Experimental Study of Zr-Based Amorphous Alloy Fragmentation Penetration through CFRP and Post-Effective LY12 Targets
摘要: 为研究锆基非晶合金破片侵彻碳纤维损伤机理和后效靶毁伤能力,采用12.7 mm弹道枪开展了球型锆基非晶合金破片侵彻6 mm厚碳纤维靶和后效2 mm厚LY12靶组成的叠合靶和间隔靶的弹道枪试验研究,采用图像识别技术分析了后效LY12靶毁伤的面积。研究结果表明:碳纤维靶毁伤面积与破片速度正相关且无明显扩孔反应,迎弹面主要为纤维剪切破坏和压缩变形毁伤,背弹面则主要为拉伸撕裂破坏以及层间失效。破片冲击相同设置靶板时,LY12靶毁伤面积随速度增加而增大,速度低于954.7 m/s时,间隔靶后效靶LY12靶板毁伤面积小于叠合靶后效靶LY12靶毁伤面积,随着速度提高间隔靶后效LY12靶的毁伤面积快速提高,而叠合靶后效LY12靶的毁伤面积增长趋于平缓,且前者远大于后者。因此,高速撞击时,设置间隔靶对于后效毁伤更有利。Abstract: In order to investigate the damage mechanisms of zirconium-based amorphous alloy fragments penetrating carbon fiber targets and their subsequent effects on target failure, ballistic experiments were conducted using a 12.7 mm ballistic gun. The experiments involved spherical zirconium-based amorphous alloy fragments impacting a composite target system consisting of a 6-mm thick carbon fiber laminate and a 2-mm thick LY12 alloy plate. These targets were arranged in both stacked and spaced configurations to evaluate the effects of target configuration on the damage caused by fragment impact. To quantitatively assess the subsequent damage, image recognition technology was employed to analyze the damage area of the LY12 target after impact.The results indicated that the damage area of the carbon fiber target was positively correlated with the velocity of the impacting fragment, with no significant hole expansion observed. On the front side, damage primarily resulted from fiber shear failure and compressive deformation, while the back face of the carbon fiber laminate exhibited tensile tearing and interlaminar delamination. These findings suggest that the carbon fiber target experienced a combination of mechanical damage modes, including shear and compressive deformation on the impact side, and tensile and delamination failures on the rear face, as a result of the high-velocity impact.In the case of the LY12 aluminum alloy target, the damage area increased with fragment velocity. When the velocity was below 954.7 m/s, the damage area on the LY12 target in the spaced configuration was smaller than that of the stacked configuration. However, as the fragment velocity increased, the damage area of the LY12 target in the spaced configuration grew rapidly, while the damage area in the stacked configuration increased more gradually. At higher velocities, the damage area in the spaced configuration was significantly larger than that in the stacked configuration. This trend suggests that for high-velocity impacts, the spaced configuration of the targets was more effective in promoting greater damage to the LY12 target.
Key words:
- Zr-based amorphous alloys /
- Intrusion /
- Carbon fibers /
- Destructive capacity
表 1 试验结果
Table 1. Experimental results
类型 v/(m·s−1) 穿透碳纤维靶 穿透LY12 靶 类型 v/(m·s−1) 穿透碳纤维靶 穿透LY12 靶 叠合靶 1169.2 是 是 间隔靶 1148.7 是 是 1049.4 是 是 1103.9 是 是 926.9 是 是 936.6 是 是 858.1 是 是 862.9 是 是 755.6 是 是 807.2 是 是 734.1 是 是 767.5 是 是 698.3 是 是 695.3 是 是 545.4 是 是 619.3 是 是 420.8 否 否 572.2 是 是 表 2 不同设置靶板中LY12靶毁伤面积
Table 2. Destruction area of LY12 targets at different set
类型 初始速度/(m·s−1) LY12毁伤面积/mm2 类型 初始速度/(m·s−1) LY12毁伤面积/mm2 叠合靶 1169.2 317.4 间隔靶 1148.7 508.2 1049.4 310.6 1103.9 439.2 933.6 290.9 936.9 312.4 858.1 269.3 862.9 206.9 734.1 377.5 767.5 176.6 698.3 156.6 695.3 150.0 545.4 75.3 572.2 80.7 420.8 0 -
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