Maximum stiffness topology optimization and dynamic response of a lightweight sandwich arch under impact load
摘要: 基于双向渐进结构优化方法(bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization,BESO)框架,将传统动态载荷优化法中的内外层迭代引入到ABAQUS-MATLAB平台集成优化中,改进动态载荷拓扑优化流程。对初速度为100 m/s的子弹冲击下的夹芯拱结构进行拓扑优化设计和动力学响应分析。优化后夹芯拱芯层的变形模式可分为3个对称的部分,跨中区域的中部和上部主要发生压缩变形,呈现类三角点阵桁架结构,边界区域上部发生拉伸变形,下部发生压缩变形,呈现C形型结构,跨中和边界之间的过渡区域以拉弯联合变形为主,呈现Y形结构。通过与两种等质量的拱结构对比,分析了3种结构在不同初速度的子弹冲击下结构的挠度以及芯层的能量吸收情况。结果表明:在相同的冲击速度下,优化后的结构挠度最小,芯层比吸能最高;当冲击速度较低时,优化后的结构的抗冲击性能优势并不明显;在所研究的冲击速度范围内,冲击速度越高,优化后结构的抗冲击性能越好。对比对称载荷与非对称载荷(冲击点偏移量为100%)下2种优化结构在不同载荷工况下的动态响应,结果表明:载荷工况不同,得到的最终优化结果也略有所不同,但在相同载荷下结构的响应相差较小,每种工况下得到的优化结果在相应工况下所展现的力学性能略优,但均明显优于传统结构。因此,在对称冲击载荷下优化所得的结构具有一定的普遍性。Abstract: Based on the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method (BESO), the nested loop structure of the traditional dynamic load optimization method was introduced into the ABAQUS-MATLAB platform integrated optimization to improve the dynamic load topology optimization process. Topological optimization design and dynamic response analysis of sandwich arch structure under the impact of projectile with initial velocity of 100 m/s were carried out. After optimization, the deformation mode of the core for sandwich arch can be divided into three symmetrical part: the compression dominated deformation occurs in the middle and the upper part of the mid-span region, which like the triangular lattice truss structure; the tensile and compression dominated deformation occurs in the upper and the lower part of the boundary region respectively, which presents the C-shaped structure; and the transition region, which presents the Y-shaped structure, between the mid-span and the boundary is dominated by the combination of tension and bending deformation. The dynamic response of the optimization results under the impact load was analyzed. The deflections of top and bottom sheets and energy absorption of core of two comparison models with equal mass (Voronoi aluminum foam sandwich arch and solid arch) and optimization arch structure under the impact load with the initial velocity of 100 m/s were compared. The deflection and specific energy absorption of the cores of the three models under the impact of the projectiles with the initial velocities of 100, 80, 50 and 20 m/s were compared. The results show that: under the same impact velocity, the optimization structure has the minimum deflection and the maximum specific energy absorption capability; while with the low impact velocity, the impact-resistance advantage of the optimization structure is not obvious. Furthermore, in the range of the impact velocity which has been studied, the optimization structure shows the better impact-resistance performance with the higher velocity. The dynamic responses of the two optimization structures with symmetric load and asymmetric load (the offset of impact point is 100%) under different load conditions were compared. The deflection of top and bottom sheets and the specific energy absorption of core of four models (symmetric optimization result, asymmetric optimization result, Voronoi aluminum foam sandwich arch and solid arch) were compared. The results show that: under different load conditions, the final optimization results are slightly different, and the different of structural responses under the same load is relatively small. The optimization results obtained under each working condition show slightly better mechanical properties under the corresponding condition, but optimization structures are significantly better than the traditional structures. Therefore, the structure optimized by symmetrical impact load has a certain universality.
Key words:
- topology optimization /
- impact load /
- sandwich arch /
- dynamic response /
- energy absorption
图 7 不同类型芯层夹芯结构上、下面板速度时程曲线
Figure 7. Velocity versus time histories of the mid-span of the top and bottom panels for two types of sandwich response[34]
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