Dynamic fragmentation of oxygen-free high-conducting copper under Mach stem loading
摘要: 为了深入了解金属材料在复杂加载下的动态破碎行为,在有限元模拟的基础上,设计了两类马赫杆加载实验,用于研究无氧铜在复杂加载下的动态破碎行为。实验中,采用火炮加载马赫透镜和激光粒子速度干涉仪测量自由面速度,实现了峰值压力分别为95.75和32.38 GPa的动态加载。结果表明,实验中成功实现了稳定的马赫杆加载,并且观察到马赫杆加载下无氧铜的2种不同近表面破碎模式,即高压下产生微层裂、低压下产生三角波层裂,且层裂区呈凸形分布。Abstract: To in-depth understand the dynamic fracture behaviors of metal materials under complex loading, based on the finite element simulation, two types of Mach stem loading experiments were designed and carried out to investigate the dynamic fragmentation of oxygen-free high-conducting copper (OFHC Cu) under complex loading. In the experiments, a powder gun was used to impact the Mach lens, and a laser particle-velocity interferometer was applied to measure the free surface velocity. And dynamic loadings with the peak pressures of 95.75 and 32.38 GPa, respectively, were achieved. Stable Mach stem loading was successfully generated, and the Mach stem-related features were consistent with the simulated ones. At the same time, two different near-surface fracture behaviors in the OFHC Cu were observed, namely the micro-spallation under high pressure and the triangular-wave spallation under low pressure, with the cracked area distributed in a convex shape. These findings have a certain value for further understanding the dynamic fracture behaviors of metal materials and can provide new experimental methods for understanding material failure under various complex loading conditions.
Key words:
- Mach stem /
- micro-spallation /
- OFHC Cu /
- dynamic fragmentation
表 3 设计参数
Table 3. Parameters of experimental design
实验编号 材料 飞片速度/(km·s−1) 厚度/mm 直径/mm 飞片 外圆 内圆 飞片 样靶 内圆 外圆 Mach-1 304不锈钢 LY12 铝 无氧铜 1.40 3.0 16.0 4.8 38.0 Mach-2 304不锈钢 TC4钛合金 无氧铜 0.50 12.0 26.0 14.0 45.0 -
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