Design of rock-rubble concrete shield against the combination of penetration and explosion of warheads
摘要: 针对钻地武器战斗部侵彻爆炸作用下块石混凝土遮弹层的抗力评估与工程设计,首先,提出了块石混凝土遮弹层的有限元建模方法,其可靠性通过含不同粗骨料类型(刚玉和玄武岩)、粒径(5~15、5~20、35~45和65~75 mm)和体积分数(15%和30%)的超高性能混凝土(ultra-high performance concrete, UHPC)靶体的准静态和弹体侵彻试验进行验证。然后,以小直径炸弹SDB(small-diameter bomb)侵彻半无限厚块石混凝土靶体为基准工况,定量分析了块石类型(刚玉、玄武岩和花岗岩)和无量纲块石粒径(0.3~2.2倍弹径)对侵彻深度的影响,并确定了最优设计原则。最后,开展了3种典型钻地武器(SDB、WDU-43/B和BLU-109/B)的侵彻效应分析,定量对比了普通强度混凝土(normal strength concrete, NSC)、超高性能混凝土和刚玉块石混凝土(corundum rubble concrete, CRC)的抗侵彻能力,提出了原型战斗部侵彻爆炸作用下刚玉块石混凝土遮弹层的工程设计方法。结果表明:块石粒径为1.3~1.7倍弹径的CRC遮弹层抗侵彻性能最优;3种战斗部侵彻作用下,最优设计CRC遮弹层的侵彻深度分别为0.29、0.78和0.68 m,较NSC和UHPC遮弹层分别降低了61.8%~69.1%和43.3%~58.0%;3种战斗部侵彻爆炸作用下,CRC遮弹层的临界贯穿厚度及临界震塌厚度分别为0.55、1.41和1.48 m及1.11、2.26和3.17 m,与NSC和UHPC遮弹层相比,临界贯穿厚度分别降低了58.5%~61.2%和43.2%~58.1%,临界震塌厚度分别降低了61.8%~69.2%和34.7%~40.5%。Abstract: Aiming at the resistance evaluation and engineering design of the rock-rubble concrete shield under the combination of penetration and explosion of earth penetrating weapons, firstly, a finite element modeling method for rock-rubble concrete shields was proposed. By conducting numerical simulations of quasi-static and penetration tests on ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) targets containing different coarse aggregate types (corundum and basalt), particle sizes (5–15, 5–20, 35–45, and 65–75 mm), and volume fractions (15% and 30%), the reliability of the finite element analysis approach was thoroughly verified. Then, using the semi-infinite rock-rubble concrete shield penetrated by the small-diameter bomb (SDB) as a case study, the quantitative influence of type (corundum, basalt, and granite) and dimensionless particle size of rock-rubble (ranging from 0.3 to 2.2 times the projectile diameter) on the penetration depth was analyzed, and optimal design recommendations were determined. Furthermore, the penetration analyses of three typical prototype warheads, i.e., SDB, WDU-43/B, and BLU-109/B, were carried out, and the corresponding penetration resistances of normal strength concrete (NSC), ultra-high performance concrete, and corundum rubble concrete (CRC) shields against the above three warheads were quantitatively compared. Finally, the engineering design method for the CRC shield under the combined effects of penetration and explosion of prototype warheads was proposed. The results indicate that the CRC shield containing the particle size of 1.3 to 1.7 times the projectile diameter exhibits the most excellent penetration resistance. Under the penetration of three types of warheads, the penetration depths in CRC shield were 0.29, 0.78, and 0.68 m, respectively, which are reduced by 61.8%–69.1% and 43.3%–58.0% compared to those in NSC and UHPC shields. Under the combined effects of penetration and explosion, the perforation limits of the CRC shield are 0.55, 1.41, and 1.48 m, while the scabbing limits are 1.11, 2.26, and 3.17 m. Compared with NSC and UHPC shields, the perforation limits are reduced by 58.5%–61.2% and 43.2%–58.1%, respectively, and the scabbing limits are reduced by 61.8%–69.2% and 34.7%–40.5%, respectively.
ρ/(kg·m–3) G/GPa A/MPa B/MPa N C M Tm/K Tr/K cV/(J·kg–1·K–1) ${\dot \varepsilon _0}$ 7 800 81 792 2 483 0.474 0.009 1.07 1 793 298 477 1.0×10–4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 c0/(m·s–1) S1 S2 S3 γ0 α 0.692 1.581 –3.053 –0.042 2.98 4 569 1.49 0 0 2.17 0.46 ρ/(kg·m–3) G/GPa A0 B0 N0 C M0 3 800 152 0.88 0.431 0.64 0.007 0.6 ${\dot \varepsilon _0}$ T/GPa σHEL/GPa pHEL/GPa D10 D20 Fs 1.0 2.62 6.75 3.65 0.012 5 1.85 1.5 表 3 玄武岩、花岗岩和UHPC基体的HJC模型参数[29-30]
Table 3. HJC model parameters of basalt, granite and UHPC matrix[29-30]
组分 ρ/(kg·m–3) G/GPa A1 B1 N1 C $f_{\rm{c}}' $/MPa Tmax/MPa ${\dot \varepsilon _0}$ εmin 玄武岩 3 000 32.25 0.3 1.73 0.79 0.005 120 6.792 1.0 0.01 花岗岩 2 660 30.50 0.3 1.73 0.79 0.005 154 7.694 1.0 0.01 基体 2 500 24.02 0.3 1.73 0.79 0.005 115 6.649 1.0 0.01 组分 Smax pc/MPa μc/10−5 pl/GPa μl D11 D21 K1/GPa K2/GPa K3/GPa 玄武岩 7.0 40.00 93.0 3.47 0.10 0.04 1.0 116 –243 506 花岗岩 7.0 51.00 126.0 3.47 0.11 0.04 1.0 116 –243 506 基体 7.0 38.33 119.7 3.47 0.08 0.04 1.0 116 –243 506 法向强度/MPa 法向断裂能/(GN·m–1) 切向强度/MPa 切向断裂能/(GN·m–1) 法向刚度/(GPa·m–1) 切/法向刚度比 损伤指数 9 1 27 3 5 0.42 –2 表 5 立方体单轴压缩试验结果与数值模拟结果的对比
Table 5. Comparison of uniaxial compression test results of cubic specimens with numerical simulation results
工况 骨料类型 粒径/mm 体积分数/% 抗压强度/MPa 误差/% 试验值[8-9] 模拟值 5-20BA15% 玄武岩 5~20 15 115.5 115.3 (114/115/117) −0.1 5-20BA30% 玄武岩 5~20 30 118.9 121.7 (121/121/123) 2.3 5-20CA15% 刚玉 5~20 15 123.0 121.0 (116/127/120) −1.6 5-20CA30% 刚玉 5~20 30 137.1 138.0 (137/139/138) 0.7 35-45CA30% 刚玉 35~45 30 145.3 148.7 (142/154/150) 2.3 表 6 试验工况及侵彻深度
Table 6. Test cases and penetration depths
工况 骨料类型 粒径/mm 体积分数/% 侵彻深度/mm 误差/% 试验值[8-9] 模拟值 5-20CA30% 刚玉 5~20 30 99.5 (98/101) 101.1 (92.3/109.5/94.2/113.3/96.2) 1.6 35-45CA30% 刚玉 35~45 30 44.5 (21/68) 51.6 (45.3/53.3/46.9/56.8/55.8) 16.0 65-75CA30% 刚玉 65~75 30 48.0 (59/37) 50.9 (56.2/47.8/45.4/50.8/54.2) 6.0 5-15BA30% 玄武岩 5~15 30 122.0 (124/120) 124.8 (124.9/126.4/126.5/123.0/123.2) 2.3 表 7 网格尺寸过渡计算结果的对比
Table 7. Comparisons of results for various mesh sizes
块石类型 模型 侵彻深度/mm 侵深深度
误差/%弹体残余长度/mm 弹体残余长度
误差/%2 mm+2 mm 5 mm+10 mm 2 mm+2 mm 5 mm+10 mm 刚玉 1 108.0 107.3 0.65 320.8 316.1 1.47 2 95.1 93.9 1.26 315.4 311.4 1.27 3 103.7 102.2 1.45 317.5 312.6 1.54 平均值 102.3 101.1 1.17 317.9 313.4 1.43 玄武岩 1 132.1 130.5 1.21 327.8 334.8 −2.14 2 117.3 115.7 1.36 320.2 325.9 −1.78 3 128.3 125.8 1.95 324.6 330.3 −1.76 平均值 125.9 124.0 1.51 324.2 330.3 −1.89 花岗岩 1 134.0 134.3 −0.22 333.2 331.0 0.66 2 119.5 118.9 0.50 342.3 345.7 −0.99 3 130.4 127.9 1.92 337.4 342.6 −1.55 平均值 128.0 127.0 0.78 337.6 339.8 −0.63 表 8 不同遮弹层模拟结果
Table 8. Simulation results of different shields
工况 块石类型 无量纲粒径范围 块石体积分数/% 侵彻深度/mm 弹体残余长度/mm 0.8-1.2CA43% 刚玉 0.8D~1.2D 43.1 361.5 1 480 0.8-1.2BA43% 玄武岩 0.8D~1.2D 43.1 588.1 1 620 0.8-1.2GA43% 花岗岩 0.8D~1.2D 43.1 617.2 1 630 0.3-0.7CA46% 刚玉 0.3D~0.7D 46.6 664.9 1 585 0.8-1.2CA42% 刚玉 0.8D~1.2D 42.4 369.8 1 505 1.3-1.7CA41% 刚玉 1.3D~1.7D 41.9 289.7 1 415 1.8-2.2CA40% 刚玉 1.8D~2.2D 40.3 275.7 1 300 表 9 3种战斗部的数值模拟结果
Table 9. Numerical simulation results for three warheads
战斗部 侵彻深度/m 临界贯穿
系数[18-19]临界贯穿厚度/m 临界震塌
系数[18-19]临界震塌厚度/m CRC UHPC[19] NSC[18] CRC UHPC[19] NSC[18] CRC UHPC[19] NSC[18] SDB 0.29 0.69 0.94 1.88 0.55 1.30 1.40 3.83 1.11 1.70 3.60 WDU-43/B 0.78 1.41 2.17 1.81 1.41 2.55 3.40 2.90 2.26 3.80 6.30 BLU-109/B 0.68 1.20 1.78 2.17 1.48 2.60 3.80 4.66 3.17 5.00 8.30 -
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