A numerical study of the impact mechanism of bottom gap on charge launch safety
摘要: 为研究底隙对装药发射安全性的影响机理,基于物质点法建立了冲击载荷下受底隙影响的热-力-固耦合装药燃烧模型。该模型模拟的PBX装药底部温度与实验结果基本一致,验证了模型的正确性。采用该模型模拟了不同底隙厚度时Composition B(COM B)装药的炮弹发射过程,分析了装药温度变化规律。结果表明:发射过程中,COM B装药温度从底部到顶部逐步降低,装药底部最可能出现点火反应;装药底部温度随着底隙厚度的增加而升高。弹底载荷峰值为324.7 MPa时,COM B装药处于安全状态的底隙厚度不超过0.062 cm。底隙中的空气在发射过程中被压缩,其温度极速升高,导致相邻的装药底部易出现点火反应。Abstract: The issue of charge launch safety under the environment of high rifling pressure, high overload and high initial velocity has been one of the research hot topics. To investigate the impact mechanism of bottom gap on charge launch safety, a thermo-mechanical-solid coupling combustion model of the charge affected by bottom gap under impact loads based on the material point method is established. In this procedure, the formula for calculating temperature of air in the bottom gap during adiabatic compression is deduced, the relationship between the compression amount and the air temperature is quantitatively analyzed, the criteria and equation of state of the multi-material hybrid is constructed, and the calculation method of the temperature at the charge bottom affected by bottom gap in the launch process is established. The launch process of PBX charge with different bottom gap thicknesses is simulated by using the model, and the bottom temperature variation of PBX charge under different conditions are consistent with the experimental results, which verifies the correctness of the model. This model is then used to simulate the launch process of Composition B (COM B) charge with different bottom gap thickness in the launch environment, and the bottom temperature variation of charge is analyzed. The simulation results show that the charge temperature decreases gradually from the bottom to the top in the launch process and the area most likely to experience an ignition reaction is located at the charge bottom. The bottom temperature of COM B charge increases with the increase of the bottom gap thickness. The thickness of the bottom gap shall not be greater than 0.062 cm when the charge is in the launch safety state under the action of loading peak value of 324.7 MPa, which means that the presence of bottom gap seriously affects charge launch safety. From the simulation results, it is clear that the air in the bottom gap can be compressed in the launch process, and its temperature can rise rapidly; while in turn, it transfers heat to the charge bottom adjacent to the air, causing the temperature of the charge bottom to rise and making the charge bottom more susceptible to ignition reactions. The combustion model provides a theoretical basis for studying the charge launch safety.
Key words:
- bottom gap /
- charge /
- launch safety /
- material point method
名称 ρ1/(kg·m−3) cp1/(J·kg−1·K−1) λ1/(W·m−1·K−1) Q1/(J·kg−1) Z1/s−1 Ea1·R−1/K μd1 COM B 1717 1780 0.246 5.82×106 2.01×1018 2.7×104 0.2 PBX 1842 1810 0.5 5.6×106 5.5×1019 2.652×104 0.24 ρ/(kg·m−3) AJC/MPa BJC/MPa nJC CJC mJC Tmelt/K 7830 792 510 0.26 0.014 1.03 1793 名称 ρ/(kg·m−3) A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 W/(MPa·K−1) COM B 1717 7.781×104 −5.031 11.3 1.13 2.2229 PBX 1842 9.522×105 −5.944 14.1 1.41 2.4656 ρst,0/(kg·m−3) C0/(m·s−1) s Γ 7830 4610 1.73 1.67 表 5 不同底隙厚度时PBX装药的点火情况
Table 5. Ignition situation of PBX charge with different bottom gap thicknesses
表 6 不同底隙厚度时COM B装药的点火情况
Table 6. Ignition situations of COM Bwith different bottom gap thicknesses
δ/cm 装药底部温度
峰值/K高温点 高温区域 点火情况 0 379.30 G5 装药底部 未点火 0.055 491.39 G5 装药底部 未点火 0.062 514.39 G5 装药底部 未点火 0.063 >750.00 G5 装药底部 点火 -
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