Influence of aluminum foam lining on deformation of steel cylinders subjected to internal blast loading
摘要: 为提高承受内部爆炸载荷钢筒的抗爆性能,研究了泡沫铝内衬对钢筒变形的影响。首先通过对比实验,发现在本文的实验条件下,泡沫铝内衬导致钢筒变形增大,甚至发生了严重的破坏;进而建立有限元模型,研究了钢筒变形随爆炸当量、泡沫铝内衬厚度的变化机理和规律。结果表明,添加足够厚度的泡沫铝内衬能够减小钢筒变形,但泡沫铝厚度不足时,则可能起到相反的效果。对于固定尺寸的含泡沫铝内衬钢筒,随着爆炸当量增加,泡沫铝内衬对钢筒塑性变形的影响主要包含3种模式。模式1,泡沫铝可通过塑性变形吸收爆炸载荷,从而减小钢筒变形。模式2,泡沫铝内衬导致钢筒承受的载荷强度增大,钢筒塑性变形增大。模式3,泡沫铝对载荷强度的影响可忽略,泡沫铝通过增大结构质量减小钢筒塑性变形。Abstract: In order to improve the anti-explosion ability of steel cylinders subjected to internal blast loading, the effect of aluminum foam lining on the deformation of the steel cylinders was explored. First of all, contrast experiments displayed that under the experimental conditions in this paper, the steel cylinders deformed more greatly due to foam aluminum lining, and some were even seriously damaged. Then the finite element models were established to study the change mechanism and law of the deformation of the steel cylinders with the equivalent of explosion and the thickness of aluminum foam lining. The results show that the aluminum foam lining with enough thickness will reduce the deformation of the steel cylinders, however, if the thickness of the aluminum foam lining is insufficient, there may be an opposite effect. For the aluminum-foam lined steel cylinder with a fixed size, the effect of aluminum foam lining on the plastic deformation of the steel cylinder mainly includes three modes as the explosive equivalent increases. In mode 1, the aluminum foam will absorb explosive loading through plastic deformation, thus reducing the deformation of the steel cylinder. In mode 2, the steel cylinder endures higher load and suffers larger plastic deformation due to adding the foam aluminum lining. For mode 3, the effect of the aluminum foam on the explosive loading can be ignored, and the aluminum foam decreases the plastic deformation of the steel cylinder by increasing the total mass of the structure.
Key words:
- explosive containment vessel /
- steel cylinder /
- aluminum foam /
- lining /
- internal blast loading
表 1 实验设置和钢筒外表面的变形情况
Table 1. The experimental setup and deformation of the outer surfaces of the steel cylinders
实验编号 炸药质量/g 厚度/mm 钢筒径向膨胀/mm 钢筒残余应变/% 钢筒 泡沫铝 实验 模拟 实验 模拟 1 10 6 0 0.13 0.17 0 0 2 10 6 10 0.15 0.19 0 0 3 183 12 0 5.30 5.40 8.4 8.6 4 183 12 5 7.80 7.20 12.4 11.1 5 180 12 15 破裂 13.00 19.6 表 2 TNT炸药的JWL状态方程参数
Table 2. Parameters in the JWL equation of state for TNT explosive
ρ0/(kg∙m−3) e0/(J∙kg−1) D/(m∙s−1) pCJ/GPa A/GPa B/GPa R1 R2 $\omega '$ 1 630 4.26×106 6930 21 371.2 3.231 4.15 0.95 0.3 -
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