJ面前几乎不发生反应;2、10 μm等两种粒度铝粉的反应延滞时间小于0.8 μs;在本文中,两种粒度铝粉的反应度为16%~31%。Abstract: In order to evaluate the reaction of the aluminum powder in detonation products of aluminized explosives, experimental measurements of the detonation wave profiles in RDX/Al and RDX/LiF explosives using photon Doppler velocimetry (PDV) were performed. Planar detonations were produced by impacting the explosives with sapphire flyers in a gas gun. LiF windows with very thin vapor deposited aluminum mirrors were used in the experiments. The original data obtained in the experiments were processed by the window Fourier transform method, then the pressure in the detonation reaction zone was calculated using the impedance matching formula. The initial reaction times were compared between the Al powders with the Al particle sizes of 2 and 10 μm by averaging the interface particle velocities at multiple locations measured in each experiment. Simultaneously, the isentropic equation of state of LiF was used as the reference line to construct the equation of state of the aluminized explosives and to analyze the reaction degrees of the Al powders. The results show that the detonation wave profiles in the aluminized explosives are different from those in ideal explosives. And measurements show no distinct end to the reaction zone indicating a CJ point. At the beginning, the interface particle velocity in the RDX/Al explosive is lower than that in the RDX/LiF explosive due to the temperature disequilibrium between the Al particles and gas detonation products. Subsequently, the interface particle velocity in the RDX/Al explosive is higher than that in the RDX/LiF explosive due to the energy released by the reaction of aluminum. Micron-sized Al particles hardly react before the CJ front. And for the Al particles with the sizes of 2 and 10 μm, the Al reaction delay time is less than 0.8 μs. At the end of the measurements, the evaluated Al reaction degree was about 16% to 31%.
表 1 三种RDX基炸药的配方和参数
Table 1. Components and characteristics of three kinds of explosives
炸药 w/% 粒径/μm 密度/(g·cm−3) D/(m·s−1) RDX Al LiF 黏合剂 RF15 80 0 15 5 2.5 1.809 8141±40 RA15(2 μm) 80 15 0 5 2.0 1.803 8072±40 RA15(10 μm) 80 15 0 5 10.0 1.795 8070±40 表 2 铝和氟化锂的物理参数对比
Table 2. Comparison of the main characteristics of Al and LiF
材料 ρ0/(g·cm−3) Tm/K Tb/K cV/(J·g−1·K−1) K/(W·m−1·K−1) c0/(km·s−1) λ 铝 2.700 933 2 740 1.176 210 5.325 1.338 氟化锂 2.638 1 143 1.513 11.3 5.176 1.359 -
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