Numerical simulation on dynamic response of the shed-tunnel structure under multiple rockfall impacts
摘要: 为探究多次落石冲击下棚洞结构的动力响应特征,建立并验证了基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元软件的落石冲击棚洞FEM-SPH耦合数值模型,并结合LS-DYNA完全重启动技术,研究了落石冲击速度、质量、冲击角度、形状等4个因素对多次落石冲击棚洞结构动力响应的影响。结果表明:冲击力、缓冲层顶部冲击位移、棚顶位移、棚洞塑性应变均与落石质量、速度、冲击方向与棚洞平面的夹角成正相关;长方体落石冲击产生的冲击力、棚顶位移和塑性应变均大于球体落石,球体落石产生的冲击位移大于长方体;对于长方体落石,冲击位移、棚顶位移、塑性应变与接触面积成负相关;随着落石冲击次数的增加,峰值冲击力通常会先增大而后趋于稳定。
- 棚洞结构 /
- 动力响应 /
- FEM-SPH耦合数值模型 /
- 冲击力 /
- 多次落石
Abstract: To exploring the dynamic response characteristics of the shed-tunnel structure under multiple rockfall impacts, an FEM-SPH coupled numerical model is established base on ANSYS/LS-DYNA and is also tested with the data before. Then, the model is combine with the full restart technique to study the effects of the shed-tunnel structure dynamic response under multiple rockfall impacts by considering four factors, e.g., rockfall impact velocity, rockfall mass, impact angle and rockfall shape. The results show that the impact force, buffer top impact displacement, roof displacement and plastic strain of the shed-tunnel are positively correlated with the rockfall mass, velocity and angle. The impact force, roof displacement and plastic strain of the shed-tunnel structure generated by the cuboid rockfall impact are all larger than those of the spherical rockfall, and the impact displacement generated by the spherical rockfall impact is larger than that of the cuboid. For the cuboid rockfall, the impact displacement, roof displacement and plastic strain are negatively correlated with the contact area. Under the multiple rockfall impacts, the peak impact force usually increases firstly and then tends to be stable. -
表 1 材料物理力学参数表
Table 1. The material physical and mechanical parameters
材料 弹性模量/MPa 密度/(kg·m−3) 泊松比 内摩擦角/(°) 粘聚力/kPa 抗压强度/MPa 屈服强度/MPa 落石 33500 2097.86 0.3 / / / / 缓冲垫层 15 1540 0.27 30 20 / / 混凝土 30000 2400 0.167 / / 30 / 钢筋 200000 7850 0.3 / / / 335 -
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