Internal load characteristics of broadside cabin of defensive structure subjected to underwater contact explosion
摘要: 采用模型实验方法,研究了近自由面水下接触爆炸下防雷舱舷侧空舱的内压载荷特性。根据实验模型的破坏结果和压力测试结果,分析了水下爆炸产物与防雷舱舷侧空舱的相互作用过程以及水下爆炸产物的压力变化规律。研究表明:防雷舱舷侧空舱的载荷可分为冲击波载荷、准静态压力载荷和负压载荷3种,防雷舱舷侧空舱的破坏主要由冲击波载荷和准静态压力载荷造成,并且准静态压力载荷的比冲量是冲击波载荷的数倍,而负压载荷对防雷舱舷侧空舱破坏的影响可忽略不计。Abstract: By carrying out model experiments, we investigated the internal load characteristics of the broadside cabin of the defensive structure subjected to underwater contact explosion near the free surface. According to the damage of the experimental models and the pressure profile measured by sensors, we described the interaction between underwater explosion products and the broadside cabin of the defensive structure, and analyzed the pressure change of gas in the broadside cabin of the structure. The results show that the gas pressure in the broadside cabin of the structure can be divided into the shock wave phase, the quasi-static pressure phase and the negative pressure phase, and the broadside cabin is damaged mostly by the shock wave and quasi-static pressure. In addition the specific-impulse of the quasi-static pressure is several times bigger than that of the shock wave, and the effect of the negative pressure on the damage of the broadside cabin is negligible.
Key words:
- underwater explosion /
- broadside cabin /
- defensive structure /
- load characteristics
表 1 破片质量
Table 1. Mass of fragments
w/g 不同位置搜集的破片质量/g 破片总质量/g 爆炸筒底 舷侧空舱内 液舱内 圆环状大破片 其余小破片 55 150.7 41.2 44.9 50.0 286.8 110 117.6 23.4 169.8 135.2 446.0 表 2 压力曲线的3个阶段
Table 2. Three phases of pressure curve
w/g 传感器编号 冲击波载荷阶段 准静态压力载荷阶段 负压载荷阶段起始时刻/ms 起止时刻/ms 超压峰值/MPa 比冲量/(Pa·s) 起止时刻/ms 超压峰值/MPa 比冲量/(Pa·s) 55 1#
12.4110 1#
0.4321 125.1
9.8 -
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