Ballistic performance of tungsten fiber-reinforced metallic glass composite in the long rod oblique penetration/perforation
摘要: 基于钨纤维和金属玻璃基体的实际分布特性,建立复合材料弹体的细观有限元几何模型,采用修正的热力耦合本构模型来描述金属玻璃基体的高强度和高剪切敏感性,结合相关的斜侵彻/穿甲试验,开展复合材料长杆弹斜侵彻/穿甲钢靶的三维有限元模拟,与钨合金弹进行对比分析,讨论弹靶变形和破坏特征,分析了撞击倾角、撞击速度等因素对复合材料弹体侵彻/穿甲“自锐”行为以及弹道特征的影响。结果表明,在斜侵彻/穿甲条件下,由于弹体头部受力的非对称特征,弹头逐渐锐化为非对称的尖头构型,同时弹道偏转,复合材料弹体的“自锐”性能以及侵彻/穿甲能力下降。撞击速度对斜侵彻/穿甲条件下弹体的“自锐”特征及弹道行为有显著影响,低速撞击条件下,撞击倾角越大,弹体侵彻性能越弱;当倾角增大到50°时,撞击速度小于900 m/s的弹体均难以有效侵彻靶板;倾角进一步增大时,弹体容易跳飞。Abstract: Combined with the actual distribution characteristics of tungsten fibers and metallic glass matrix, a three-dimensional (3D) mesoscale finite element (FE) geometric model of a long rod of tungsten fiber-reinforced metallic glass composite was established, and the coupled thermo-mechanical constitutive model was used to describe the high strength and high shear sensitivity of metallic glass matrix. FE simulations on the oblique penetration/perforation of composite and tungsten alloy long rods into steel targets were carried out combined with related oblique penetrating tests, and comparative analyses on the deformation and failure characteristics of projectiles and targets were conducted. Furthermore, the influences of oblique angle and impact velocity on the ‘self-sharpening’ behavior of composite long rods and the corresponding ballistic performance were investigated in detail. Related analysis shows that in the oblique impact condition, due to the asymmetrical characteristics of target resistance on the rod, the rod nose gradually sharpens into an asymmetrical pointed configuration, and certain deflection occurs in the trajectory. Consequently, the ‘self-sharpening’ behavior in the composite long rod is weakened to a certain extent, and thus a decay occurs in its penetrating property. Besides, the impact velocity also contributes to the ‘self-sharpening’ characteristics and the corresponding ballistic behavior in the oblique impact condition, and the decay of penetrating capability derived from the oblique angle is more remarkable at lower impact velocities. When the oblique angle increases to 50°, the composite long rod is hard to effectively penetrate the target at an impact velocity lower than 900 m/s, and ricochet becomes easy when it impacts under a higher oblique angle. The results are of good significance in predicting the penetrating ability of tungsten fiber-reinforced metallic glass matrix composite long rods and optimizing its impact attitude.
Table 1. Parameters in the modified coupled thermo-mechanical constitutive model for Zr-based metallic glass[25-26]
参量 符号 单位 数值 弹性模量 E GPa 96 泊松比 ν 0.36 密度 ρ kg/m3 6125 熔化温度 Tm K 993 玻璃转变温度 Tg K 625 初始温度 T0 K 300 比定容热容 cV J/(kg·K) 400 临界体积 v* m3 2.0×10−29 平均原子体积 Ω m3 2.5×10−29 原子振动频率 f s−1 1×1013 临界破坏自由体积浓度 ξc 0.065 初始自由体积浓度 ξ0 0.05 运动激活能 ΔGm eV ΔGm($ \dot \varepsilon $) 几何因子 α 0.05 所需跃迁次数 nD 3 静水应力敏感因子 Λ 0.05(Λc) 0.35(Λt) 表 2 金属材料的Johnson-Cook模型参数
Table 2. Johnson-Cook model parameters of metallic materials
材料 ρ/(kg·m−3) ν E/GPa $\dot{{\varepsilon }_{ {0}}} $/s−1 Tr/K Tm/K cV/(J·kg−1·K−1) 95W钨合金 17900 0.28 410 1 300 1752 134 30CrMnMo钢 7850 0.29 200 1 300 1793 477 材料 A/MPa B/MPa C m n D1 D2 95W钨合金 1650 450 0.016 1.00 0.12 3.00 0 30CrMnMo钢 1200 310 0.014 1.03 0.26 3.20 0 材料 D3 D4 D5 C0/(m·s−1) S1 γ0 a 95W钨合金 0 0 0 3850 1.44 1.58 0 30CrMnMo钢 0 0 0 4578 1.38 1.67 0.47 -
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