• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


王强 王建军 张晓琼 张天辉 王怀坤 吴桂英

王强, 王建军, 张晓琼, 张天辉, 王怀坤, 吴桂英. 金属热黏塑性本构关系的研究进展[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(9): 091402. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0443
引用本文: 王强, 王建军, 张晓琼, 张天辉, 王怀坤, 吴桂英. 金属热黏塑性本构关系的研究进展[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(9): 091402. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0443
WANG Qiang, WANG Jianjun, ZHANG Xiaoqiong, ZHANG Tianhui, WANG Huaikun, WU Guiying. Advances in the research of metallic thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relationships[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(9): 091402. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0443
Citation: WANG Qiang, WANG Jianjun, ZHANG Xiaoqiong, ZHANG Tianhui, WANG Huaikun, WU Guiying. Advances in the research of metallic thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relationships[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(9): 091402. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0443


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2021-0443
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11902272, 12172245)

    王 强(1995- ),男,博士研究生,wangqiang0004@link.tyut.edu.cn


    王建军(1987- ),男,博士,副研究员,wangjianjun@tyut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O347.3

Advances in the research of metallic thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relationships

  • 摘要: 金属材料的塑性流动行为依赖于温度和应变率,温度和应变率敏感性是金属材料塑性流动的最重要的本质特性之一,建立合适的热黏塑性本构关系来准确描述金属塑性流动行为的温度和应变率依赖性,是金属材料能被广泛应用的必要前提。为此,对金属热黏塑性本构关系的最新研究进展进行了综述,介绍了常见的几种金属热黏塑性本构关系并进行了详细讨论,给出了各本构关系的优势与不足,最后系统介绍了包含金属塑性流动行为中出现的第三型应变时效、或K-W锁位错结构引起的流动应力随温度变化出现的反常应力峰以及拉压不对称等行为的金属热黏塑性本构关系的研究进展。
  • 图  1  不同应变率下93W-Ni-Fe的流动应力随温度的变化曲线[4]

    Figure  1.  Flow stress-temperature curves of 93W-Ni-Fe at different strain rates[4]

    图  2  不同应变率下,流动应力随温度变化的模型预测结果与试验结果比较[23]

    Figure  2.  Comparison of model predictions and experimental results of flow stress variation with temperature at different strain rates[23]

    图  3  试验应力-应变曲线与修正的J-C本构关系预测结果的比较[27]

    Figure  3.  Comparison betwwen experimental stress-strain curves with MJC model predictions[27]

    图  4  不同应变率下,Ti-6Al-4V(296 K)的准静态和动态加载试验结果与K-H-L和J-C本构关系预测结果的比较[13]

    Figure  4.  Quasi-static and dynamic loading experimental results of Ti-6Al-4V (at a temperature of 296 K) for different strain rates with correlations using K-H-L and J-C models[13]

    图  5  不同晶粒尺寸纳米晶铝在不同应变率下的流动应力-应变试验结果与K-H-L本构关系预测结果[38]

    Figure  5.  Observed and calculated responses for nanocrystalline aluminium at different strain rates by using KHL model for various grain sizes[38]

    图  6  不同温度和应变率下铜的真实应力-真实应变曲线与预测结果的对比[41]

    Figure  6.  Comparison of true stress - true strain curves and model predictions for copper at different temperatures and strain rates[41]

    图  7  30CrMnSiA热软化情况的理论和试验值的比较[44]

    Figure  7.  Comparison between theoretical and experimental values on thermal softening of 30CrMnSiA[44]

    图  8  Sn60Pb40合金的计算结果与试验结果的比较[45]

    Figure  8.  Comparison of calculated results and experimental results for Sn60Pb40 alloy[45]

    图  9  不同应变率和温度下,退火OFHC铜的N-N-L本构关系预测结果与试验结果的比较[57]

    Figure  9.  Comparison of model prediction predictions with experimental results for annealed OFHC copperat different strain rates and temperatures using N-N-L constitutive model[57]

    图  10  不同应变率下N-N-L模型预测与试验结果的比较[58]

    Figure  10.  Comparison between N-N-L model predictions with experimental results at different strain rate[58]

    图  11  用M-R-K本构关系描述的流动应力随塑性应变的变化[65]

    Figure  11.  Change of the flow stress with plastic strain described using the M-R-K model[65]

    图  12  DH36钢流动应力随温度变化曲线上出现的反常应力峰[71]

    Figure  12.  Anomalous stress peaks in the flow stress curves of DH36 steel with temperature[71]

    图  13  镍基高温合金的拉伸强度随温度的变化[97-98]

    Figure  13.  Tensile strength of nickel base superalloy as a function of temperature[97-98]

    图  14  高温合金K403在不同应变率下的流动应力随温度的变化

    Figure  14.  Flow stress of superalloy K403 as function of temperature at different strain rates

    图  15  考虑拉压不对称行为的金属热黏塑性本构关系预测结果与试验结果的对比

    Figure  15.  Comparison between the predicted and experimental results of thermo-viscoplastic constitutive relationships of metal considering the asymmetrical behavior of tension and compression

    表  1  唯象型本构关系的模型对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of phenomenological constitutive relations

    其他1976Voce-Kocks[39-40]10考虑温度和应变率对饱和应力${\sigma _{\rm{s}}}$的影响
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    表  2  唯象型本构关系的方程形式

    Table  2.   Equations of phenomenological constitutive relationships relations

    Johnson-Cook[20]$\sigma = \left( {A + B{\varepsilon ^n}} \right)\left( {1 + C\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right)\left( {1 - {T^{ * m}}} \right)$
    Holmquist[24]$\sigma = \left( {A + B{\varepsilon ^n}} \right)\left( {{{\dot \varepsilon }^{ * C}}} \right)\left( {1 - {T^{ * m}}} \right)$
    Rule-Jones[25]$\sigma = \left( {A + B{\varepsilon ^n}} \right)\left[ {1 + C\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * } + {C_4}\left( {\dfrac{1}{{{C_5} - \ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }}} - \dfrac{1}{{{C_5}}}} \right)} \right]\left( {1 - {T^{ * m}}} \right)$
    Kang-Cho[26]$\sigma = \left( {A + B{\varepsilon ^n}} \right)\left[ {1 + {C_1}\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * } + {C_2}{{\left( {\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right)}^2}} \right]\left( {1 - {T^{ * m}}} \right)$
    Vural-Cairo[27]$\sigma = \left\{ {A + {B_0}\left[ {1 - {{\left( {\dfrac{{T - {T_0}}}{{{T_{\text{m}}} - {T_0}}}} \right)}^p}} \right]{\varepsilon ^n}} \right\}\left[ {1 + \left( {{c_1}T_{\text{r}}^{ * p} + {c_2}H} \right)\ln \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_0}}}} \right)} \right]\left[ {1 - {{\left( {\dfrac{{T - {T_0}}}{{{T_{\text{r}}} - {T_0}}}} \right)}^p}} \right]$
    Lin-Xia[28]$\sigma = \left( {A + {B_1}\varepsilon + {B_2}{\varepsilon ^2}} \right)\left( {1 + C\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right)\exp \left[ {\left( {{\lambda _1} + {\lambda _2}\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right)\left( {T - {T_{\text{r}}}} \right)} \right]$
    Khan-Huang[16]${J_2} = {f_1}\left( \varepsilon \right){f_2}\left( {D_2^{\text{p}}} \right)$
    Yu-Guo[35]$\sigma = f\left( {\varepsilon ,\dot \varepsilon } \right) = {\sigma _0}{\hat f_2}\left( {\dot \varepsilon } \right) + {E_\infty }\varepsilon - a{{\text{e}}^{ - \alpha \varepsilon }}$
    Khan-Liang[36]$\sigma = \left[ {A + B{ {\left( {1 - \dfrac{ {\ln {\dot \varepsilon } } }{ {\ln {D_0^{\text{p} } } } } } \right)}^{ {n_1} } }{\varepsilon ^{ {n_0} } } } \right]\left( {1 - {T^{*m} } } \right){\dot \varepsilon ^C}$
    Khan-Zhang[37]$\sigma = \left[ { \left({a{}_1 + \dfrac{ { {k_1} } }{ {\sqrt d } } }\right) + B{ {\left( {1 - \dfrac{ {\ln {\dot \varepsilon } } }{ {\ln {D_0^{\text{p} } } } } } \right)}^{ {n_1} } }{\varepsilon ^{ {n_0} } } } \right]\left( {1 - {T^{ * m} } } \right){\dot \varepsilon ^C}$
    Farrokh-Khan[38]$\sigma {\text{ = } }\left\{ {\left( { {a_1} + \dfrac{ { {k_1} } }{ {\sqrt d } } } \right) + B{ {\left( {\dfrac{d}{ { {d_0} } } } \right)}^{ {n_2} } }{ {\left[ {\left( {1 - \dfrac{ {\ln {\dot \varepsilon } } }{ {\ln {D_0^{\text{p} } } } } } \right) {\dfrac{ { {T_{\text{m} } } } }{T} } } \right]}^{ {n_1} } }{ {\left( \varepsilon \right)}^{ {n_0} } } } \right\}{\left( {\dfrac{ { {T_{\text{m} } } - T} }{ { {T_{\text{m} } } - {T_{\text{r} } } } } } \right)^m}{\left( {\dfrac{ {\dot \varepsilon } }{ { { {\dot \varepsilon }^ * } } } } \right)^C}$
    Voce-Kocks[39-40]$\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{s}}} + \left[ {\left( {{\sigma _0} - {\sigma _{\text{s}}}} \right)\exp \left( { - \dfrac{\varepsilon }{{{\varepsilon _{\text{r}}}}}} \right)} \right]$
    Molinari-Ravichandran[41]$\dfrac{ { {\delta _{\text{r} } } } }{ { {\delta _{ {\text{r0} } } } } } = {\left[ {1 - { {\left( { {k_{\text{r} } } {\dfrac{T}{ { {T_{ {\text{r0} } } } } } } \lg {\dfrac{ { { {\dot \varepsilon }_{ {\text{r0} } } } } }{ {\dot \varepsilon } } } } \right)}^{ {p_{\text{r} } } } } } \right]^{ {q_{\text{r} } } } }\text{,}\dfrac{ { {\delta _{\text{s} } } } }{ { {\delta _{ {\text{s0} } } } } } = \dfrac{1}{ { { {\left[ {1 - { {\left( { {k_{\text{s} } } {\dfrac{T}{ { {T_{ {\text{s0} } } } } } } \lg {\dfrac{ { { {\dot \varepsilon }_{ {\text{r0} } } } } }{ {\dot \varepsilon } } } } \right)}^{ {p_{\text{s} } } } } } \right] }^{ {q_{\text{s} } } } } } }$
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    表  3  物理概念本构关系的模型对比

    Table  3.   Comparison of physically based constitutive relations

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    表  4  物理概念本构关系的方程形式

    Table  4.   Equations of physically based constitutive relations

    Bodner-Partom[18]$D_2^{\text{p}} = D_0^2\exp \left[ { - \left( {\dfrac{{n + 1}}{n}} \right){{\left( {\dfrac{{{Z^2}}}{{3{J_2}}}} \right)}^n}} \right]$
    Zerilli-Armstrong[17]对于FCC: $\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + B{\varepsilon ^{1/2}}\exp \left( { - \alpha T} \right)$和$\alpha {\text{ = }}{\alpha _0} - {\alpha _1}\ln \dot \varepsilon $
    对于BCC:$\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + B\exp \left( { - \beta T} \right) + {B_0}{\varepsilon ^n}$和$\beta {\text{ = }}{\beta _0} - {\beta _1}\ln \dot \varepsilon $
    对于HCP:$\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + B\exp \left( { - \beta T} \right) + {B_0}{\varepsilon ^{^{1/2}}}\exp \left( { - \alpha T} \right)$
    Zhang-Wen[48]对于FCC:$\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + {C_1}{\varepsilon ^{1/2}}\exp \left\{ {\left[ { - {C''_3}T + {C'_4}T\ln \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{r\left( \varepsilon \right)r\left( {\dot \varepsilon } \right)}}} \right)} \right]H\left( T \right)} \right\}$
    对于BCC:$\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + {C_2}\exp \left\{ {\left[ { - {C''_3}T + {C'_4}T\ln \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{r\left( \varepsilon \right)r\left( {\dot \varepsilon } \right)}}} \right)} \right]H\left( T \right)} \right\} + {C_5}{\varepsilon ^n}$
    Samantaray-Mandal[49]$\sigma = \left( {{C_1} + {C_2}{\varepsilon ^n}} \right)\exp \left[ { - \left( {{C_3} + {C_4}\varepsilon } \right){T^ * } + \left( {{C_5} + {C_6}{T^ * }} \right)\ln {{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right]$
    Abed-Voyiadjis[50]对于FCC:$\sigma = {C_2}{\varepsilon ^{0.5}}\left( {1 - {X^{1/2}} - X + {X^{3/2}}} \right) + {C_6}$和$X = {C_4}T\ln \left( {1/{{\dot \varepsilon }^ * }} \right)$
    对于BCC:$\sigma = {C_1}\left( {1 - {X^{1/2}} - X + {X^{3/2}}} \right) + {C_5}{\varepsilon ^n} + {C_6}$
    Follansbee[10,51]$\sigma = {\sigma _{\text{a}}} + \left( {\hat \sigma - {\sigma _{\text{a}}}} \right){\left[ {1 - {{\left( {\dfrac{{kT}}{{{g_0}\mu {b^3}}}\ln \dfrac{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_0}}}{{\dot \varepsilon }}} \right)}^{1/q}}} \right]^{1/p}}$
    Nemat-Nasser-Li[57]$\sigma \left( {\dot \varepsilon ,\varepsilon ,T} \right) = {\sigma ^0}{\left\{ {1 - {{\left[ { - \dfrac{{kT}}{{{G'_0}}}\left( {\ln \dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_0}}} + \ln \left( {1 + a\left( T \right){\varepsilon ^{1/2}}} \right)} \right)} \right]}^{\tfrac{1}{2}}}} \right\}^{\tfrac{3}{2}}}\left[ {1 + a\left( T \right){\varepsilon ^{\tfrac{1}{2}}}} \right] + \sigma _{\text{a}}^0{\varepsilon ^{{n_1}}}$
    Rusinek-Klepaczko[61,62]$\sigma = \dfrac{{E\left( T \right)}}{{{E_0}}}\left[ {{B_0}\theta _{\text{m}}^{ - v}{{\left( {{\varepsilon _0} + {\varepsilon _{\text{p}}}} \right)}^{n\left( {1 - {D_2}{\theta _n}} \right)}} + \sigma _0^*{{\left( {1 - {D_1}{\theta _{\text{m}}}} \right)}^m}} \right]$
    Rusinek-Rodrguez-Martnez[63]${\sigma _{{\text{ns}}}}\left( {\dot \varepsilon ,T} \right) = \sigma _0^{{\text{ns}}} \left[ {\lg \left( {\dfrac{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_{{\text{trans}}}}}}{{\dot \varepsilon }}} \right)} \right] \left[ {1 - {D_3}\left( {\dfrac{{{T_{\text{m}}}}}{T}} \right)\lg \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_{\max }}}}} \right)} \right]$
    Sung[66]$\sigma = \sigma \left( {\varepsilon ,\dot \varepsilon ,T} \right) = f\left( {\varepsilon ,T} \right)g\left( {\dot \varepsilon } \right)h\left( T \right)$
    Gao-Zhang[67]$\sigma {\text{ = }}{\sigma _{\text{a}}} + \hat Y{\varepsilon ^n}\exp \left[ {{c_3}T\ln \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_{{\text{s0}}}}}}} \right)} \right]{\left\{ {1 - {{\left[ { - {c_4}T\ln \left( {\dfrac{{\dot \varepsilon }}{{{{\dot \varepsilon }_0}}}} \right)} \right]}^{1/q}}} \right\}^{1/p}}$
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