A study of the response characteristics of Al/PTFE reactive materials under shock loading
摘要: 为了研究铝(Al)/聚四氟乙烯(polytetrafluoroethylene, PTFE)活性材料冲击载荷作用下响应特性,制备了具有反应活性的Al/PTFE块体材料,设计了拉氏实验,采用不同厚度的铝隔板控制入射冲击波幅值,利用锰铜压阻计测量了冲击波在材料中传播过程压力演化过程。同时,基于AUTODYN有限元软件,采用Lee-Tarver三项式点火模型对Al/PTFE活性材料拉氏实验进行数值模拟,并探讨了冲击波在500 mm长的Al/PTFE活性材料中长距离传播行为。研究结果表明,冲击波压力在Al/PTFE活性材料内短距离传播过程中存在明显的衰减,但是,当冲击波传播到远距离时,冲击波压力幅值和冲击波速度趋于稳定,分别为1.3 GPa和2 180 m/s;同时,距离铝隔板越远的材料,其反应度越低并最终趋于0.17。正是由于材料化学反应释能,导致了冲击波压力传播过程最终趋于稳定状态。
- Al/PTFE活性材料 /
- 拉氏实验 /
- 冲击反应 /
- Lee-Tarver三项式点火模型
Abstract: To investigate the response characteristics of aluminum/polytetrafluoroethylene (Al/PTFE) reactive materials under shock loading, the Al powder with the diameter of 10 μm and the PTFE powder with the diameter of 15 μm were mixed. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis were performed to ensure the uniformity and reactivity of the Al/PTFE mixed powders. The Al/PTFE specimen was prepared by using a cold pressing technique. The density of the Al/PTFE materials was 1.92 g/cm3. The Lagrangian experiment was designed to understand the response characteristics of the Al/PTFE specimen under shock loading. PBX8701 was used to produce high pressure. The shock loading was attenuated after passing an aluminum partition and acted on the specimen. Four block specimens with the sizes of$\varnothing$ 50 mm×3 mm were used, and manganin piezo-resistance gauges were mounted at the top surface and the end surface of the specimens to measure the pressure. It should be emphasized that the thickness of the aluminum partition was set to be 5 and 10 mm to control the input pressure acting on the specimens. In these two cases, the pressure and the shock velocity were analyzed. The measurement shows that both the pressure and the shock velocity are attenuated. The Lee-Tarver ignition and growth model was used to simulate the Lagrangian experiment by AUTODYN. The parameters in the model were validated by comparing the simulation and the experiment. Further, the Lagrangian experiment for the 500-mm-long Al/PTFE specimen was simulated. The results show that when the shock wave propagates through a long distance, although at the beginning the pressure and the velocity reduce quickly, up to some distance, the pressure and the velocity are close to a constant value around 1.3 GPa and 2180 m/s, respectively. The reaction was also analyzed. At the beginning, the value can be up to around 0.48 due to the high pressure. As the distance increases to 450 mm, the value reduces to 0.17. These results demonstrate that under the shock, the energy release of the Al/PTFE specimens prevents the energy dissipation during the shock wave propagation. -
表 2 Al隔板材料 Johnson-Cook模型参数
Table 2. The Johnson-Cook-model parameters of the aluminum partition
A/GPa B/GPa n C m Tm/K 27.6 0.426 0.34 0.015 1 775 -
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