On characteristics of failure zones in mass concrete subjected to underwater contact explosion
摘要: 为探究大体积混凝土水下接触爆炸破坏分区特征,基于水中爆炸冲击波与混凝土的相互作用过程分析,建立了综合考虑爆炸冲击波冲击破碎和爆轰产物准静态压拉致裂机制的混凝土爆炸破坏分区计算方法,并与有限元数值模拟和试验实测数据开展对比验证。结果表明:与空中接触爆炸相比,水对爆轰产物膨胀起抑制作用,使得爆炸荷载持时增加、作用于周围介质的冲量增大;采用建议的环向压碎判据计算破碎区,并将开裂区分为动态压裂、准静态压裂和准静态拉裂区的计算方法能够很好地预测混凝土水下接触爆炸破坏分区范围;炸药类型和起爆水深一定时,混凝土的抗拉强度和抗压强度比对开裂区范围起重要影响。Abstract: The evaluation of failure effect on concrete under explosion is of great significance to both engineering blasting construction and anti-explosion safety of engineering structures. The key is to obtain the characteristics of failure zones of the target. Firstly, main physical processes of underwater contact explosion were analyzed. Loading characteristics of underwater contact explosion were studied with the difference between underwater contact explosion and air contact explosion compared. Then, a calculation method for range of failure zones in underwater contact explosion considering the crushing effect on target from explosion shock wave and the quasi-static effect on target from detonation products was established. The quasi-static effect was further subdivided into quasi-static compression fracturing and quasi-static tensile fracturing. Finally, the proposed method was verified with finite element numerical simulation and experimental data in literatures. The results show that the expansion of detonation products is inhibited by water compared with air contact explosion. And then the duration of explosion load and the impulse acting on the surrounding medium are increased in underwater contact explosion. Circumferential compression criterion is suggested to calculate cracked zone of concrete subjected to underwater contact explosion. And fracture zone is suggested to divide into dynamic fracturing zone, quasi-static compression fracturing zone and quasi-static tension fracturing zone for calculation. Failure range of mass concrete subjected to underwater contact explosion is well predicted by proposed calculation method. With the same explosive type and water depth, the range of fracture zone is greatly influenced by the tensile strength and compressive strength ratio of concrete. This provides a basis for both blast resistance research of engineering structures and underwater engineering blasting construction.
Key words:
- underwater explosion /
- concrete /
- contact explosion /
- failure mechanism /
- failure zone
表 1 水下接触爆炸混凝土界面冲击波参数
Table 1. Shock wave parameters on concrete interface in underwater contact explosion
冲击波波系 ρ/(kg·m−3) u/(m·s−1) p/MPa us/(m·s−1) 入射波 1600 1000 4800 4000 透射波 2980 715 6304 3674 表 2 不同强度特性混凝土力学参数
Table 2. Mechanical parameters of concrete with different strength characteristics
表 3 不同强度混凝土JH-2模型参数
Table 3. Parameters used in the JH-2 model for concrete with different strengths
初始密度ρc0/(g·cm−3) 剪切模量G/GPa 体积模量K1/GPa 压力常数K2/GPa 压力常数K3/GPa Hugoniot弹性极限σHEL/GPa 2.4 12.5 16.667 73.19 −236.2 0.45[31,33] 完整强度常数A 完整强度指数N 应变率影响系数C 断裂强度常数B 断裂强度指数M 最大断裂强度比 $\sigma'_{{\rm{f,max}}} $ 0.9724[32] (1.074[34]) 0.8285[32] (0.8434]) 0.0095[26] 0.3241[32] (0.358[34]) 0.8285[32] (0.84[34]) 0.25 初始损伤参数D1 初始损伤参数D2 最大静拉伸应力T/MPa 体胀常数β 0.005 (0.012[34]) 0.5 −7.28[32] 1 表 4 水下裸露爆破破坏范围预测值与试验值的比较
Table 4. Comparison of damage ranges in underwater exposed blasting between prediction and test
试验编号 药量/kg 破碎区深度 试验值/m 预测值/m 误差/% 1 0.3 0.15 0.19 21.2 2 0.4 0.18 0.21 14.1 3 0.5 0.20 0.23 11.4 4 0.6 0.20 0.24 16.6 5 0.6 0.20 0.24 16.6 6 0.8 0.25 0.26 5.3 7 0.8 0.25 0.26 5.3 8 1.0 0.30 0.28 –5.5 9 1.0 0.30 0.28 –5.5 10 1.2 0.32 0.30 –5.9 -
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