Recent progress on the experimental facilities, techniques and applications of magnetically driven quasi-isentropic compression
摘要: 利用脉冲大电流装置产生随时间变化平滑上升的磁压力,实现对平面、柱面等不同结构样品的磁驱动准等熵(斜波)压缩,为极端条件下材料动力学研究提供了一种偏离Hugoniot状态热力学路径的加载手段。本文从磁驱动准等熵加载装置、实验技术、数据处理方法等方面综述了磁驱动准等熵加载技术研究近十年的新进展,评述了利用磁驱动准等熵加载技术和方法开展极端条件下材料高压状态方程、高压强度与本构关系、相变与相变动力学等方面研究的进展情况,展望了磁驱动准等熵加载技术发展及其在材料动力学、武器物理和高能量密度物理等方面的应用前景。Abstract: A pulsed high current device is used to generate a smooth rising magnetic pressure with time for realizing quasi-isentropic (ramp wave) compression of samples with planar or cylindrical configuration, which provides a loading method of off-Hugoniot thermodynamic path for material dynamics under extreme conditions. In this paper, the progress of magnetically driven quasi-isentropic loading facilities, experimental techniques and data processing methods in recent ten years is reviewed, and the applications of magnetically driven quasi-isentropic compression techniques are introduced for material dynamics, such as high-pressure equation of state, high-pressure strength and constitutive relationship, phase transformation and phase transformation kinetics under extreme conditions. Finally, the development of magnetically-driven quasi-isentropic compression techniques and its applications in material dynamics, weapon physics and high energy density physics are prospected.
表 1 磁驱动准等熵压缩装置及其技术参数一览表
Table 1. Facilities of magnetically driven quasi-isentropic compression
装置 工作电压 放电电流/MA 上升时间/ns 等熵加载
(km·s−1)物理应用 技术特点 Z/ZR 数百万伏 16~26 100~600 500 43 丝阵、套筒内爆、磁驱动准等熵压缩、高速飞片 传统的Marx加传输线技术,电流波形多级压缩,多路并联放电,波形可调,装置规模庞大。 聚龙一号(PTS) 数百万伏 8~10 90 — — 丝阵,Z箍缩 4~7 300~700 200 20 磁驱动准等熵压缩、高速飞片 VELOCE <100 kV 3~4 400~530 100 10 磁驱动准等熵压缩、高速飞片 电容器组储能,通过平板传输线直接对负载放电,装置结构紧凑,运行效率高 GEPI <100 kV 4 600 100 >10 CQ-4 <100 kV ~4 400~600 100 12~15 CQ-3(1) ~85 kV ~3 40-800 — — 磁驱动准等熵压缩,高速飞片,套筒内爆 电容器组储能,通过电缆汇流后进入低漏率防靶室对负载放电,电流波形可调 CQ-7(2) ~120 kV ~7 200~600 (10%~90%) 100~150 >15 磁驱动准等熵压缩,高速飞片,套筒内爆 单极Marx模块储能,通过电缆汇流对负载放电,多路触发放电,电流波形可调 Thor(3) Thor-96 ~200 kV 4.1 250 — — 磁驱动准等熵压缩 单极Marx模块储能,基于电缆全电路阻抗匹配传输,电流波形可调 Thor-144 ~200 kV 5.4 250 — — Thor-288 ~200 kV 6.9 250 170 — 注:(1) CQ-3装置为新技术探索样机,加载压力预计为数GPa至50GPa;(2) CQ-7加载压力为设计值;(3) Thor-288加载压力为设计值。 -
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