Design of shield based on integrated effect of penetration and moving charge explosion of warheads
摘要: 准确评估钻地武器战斗部侵彻和装药运动爆炸(侵彻动爆)的连续作用是对防护结构遮弹层进行可靠设计的前提。首先,基于装药体积填充和侵彻爆炸分步耦合技术,提出了三阶段弹体侵彻动爆一体化有限元分析方法。通过与已有的装药运动爆炸试验以及普通混凝土和超高性能混凝土靶体的侵彻静爆试验结果进行对比,充分验证了提出方法对侵彻爆炸过程中爆炸波传播、靶体内应力峰值和开裂行为及其损伤演化描述的准确性。然后,基于105 mm口径缩比弹体打击NSC靶体工况,对比了提出方法和传统侵彻静爆法预测靶体损伤破坏的差异,分析了侵彻爆炸应力场的叠加效应以及弹壳约束和断裂破片的影响,并基于弹载装药在不同时刻起爆下靶体的破坏特征,确定了战斗部最不利起爆时刻。最后,针对SDB、WDU-43/B和BLU-109/B 3种原型战斗部打击工况开展数值仿真,其侵彻动爆作用下NSC和UHPC遮弹层破坏深度分别为1.33、2.70、2.35 m和0.79、1.76、1.70 m,进一步给出了相应的遮弹层临界震塌和临界贯穿厚度。结果表明,采用侵彻动爆一体化方法计算得到的破坏深度、临界震塌厚度和临界贯穿厚度较传统侵彻静爆法计算结果增大约5%~30%。Abstract: Accurately evaluating the continuous effect of penetration and moving charge explosion of Earth Penetrating Weapons is the premise of reliable design of shield on the protective structure. Firstly, a three-stage integrated projectile penetration and moving charge explosion finite element analysis method was proposed based on the technologies of volume filling of explosive and the two-step coupling in penetration and explosion processes. By conducting the numerical simulations of the existing tests of moving charge explosion, penetration and static charge explosion of normal strength concrete (NSC) and ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) targets, the accuracy of the proposed method in describing the propagation of explosive waves, peak stress, cracking behavior and damage evolution of target under the penetration and explosion was fully verified. Besides, for the scenario of an NSC target against a 105 mm-caliber scaled projectile, the differences of target damage predicted by the proposed finite element analysis method and traditional penetration and static charge explosion method were compared. Meanwhile, the superimposed effect of the penetration and explosion stress field and the influence of shell constraint and fracture fragment were analyzed. Based on the damage characteristics of targets at different detonation time instants of explosive, the most unfavorable detonation time instant of the warhead was determined. Finally, numerical simulations were conducted for the scenarios of three prototype warheads: SDB, WDU-43/B and BLU-109/B. The destructive depths of NSC and UHPC shields subjected to the penetration and moving charge explosion loadings are 1.33, 2.70, 2.35 m and 0.79, 1.76, 1.70 m, respectively. The corresponding scabbing and perforation limits of shields were further given. The results show that the destructive depths, scabbing limits and perforation limits calculated by the finite element analysis method with considering integrated penetration and moving charge explosion are about 5%–30% higher than those calculated by the traditional penetration and static charge explosion method.
表 1 炸药材料模型和状态方程参数
Table 1. Parameters for material model and equation of state of explosives
表 2 NSC的RHT模型和状态方程参数[21]
Table 2. Parameters for RHT material model and equation of state of NSC[21]
σc/MPa G/GPa σt* σs* $ g_{\text{c}}^{\text{*}} $ $ g_{\text{t}}^{\text{*}} $ $\xi $ A 32 16.546 0.1 0.18 0.53 0.7 0.5 1.6 n Q0 B Af nf D1 D2 $ \varepsilon _{\text{p}}^{\text{m}} $ 0.61 0.680 5 0.010 5 1.6 0.61 0.04 1.0 0.01 ρ0/(kg·m−3) α0 pE/MPa pC/MPa N A1/GPa A2/GPa A3/GPa 2 300 1.191 2 21.3 6 000 3 35.27 39.58 9.04 B0 B1 T1/GPa T2/GPa $ \dot \varepsilon _{\text{0}}^{\text{c}} $/s−1 $ \dot \varepsilon _{\text{0}}^{\text{t}} $/s−1 βc βt 1.22 1.22 35.27 0 3×10−5 3×10−6 0.034 0.038 表 3 NSC靶体试验[3]与数值模拟破坏深度和开坑直径对比
Table 3. Comparisons of test[3] and simulated destructive depths and cracking diameters of NSC target
试验 破坏深度 开坑直径 试验/mm 模拟/mm 相对误差/% 试验/mm 模拟/mm 相对误差/% 侵彻阶段 515 501 −2.72 1 176 1 020 −13.27 静爆阶段 680 650 −4.41 1 671 1 444 −13.58 表 4 UHPC的RHT模型和状态方程参数[21]
Table 4. Parameters for RHT material model and equation of state of UHPC[21]
σc/MPa G/GPa σt* σs* $ g_{\text{c}}^{\text{*}} $ $ g_{\text{t}}^{\text{*}} $ $\xi $ A 123.5 20.9 0.070 7 0.267 0.53 0.7 0.67 1.6 n Q0 B Af nf D1 D2 $ \varepsilon _{\text{p}}^{\text{m}} $ 0.61 0.681 0.010 5 1.75 0.52 0.04 1.0 0.08 ρ0/(kg·m−3) α0 pE/MPa pC/MPa N A1/GPa A2/GPa A3/GPa 2 500 1.191 2 46.6 6 000 4 44 29.58 11.28 B0 B1 T1/GPa T2/GPa $ \dot \varepsilon _{\text{0}}^{\text{c}} $/s−1 $ \dot \varepsilon _{\text{0}}^{\text{t}} $/s−1 βc βt 1.22 1.22 44 0 3×10−5 3×10−6 0.012 5 0.014 3 表 5 30CrMnSiNi2MoVE钢的Johnson-Cook模型参数[22]
Table 5. Johnson-Cook model parameters of 30CrMnSiNi2MoVE steel[22]
ρ/(kg·m−3) G/GPa A0/MPa B0/MPa N0 C M Tm/K Tr/K cV/(J·kg−1·K−1) $ {\dot \varepsilon _0} $/s−1 7 800 81 1 300 2 483 0.474 0.009 1.07 1 793 289 477 1×10−4 ε0 D0 D3 D4 D5 C0/(m·s−1) S1 S2 S3 γ0 α 0.692 1.581 −3.053 −0.042 2.98 4 569 1.49 0 0 2.17 0.46 表 6 3种原型战斗部参数
Table 6. Parameters of three prototypical warheads
战斗部 直径/mm 总质量/kg 长度/mm 弹壳壁厚/mm 头部曲径比 装药类型 装药质量/kg 等效TNT质量/kg SDB 152 113 1 800 10.8 3 HMX 15.3 23 WDU-43/B 234 454 2 400 41.5 9 HMX 66.7 100 BLU-109/B 368 874 2 510 25.4 3 PBXN-109 238 324 表 7 3种原型战斗部打击NSC和UHPC遮弹层计算结果
Table 7. Calculation results of NSC and UHPC shields against three prototypical warheads
战斗部 遮弹层类型 侵彻爆炸破坏深度/m 相对差值/% 临界震塌厚度/m 临界贯穿厚度/m 侵彻静爆法[3, 26] 侵彻动爆法 系数[3, 26] 侵彻静爆法[3, 26] 侵彻动爆法 系数[3, 26] 侵彻静爆法[3, 26] 侵彻动爆法 SDB NSC 1.03 1.33 29.13 3.50 3.60 4.66 1.36 1.40 1.81 UHPC 0.74 0.79 6.76 2.30 1.70 1.82 1.76 1.30 1.39 WDU-43/B NSC 2.45 2.70 10.20 2.57 6.30 6.94 1.39 3.40 3.75 UHPC 1.61 1.76 9.50 2.36 3.80 4.16 1.58 2.55 2.79 BLU-109/B NSC 2.18 2.35 7.71 3.81 8.30 8.95 1.74 3.80 4.09 UHPC 1.62 1.70 5.06 3.09 5.00 5.26 1.60 2.60 2.72 -
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