Explosion characteristics and thermal safety of low detonation velocity emulsion explosives containing coal-based solid waste fly ash microspheres
摘要: 选用粉煤灰中的漂珠作为敏化剂和惰性添加剂来制备低爆速乳化炸药,研究了漂珠粒径和含量对乳化炸药爆炸特性和安全性的影响;采用探针法、铅柱压缩法和空中爆炸测试法分别测得添加不同粒径含量漂珠乳化炸药的爆速、猛度和空中爆炸冲击波参数,并通过储存期实验和热分析实验对乳化炸药进行安全性测试。结果表明,乳化炸药的爆速、猛度、冲击波峰值压力、正冲量和正压作用时间均随漂珠含量的增加呈先增大后降低的趋势。当漂珠质量分数为15%时,乳化炸药的爆轰性能最佳;当漂珠质量分数为45%时,炸药的爆速显著降低,爆速范围在
2191 ~2312 m/s,可满足爆炸焊接用炸药的使用条件。此外,漂珠含量相同时,添加D50=79 μm漂珠的乳化炸药爆轰性能要高于添加D50=116 μm和D50=47 μm漂珠的乳化炸药。储存期和热分析实验结果表明,添加漂珠的低爆速乳化炸药储存期显著优于传统添加黏土颗粒的低爆速乳化炸药,漂珠的加入并未引发乳化基质产生新的热分解反应,添加15%漂珠的乳化炸药的热分解活化能比乳化基质只增加了0.3%,说明漂珠的加入并未对乳化基质热稳定性产生明显影响。Abstract: In this paper, the microspheres in flying-ash are used as sensitizer and inert additive to prepare the low detonation velocity emulsion explosives. The detonation velocity and the parameters of explosive shock wave in the air of emulsion explosives were measured by the probe method, the lead column compression method and the air explosion method, respectively. The safety of emulsion explosives was tested by the storage life experiment and thermal analysis experiment. The experimental results show that the detonation velocity, the brisance, the peak pressure, the positive impulse and the positive pressure action time of shock wave of emulsion explosives increased first and then decreased with the increase of the content of flying-ash microspheres. When the content of flying-ash microspheres was 15%, the detonation performance of emulsion explosive was the best, and when the content of flying-ash microspheres was 45% , the detonation velocity of the explosive decreased obviously. Meanwhile, the detonation velocity ranged from 2191 to 2312 m/s, which can satisfy the condition of using explosive for explosive welding. In addition, it is found that the detonation performance of emulsion explosives with D50=79 μm flying-ash microspheres was higher than those of flying-ash microspheres with D50=116 and 47 μm. The storage life and thermal analysis results indicate that the storage life of low detonation velocity emulsion explosives with flying-ash microspheres is significantly better than that of traditional low detonation velocity emulsion explosive with clay particles, the activation energy of thermal decomposition of the emulsion explosive with 15% flying-ash microspheres was only 0.3% higher than that of emulsion matrix. The results also show that the addition of flying-ash microspheres has no obvious effect on the thermal stability of the emulsion matrix. The research results have important reference value for green resource disposal of coal-based solid waste and formulation design of the low detonation velocity emulsion explosive. -
表 1 乳化基质组分
Table 1. Composition of emulsion matrix
组分 NH4NO3 NaNO3 C18H38 C12H26 C14H44O6 H2O 质量分数/% 75 10 4 1 2 8 表 2 漂珠元素组成
Table 2. Element composition of the fly ash microspheres
元素 O Na Mg Al Si K Ca Fe 质量分数/% 34.762 0.019 11.296 35.115 15.034 1.263 0.124 2.387 表 3 乳化炸药配方
Table 3. Emulsion explosive formulation
样本 质量分数/% D50/μm 样本 质量分数/% D50/μm 样本 质量分数/% D50/μm 乳化基质 漂珠 乳化基质 漂珠 乳化基质 漂珠 1 95 5 47 6 95 5 79 11 95 5 116 2 85 15 7 85 15 12 85 15 3 75 25 8 75 25 13 75 25 4 65 35 9 65 35 14 65 35 5 55 45 10 55 45 15 55 45 表 4 漂珠对乳化炸药密度影响
Table 4. Effect of the fly ash microspheres on density of emulsion explosive
质量分数/% 密度/(g·cm−3) D50=47 μm D50=79 μm D50=116 μm 5 1.34 1.33 1.31 15 1.29 1.27 1.25 25 1.25 1.22 1.16 35 1.14 1.11 1.07 45 0.99 0.97 0.91 表 5 添加不同含量漂珠(
$D_{50}=47,79 $ 和$116\;{\text{μm}} $ )乳化炸药的爆速和猛度Table 5. Detonation velocities and intensities of emulsion explosives with different content of fly ash microspheres (
$D_{50}=47,79 $ and$116\;{\text{μm}} $ )质量分数(%) 爆速/(m·s−1) 猛度/mm D50=47 μm D50=79 μm D50=116 μm D50=47 μm D50=79 μm D50=116 μm 5 2703 2836 2492 14.3 14.4 14.0 15 4394 4488 4314 15.8 16.1 15.5 25 3707 3826 3650 11.7 11.9 11.5 35 3138 3262 2999 7.6 8.0 7.2 45 2237 2312 2191 4.0 4.3 3.5 表 6 添加不同含量漂珠(
$D_{50}=79\;{\text{μm}} $ )乳化炸药的冲击波参数Table 6. Shock wave parameters of emulsion explosives with different contents of the fly microspheres
质量分数% ΔPmax/kPa t+/μs I+/(Pa·s) 5 71.16 475.0 14.52 15 102.03 498.1 19.07 25 92.17 487.3 17.68 35 66.67 464.7 13.39 45 42.59 426.3 8.75 表 7 不同储存时间下的乳化炸药(
$D_{50} =79 $ μm)爆炸冲击波峰值压力Table 7. Peak pressure of explosion shock wave of emulsion explosives at different storage time (
$D_{50} =79$ μm)质量分数/% 冲击波峰值压力/kPa 下降比例/% 0天后 7天后 30天后 7天后 30天后 5 71.16 68.77 65.31 3.36 8.22 15 102.03 99.36 94.03 2.62 7.84 25 92.17 90.72 86.56 1.57 6.09 35 66.67 62.28 55.49 6.58 16.77 45 42.59 40.35 33.70 5.26 20.87 表 8 不同加热速率下样品分解50%的相应温度
Table 8. The corresponding temperature of sample decomposition of 50% at different heating rates
升温速率/ (K·min−1) 温度/K 乳化基质 含15% 漂珠 5 513.98 512.40 10 526.65 525.78 15 535.65 532.65 20 542.15 541.49 -
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