GPa-level slow-front ramp wave loading technology driven by non-shock initiation reaction
摘要: 为研究在吉帕、十微秒级缓前沿斜波作用下压装PBX炸药基体中微介观热点点火行为,设计了一种强约束压装PBX炸药非冲击点火反应驱动的斜波加载装置,基于炸药层流燃烧的燃速模型和自编的二维轴对称有限差分程序对装置输出的压力波形特性进行了分析,讨论了燃烧过程中加载炸药破碎程度和装置结构参数(壳体和隔层厚度)对输出波形的影响。计算结果表明,加载炸药破碎形成的燃烧比表面积大小是影响非冲击点火反应压力演化的关键因素,燃烧比表面积越大,输出的斜波压力越大,峰值压力可达吉帕以上,对应的压力上升前沿可从数十微秒降至数微秒。加载炸药外部壳体厚度即约束强度对非冲击点火反应产生的压力大小影响显著,壳体越厚输出的斜波压力越大。加载炸药与受试炸药之间的隔层厚度直接关系到输出至受试炸药处的斜波压力大小,随着隔层厚度的增大,输出的斜波压力以近似指数的关系衰减。参考计算结果完成了装置的结构设计,对受试PBX炸药进行了斜波加载实验,采用PVDF测得受试炸药入射界面处的压力为1.6 GPa、前沿宽度为25 μs,初步证明了采用强约束压装PBX炸药非冲击点火反应实现吉帕、十微秒级斜波压力输出的可行性。Abstract: To study the ignition behavior of micro-mesoscopic hot spots in the matrix of pressed PBXs under GPa and 10 μs-level slow-front ramp wave loading, a ramp wave loading device driven by non-shock initiation reaction of pressed PBX with heavy constraint was designed. With the help of the output pressure from the explosion reaction of the donor explosive, the acceptor explosive was loaded by a ramp wave. A two-dimensional axisymmetric finite difference program was developed based on the burn rate equation of laminar combustion on the explosive surface to guide the structural design of the device. The pressure history during the combustion process of the explosive crack surface formed by the explosive fragmentation in the late stage of the non-shock initiation reaction of the donor explosive in the device configuration and the pressure waveform acting on the acceptor explosive are analyzed. And the influence of crushing degree of donor explosive and device structure parameters (thickness of case and interlayer) on output pressure waveform during the combustion process is discussed. The calculation results show that the specific combustion surface area formed by the crushing of the donor explosive is the key factor affecting the pressure evolution of the non-shock initiation reaction. The larger the specific combustion surface area, the greater the ramp wave pressure is. The ramp wave pressure can reach above GPa, and the corresponding rising front of the pressure wave can be reduced from tens of milliseconds to several milliseconds. The thickness of the case of the donor explosive, namely the constraint strength, has a significant effect on the pressure during the non-shock initiation reaction. As the thickness of the interlayer increases, the output ramp wave pressure decays approximately exponentially. The structural design of the device was completed according to the calculation results, and the ramp wave loading experiment was carried out on the tested PBX. The pressure at the incident interface of the tested explosive measured by PVDF is 1.6 GPa, and the front of the ramp wave is 25 μs, which preliminarily proved the feasibility of realizing GPa and 10 μs-level ramp wave pressure output by using the non-shock initiation reaction of heavily constrained pressed PBX explosives.
表 1 Mie-Grüneisen状态方程参数
Table 1. Parameters of Mie-Grüneisen equation of state
表 2 壳体材料Johnson-Cook本构模型参数
Table 2. Parameters of Johnson-Cook constitutive model for case materials
A/MPa B/MPa C n m Tm/K ε*/s−1 350 275 0.022 0.36 1.0 1811 1.0 注:A、B、C、n、m为材料常数,Tm为材料熔点,ε*为无量纲塑性应变率。 -
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