Disaster effects of combustible gas explosion in an urban shallow-buried pipe trench (Ⅱ): influencing factor analysis and consequence evaluation
摘要: 为系统地评估城市地下浅埋管沟可燃气体爆炸的灾害后果,利用FLACS软件模拟得到了可燃气体的爆炸荷载,并分析了该灾害对建筑物破坏和人员伤害的危险距离及影响因素。结果表明:当点火位置靠近管沟中间位置时,超压峰值和危险距离较大;泄爆口的大小对危险距离的影响不大,而对离泄爆口较近处的超压峰值影响较大;气云长度越长,超压峰值和危险距离也越大,但增幅逐渐减小直至不变;管沟的横截面面积越大,超压峰值和危险距离也越大;为避免造成严重的灾害后果,高耸建筑物和密集人群应远离泄爆口。Abstract: Gas explosion accidents occurring in urban shallowly-buried pipe trenches can cause enormous casualties and property damage through shock waves transmitting from explosion vents, while many influencing factors exist in the process of gas explosion. In order to evaluate the disaster consequences of combustible gas explosion in an urban shallow-buried pipe trench systematically, the different conditions were established including different ignition points, different vent sizes, different gas cloud lengths and different trench cross-sectional areas. The computational fluid dynamics software FLACS was used to perform numerical simulation. And the explosion load of the combustible gas was obtained in the X, Y, and Z directions. The characteristics of the explosion overpressure peak distribution were analyzed, and the load generation mechanism was illustrated by analyzing the explosion process. The overpressure criteria were selected to demarcate the dangerous distances and the critical distances for damage to buildings and humans were determined. The mild, moderate, severe dangerous distances for building damage and personal injury were recorded and the influences of different factors on the change of the dangerous distances were analyzed. The results show that when the ignition position is closer to the middle of the pipe trench, the overpressure peak is greater and the dangerous distance is larger. The change of the vent sizes has a little effect on the fluctuation range of the dangerous distance, but has a great effect on the overpressure peak near the vent. The longer the gas cloud length, the greater the overpressure peak and the larger the dangerous distance, but the increase decreases gradually until it remains unchanged. The larger the cross-sectional area of the pipe trench, the greater the overpressure peak and the larger the dangerous distance. When the cross-sectional area of the pipe trench increases, the gas cloud volume participating in the combustion reaction in the pipe trench also increases, which intensifies the reaction degree of the gas explosion. In order to avoid serious disaster consequences, high-rise buildings and dense crowd should be far away from the explosion vent.
表 1 管沟可燃气体爆炸数值模拟工况
Table 1. Numerical simulation conditions on combustible gas explosion in a pipe trench
工况 点火位置 气云长度/m 截面面积/m2 泄爆口边长/m 工况 点火位置 气云长度/m 截面面积/m2 泄爆口边长/m 1 (4/8)L 90 1 1.0 7 (4/8)L 60 1 1.0 2 (5/8)L 90 1 1.0 8 (4/8)L 40 1 1.0 3 (6/8)L 90 1 1.0 9 (4/8)L 20 1 1.0 4 (7/8)L 90 1 1.0 10 (4/8)L 10 1 1.0 5 (4/8)L 90 1 0.8 11 (4/8)L 90 2 1.0 6 (4/8)L 90 1 0.6 12 (4/8)L 90 3 1.0 超压/kPa 影响 区域 超压/kPa 影响 区域 0.14 出现噪音 安全区 >6.90 房屋受到破坏 中度破坏区 0.21 大玻璃可能破碎 9.00 钢构件出现轻微形变 0.69 小玻璃可能破裂 13.80 墙面局部出现坍塌 1.03~2.07 玻璃破碎的典型超压值 20.70~34.50 钢结构出现大变形 >2.07 安全距离;屋顶出现破坏 轻度破坏区 >34.50~48.20 房屋严重损坏 重度破坏区 3.40~6.90 窗户遭到破坏 68.9 建筑物全部遭受破坏 -
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