• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


马世鑫 纪杨子燚 钟明寿 李向东

马世鑫, 纪杨子燚, 钟明寿, 李向东. 接触爆炸作用下混凝土墩体的易损性研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(7): 073201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0538
引用本文: 马世鑫, 纪杨子燚, 钟明寿, 李向东. 接触爆炸作用下混凝土墩体的易损性研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2023, 43(7): 073201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0538
MA Shixin, JI Yangziyi, ZHONG Mingshou, LI Xiangdong. Study on the vulnerability of concrete obstacle under contact explosion[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(7): 073201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0538
Citation: MA Shixin, JI Yangziyi, ZHONG Mingshou, LI Xiangdong. Study on the vulnerability of concrete obstacle under contact explosion[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(7): 073201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0538


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0538

    马世鑫(1999- ),男,博士研究生,sxin_ma@njust.edu.cn


    李向东(1969- ),男,博士,教授,lixiangd@njust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O389

Study on the vulnerability of concrete obstacle under contact explosion

  • 摘要: 为评估柱形装药接触爆炸对混凝土墩体的破坏能力,采用试验与数值模拟相结合的方法研究了接触爆炸作用下混凝土墩体的易损性,提出了用等毁伤曲线和易损面积评估混凝土墩体易损性的方法,得到了接触爆炸作用下墩体顶面和侧面的毁伤区域特征及装药质量和装药放置位置对墩体毁伤的影响规律。通过建立易损面积的计算模型,分别得到了顶面和侧面接触爆炸作用下墩体不同级别毁伤的易损面积随装药质量的变化曲线,在此基础上比较了顶面和侧面接触爆炸时墩体的易损性差异。研究结果表明:接触爆炸作用下,墩体顶面的毁伤区域近似为正方形,其中心与墩体顶面中心重合;墩体侧面的毁伤区域近似为圆角梯形,其中心位于侧面几何中心下方约10 cm处。装药质量在0.5~10.79 kg之间时,侧面接触爆炸更容易破坏墩体。研究成果可为混凝土障碍的破除、破障弹设计及效能评估提供支持和指导。
  • 图  1  柱形装药和混凝土墩体结构及试验布置示意图

    Figure  1.  Structure of cylindrical charge and concrete obstacle and schematic diagram of the test layout

    图  2  T-1试验中混凝土墩体的破坏情况

    Figure  2.  The damage of the concrete obstacle in test T-1

    图  3  T-2试验中混凝土墩体的破坏情况

    Figure  3.  The damage of the concrete obstacle in test T-2

    图  4  T-3试验中混凝土墩体的破坏情况

    Figure  4.  The damage of the concrete obstacle in test T-3

    图  5  T-4试验中混凝土墩体的破坏情况

    Figure  5.  The damage of the concrete obstacle in test T-4

    图  6  T-5试验中混凝土墩体的破坏情况

    Figure  6.  The damage of the concrete obstacle in test T-5

    图  7  T-6试验中混凝土墩体的破坏情况

    Figure  7.  The damage of the concrete obstacle in test T-6

    图  8  不同试验工况下装药质量与混凝土墩体的残余高度和碎块数量的关系

    Figure  8.  The relationship between the charge mass and the broken residual height of the concrete obstacle and the number of its pieces

    图  9  装药置于混凝土墩体顶面或侧面的典型位置

    Figure  9.  The typical charge positions on the top or side surface of the concrete obstacle

    图  10  柱形装药和混凝土墩体接触爆炸过程的有限元模型

    Figure  10.  The finite element model of contact explosion of cylindrical charge and concrete obstacle

    图  11  1.0 kg装药顶面接触爆炸时试验结果与数值模拟结果对比

    Figure  11.  Comparison of test and numerical results for obstacle under top contact explosion of 1.0 kg charge

    图  12  1.5 kg装药顶面接触爆炸时试验结果与数值模拟结果对比

    Figure  12.  Comparison of test and numerical results for obstacle under top contact explosion of 1.5 kg charge

    图  13  2.0 kg装药顶面接触爆炸时试验结果与数值模拟结果对比

    Figure  13.  Comparison of test and numerical results for obstacle under top contact explosion of 2.0 kg charge

    图  14  2.5 kg装药顶面接触爆炸时试验结果与数值模拟结果对比

    Figure  14.  Comparison of test and numerical results for obstacle under top contact explosion of 2.5 kg charge

    图  15  3.0 kg装药顶面接触爆炸时试验结果与数值模拟结果对比

    Figure  15.  Comparison of test and numerical results for obstacle under top contact explosion of 3.0 kg charge

    图  16  3.0 kg装药侧面接触爆炸时试验结果与数值模拟结果对比

    Figure  16.  Comparison of test and numerical results for obstacle under side contact explosion of 3.0 kg charge

    图  17  柱形装药在混凝土墩体顶面中心爆炸时墩体对称界面von Mises应力传播过程

    Figure  17.  Development of von Mises stress on the concrete obstacle symmetrical interface when the cylindrical charge explodes at the center of the top surface

    图  18  柱形装药在混凝土墩体顶面中心爆炸时墩体对称界面损伤过程

    Figure  18.  Development of damage on the concrete obstacle symmetrical interface when the cylindrical charge explodes at the center of the top surface

    图  19  柱形装药在混凝土墩体侧面几何中心爆炸时墩体对称界面von Mises应力传播过程

    Figure  19.  Development of von Mises stress on the symmetrical interface of the concrete obstacle when the cylindrical charge explodes at the geometrical center of the side surface

    图  20  柱形装药在混凝土墩体侧面几何中心爆炸时墩体对称界面损伤过程

    Figure  20.  Development of damage on the symmetrical interface of the concrete obstacle when the cylindrical charge explodes at the geometrical center of the side surface

    图  21  柱形装药放置位置及顶面网格划分示意图

    Figure  21.  Schematic diagram of cylindrical charge position and grid division of the top surface

    图  22  顶面接触爆炸作用下墩体的等毁伤曲线

    Figure  22.  Damage iso-curves of concrete obstacle under top contact explosion

    图  23  侧面接触爆炸作用下墩体的等毁伤曲线

    Figure  23.  Damage iso-curves of concrete obstacle under side contact explosion

    图  24  顶面接触爆炸作用下墩体的易损面积与装药质量之间的关系

    Figure  24.  The relationship between the vulnerable area of concrete obstacle and the charge mass under top contact explosion

    图  25  侧面接触爆炸作用下混凝土墩体的易损面积与装药质量之间的关系

    Figure  25.  The relationship between the vulnerable area of concrete obstacle and the charge mass under side contact explosion

    图  26  混凝土墩体重度毁伤易损面积占比与装药质量的关系

    Figure  26.  The relationship between the sever damage area radio of the concrete obstacle and the charge mass

    表  1  试验方案

    Table  1.   Experiment scheme

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    表  2  B炸药材料参数[16]

    Table  2.   The material parameters of composition B[16]

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    表  3  空气材料参数[17]

    Table  3.   The material parameters of air[17]

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    表  4  试验和数值模拟得到的混凝土残余高度对比

    Table  4.   The comparison of the residual height of concrete obstacle between numerical simulation and test

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    表  5  顶面典型位置接触爆炸时墩体残余高度数值计算结果

    Table  5.   Numerical simulation results of obstacle residual height under top contact explosion at typical position

    Point OPoint KPoint LPoint MPoint NPoint P
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    表  6  侧面典型位置接触爆炸时墩体残余高度数值计算结果

    Table  6.   Numerical simulation results of obstacle residual height under side contact explosion at typical position

    Point CPoint DPoint EPoint FPoint GPoint H
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