• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
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  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


解江 潘汉源 蒋逸伦 杨祥 李漩 郭德龙 冯振宇

解江, 潘汉源, 蒋逸伦, 杨祥, 李漩, 郭德龙, 冯振宇. 带剪切销抗爆容器定向泄压特性研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2024, 44(7): 075101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0321
引用本文: 解江, 潘汉源, 蒋逸伦, 杨祥, 李漩, 郭德龙, 冯振宇. 带剪切销抗爆容器定向泄压特性研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2024, 44(7): 075101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0321
XIE Jiang, PAN Hanyuan, JIANG Yilun, YANG Xiang, LI Xuan, GUO Delong, FENG Zhenyu. A study of directional explosion venting characteristics of anti-explosion vessel with a shear pin[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2024, 44(7): 075101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0321
Citation: XIE Jiang, PAN Hanyuan, JIANG Yilun, YANG Xiang, LI Xuan, GUO Delong, FENG Zhenyu. A study of directional explosion venting characteristics of anti-explosion vessel with a shear pin[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2024, 44(7): 075101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0321


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0321

    解 江(1982- ),男,博士,教授,xiejiang5@126.com

  • 中图分类号: O383

A study of directional explosion venting characteristics of anti-explosion vessel with a shear pin

  • 摘要: 为优化机载抗爆容器的结构设计并拓展其工程应用,研究了带剪切销抗爆容器的定向泄压特性。利用LS-DYNA软件建立了内爆载荷下带剪切销抗爆容器的数值模型,开展了容器内爆试验,获得了剪切销临界直径,并验证了模型可靠性,阐明了抗爆容器内冲击波的传播与载荷分布规律,分析并讨论了泄压过程中泄压盖的运动规律,建立了不同泄压盖质量下药量与剪切销直径之间的函数关系,探究了剪切销的临界断裂问题。结果表明:100 g TNT内爆试验得到剪切销临界直径为22 mm, TNT爆炸后冲击波在容器内往复式传播,约3.8 ms时泄压盖冲出容器,5.0 ms时容器底部残存压力约为0.5 MPa;容器底部超压峰值约为144 MPa,罐体与泄压盖交汇形成的角隅处超压峰值约为149 MPa,且罐体在角隅处产生应变增长效应,角隅处成为新的危险点。剪切销的变形断裂过程会影响泄压盖的运动规律,导致泄压盖速度曲线中出现下降段,剪切销直径越大,下降段持续时间越长。TNT药量与剪切销临界直径呈正比,二者的线性关系不受泄压盖质量的影响。
  • 图  1  AC 25.795-6中最小风险炸弹位置选择区域的尺寸[2]

    Figure  1.  The size of the LRBL in AC 25.795-6[2]

    图  2  泄压过程示意图

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram of explosion venting process

    图  3  带剪切销抗爆容器的几何模型

    Figure  3.  Geometric model of anti-explosion vessel with shear pin

    图  4  带剪切销抗爆容器有限元模型的三维剖面图

    Figure  4.  Three-dimensional profile of finite element model of anti-explosion vessel with shear pin

    图  5  螺栓与平板的连接细节(左)和单个梁单元螺栓的模型细节(右)

    Figure  5.  Joint details between bolt and panel (left) and model details of single beam element bolt (right)

    图  6  试验装置实物图

    Figure  6.  Photos of experiment device

    图  7  抗爆容器内部的装药方式

    Figure  7.  Charge method in the anti-explosion vessel

    图  8  凹槽处剪切销横截面的最大剪应力云图

    Figure  8.  The maximum shear stress distribution of the shear pin cross section at the groove

    图  9  起爆药量为100 g时直径为22和23 mm的剪切销的断裂情况

    Figure  9.  The fracture of shear pins with diameter of 22 and 23 mm with the TNT mass of 100 g

    图  10  剪切销直径为22 mm、起爆药量为100 g时剪切销与铝合金平板的失效形貌

    Figure  10.  Failure morphology of shear pin and aluminum alloy panel with shear pin diameter of 22 mm and TNT mass of 100 g

    图  11  剪切销直径为23 mm、起爆药量为100 g时铝合金平板的最终形貌

    Figure  11.  Final morphology of aluminum alloy panel with shear pin diameter of 23 mm and TNT mass of 100 g

    图  12  剪切销剪断后凹槽处的横截面失效形貌

    Figure  12.  Failure morphology of cross section at the groove of shear pin

    图  13  起爆药量为100 g时铝合金平板的失效形貌

    Figure  13.  Failure morphology of aluminum alloy panel with the TNT mass of 100 g

    图  14  不同时刻下抗爆容器内部压力云图

    Figure  14.  Internal pressure distribution of anti-explosion vessel at different times

    图  15  罐体结构4个典型位置处的超压-时间曲线

    Figure  15.  Pressure-time curves obtained at four typical locations of vessel structure

    图  16  罐体结构点I处测得的应变时程曲线

    Figure  16.  Strain-time curves measured at the point I of the vessel structure

    图  17  剪切销直径为19 mm时不同起爆药量下的泄压盖速度

    Figure  17.  Venting cover velocity under different TNT mass when the diameter of shear pin is 19 mm

    图  18  0.16 ms时不同起爆药量下剪切销凹槽处横截面的剪切应力云图

    Figure  18.  Shear stress distribution of cross section at the groove of shear pin at 0.16 ms under different TNT mass

    图  19  100 g TNT药量、不同剪切销直径下泄压盖速度时程曲线

    Figure  19.  Time history curves of venting cover velocity under 100 g TNT mass and different shear pin diameters

    图  20  剪切销临界直径、TNT药量变化与剪切销断裂吸能之间的关系

    Figure  20.  The relationship among critical diameter of shear pin, the TNT mass and eroded internal energy

    图  21  不同剪切销临界直径下的泄压盖速度时程曲线

    Figure  21.  Time history curves of venting cover velocity under different critical diameters of shear pin

    图  22  不同泄压盖质量下剪切销临界直径与TNT药量的关系

    Figure  22.  The relationship between critical diameter of shear pin and the TNT mass under different mass of cover

    表  1  15-5PH的材料参数[25,26]

    Table  1.   Material parameters of 15-5PH[25,26]

    ρ/(kg·m−3) E/GPa μ A/GPa B/GPa n C m $ {\dot \varepsilon _0} $/s−1 TF/℃ T0/℃ 塑性失效应变
    7.80×103 199 0.33 0.855 0.448 0.14 0.0137 0.63 0.001 1440 20 0.21
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    表  2  Ti6Al4V的材料参数[27-29]

    Table  2.   Material parameters of Ti6Al4V[27-29]

    ρ/(kg·m−3) E/GPa μ A/GPa B/GPa n C m $ {\dot \varepsilon _0} $/s−1 TF/℃ T0/℃
    4.43×103 109 0.34 0.86 0.683 0.47 0.035 1 0.001 1620 20
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    表  3  7050-T7451材料参数[30]

    Table  3.   Material parameters of 7050-T7451[30]

    ρ/(kg·m−3) E/GPa μ σ0/GPa Etan/GPa β
    2.83×103 71.7 0.33 0.469 0.815 1
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    表  4  2024-T3材料参数[7]

    Table  4.   Material parameters of 2024-T3[7]

    ρ/(kg·m−3) E/GPa μ σ0/GPa Etan/GPa β 塑性失效应变
    2.78×103 72.4 0.33 0.29 0.7 1 0.3
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    表  5  螺栓材料参数[22]

    Table  5.   Material parameters of bolt[22]

    ρ/(kg·m−3) E/GPa μ σ0/GPa Eh/GPa
    7.85×103 210 0.3 0.64 1.6
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    表  6  TNT材料模型[33]

    Table  6.   Material parameters of TNT[33]

    A1/GPa B1/GPa R1 R2 ω E0/GPa V ρ/(g·cm−3) D/(m·s−1) pCJ/GPa
    371.20 3.23 4.15 0.95 0.30 7 1 1.63 6930 21
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    表  7  空气的状态方程参数

    Table  7.   EOS parameters of air

    C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 E1/(J·m−3) V
    0 0 0 0 0.4 0.4 2.533×105 1
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    表  8  试验工况及试验结果

    Table  8.   Experimental conditions and results

    TNT药量/g 剪切销凹槽处
    1 100 22.0
    2 100 22.0
    3 100 22.0
    4 100 23.0
    5 42 14.5
    6 44 14.5
    7 44 14.5
    8 44 14.5
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    表  9  不同剪切销临界直径下泄压盖的运动参数

    Table  9.   Motion parameters of venting cover under different critical diameters of shear pin

    工况 剪切销断裂
    TNT内能/kJ 泄压盖动能峰值占TNT
    40.0 g-13 mm 0.58 7.31 0.15 100.19 171.77 0.06
    56.1 g-16 mm 0.56 10.32 1.11 199.69 240.91 0.08
    76.2 g-19 mm 0.52 13.01 1.86 317.36 327.22 0.10
    100.0 g-22 mm 0.50 16.18 1.47 490.86 429.43 0.11
    126.0 g-25 mm 0.47 20.33 2.25 774.95 541.08 0.14
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