• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


陈履坦 何起光 陈小伟

陈履坦, 何起光, 陈小伟. 高压气体驱动二级轻气炮发射过程的数值模拟方法及应用[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(12): 124201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0054
引用本文: 陈履坦, 何起光, 陈小伟. 高压气体驱动二级轻气炮发射过程的数值模拟方法及应用[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2022, 42(12): 124201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0054
CHEN Lütan, HE Qiguang, CHEN Xiaowei. Numerical modeling on the launch process of a two-stage light gas gun using high-pressure gas as the driving source[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(12): 124201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0054
Citation: CHEN Lütan, HE Qiguang, CHEN Xiaowei. Numerical modeling on the launch process of a two-stage light gas gun using high-pressure gas as the driving source[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2022, 42(12): 124201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0054


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0054
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11627901)

    陈履坦(1996- ),男,博士研究生,3120205137@bit.edu.cn


    陈小伟(1967- ),男,博士,教授,chenxiaoweintu@bit.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O313.4

Numerical modeling on the launch process of a two-stage light gas gun using high-pressure gas as the driving source

  • 摘要: 二级轻气炮是一种常见的超高速发射装置,多年来其数值研究大多采用简化一维模型,鲜有三维有限元模型。以14 mm口径高压气体驱动二级轻气炮为研究对象,采用耦合欧拉-拉格朗日(coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian, CEL)算法,根据膜片破裂与否,将二级轻气炮模型解耦为2个分级三维数值模型。为确定实验难以测得的参数(材料摩擦因数和膜片破膜压力),设计正交试验,拟合确定活塞与泵管间摩擦因数为0.82,弹丸与发射管摩擦因数为0.30和膜片破膜压力为11.73 MPa。正交结果表明,摩擦因数对计算结果影响较大,在高压气体驱动二级轻气炮的计算中不应忽略。通过上述方法建立数字化高压气体驱动二级轻气炮,完整复现气炮发射过程,计算的弹丸终速与实验结果吻合度高。选取验证工况详细分析了气炮发射过程内流场变化,并呈现关键时刻的压力云图。该气炮简化方法、分级思想和关键参数确认方法可推广应用于固体发射药驱动、爆轰驱动等其他驱动形式的二级/多级轻气炮。
  • 图  1  14 mm口径高压气体驱动二级轻气炮示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematics of a 14-mm-caliber two-stage light gas gun based on high-pressure gas driving

    图  2  14 mm口径高压气体驱动二级轻气炮二维模型

    Figure  2.  Two-dimensional models for the 14-mm-caliber two-stage light gas gun

    图  3  气炮模型

    Figure  3.  Light-gas gun models

    图  4  活塞模型

    Figure  4.  The piston model

    图  5  弹丸模型

    Figure  5.  The projectile model

    图  6  0~7.50 ms活塞前后压力云图

    Figure  6.  Pressure nephograms around the piston at 0−7.50 ms

    图  7  泵管和锥段35.30~37.70 ms压力云图

    Figure  7.  Pressure nephograms in the pump tube and the tapered section at 35.30−37.70 ms

    图  8  活塞的速度/位移-时间曲线

    Figure  8.  Velocity- and displacement-time curves of the piston

    图  9  膜片处的压力-时间曲线

    Figure  9.  Pressure-time curve at the diaphragm

    图  10  二级模型0~1.95 ms的压力云图

    Figure  10.  Pressure nephograms of the second-stage model at 0−1.95 ms

    图  11  活塞的速度和位移时间里程曲线

    Figure  11.  Velocity- and displacement-time curves of the piston

    图  12  弹丸尾部2.20~3.20 ms的压力云图

    Figure  12.  Pressure nephograms at the tail of the projectile at 2.20-3.20 ms

    图  13  弹丸时间-速度/弹尾压力曲线

    Figure  13.  Pressure-time curve at the tail of the projectile and velocity-time curve of the projectile

    图  14  等分均布观测点和弹丸弹尾的压力变化对比

    Figure  14.  Comparison of pressure changes between the evenly-distributed observation points and the projectile tail

    图  15  0~39.10 ms锥段气体温度曲线

    Figure  15.  Temperature-time curve of the gas in the tapered section at 0−39.10 ms

    图  16  36.90~37.70 ms锥段瞬态温度场

    Figure  16.  Transient temperature fields in the tapered section at 36.90−37.70 ms

    表  1  14 mm口径高压气体驱动二级轻气炮几何参数

    Table  1.   The geometrical parameters of the 14-mm-caliber two-stage light-gas gun

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    表  2  14 mm高压气体驱动二级轻气炮的实验参数

    Table  2.   Experimental parameters of the 14-mm-caliber two-stage light-gas gun

    115.70.0417331.510.43 846
    222.10.0457331.550.44 155
    321.70.0477332.430.43 571
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    表  3  Johnson-Cook模型材料参数[20-21]

    Table  3.   Material parameters for the Johnson-Cook model[20-21]

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    表  4  气体材料参数

    Table  4.   Material parameters for gases

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    表  5  正交试验的因素及水平

    Table  5.   Factors and levels of orthogonal tests

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    表  6  正交工况及弹丸终速

    Table  6.   The orthogonal cases as well as the final velocities of projectiles

    10.30.110451748354183 90.70.130364544284597
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    表  7  正交试验结果分析

    Table  7.   Analysis of orthogonal test results

    v/(m·s−1试验 1 试验 2 试验 3
    k14711.754299.004001.50 5006.754603.504251.00 4187.004201.503688.50
    R983.75296.50396.00816.25371.00299.25 381.50519.50444.25
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    表  8  观测点的参数及波阵面平均速度

    Table  8.   Parameters for observation points and mean wavefront velocities at observation points

    000 63.2600.6502.350.203250
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