Calculation method for quasi-static pressure of annular composite implosion of active materials and explosives
摘要: 为了预测密闭环境活性材料与炸药环状复合后内爆准静态压力,首先归纳了已有的考虑后燃效应的碳氢氧氮炸药内爆准静态压力计算模型,并在此基础上提出了一种适用于活性材料与炸药环状复合内爆的准静态压力计算模型;然后开展了活性材料与炸药复合装药和含铝炸药的内爆试验,利用试验获得的数据对模型精度进行了验证;最后对比分析两种炸药内爆准静态压力试验结果,将计算模型推广至一般含铝炸药,并利用文献数据进行了验证。研究结果表明,所建立的考虑后燃的复合炸药准静态压力修正模型结果与试验数据、文献数据吻合较好,平均误差为9.1%,最大误差为15.8%;对一般含铝炸药的计算结果平均误差为12.1%,最大误差20.6%。Abstract: In order to predict the quasi-static pressure of internal explosion in a closed environment composed of aluminum containing active materials and explosive rings, this paper summarizes the existing quasi-static pressure calculation models for hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen explosives considering post ignition effects, and proposes an optimization method for the quasi-static pressure calculation mode applicable to internal explosion of aluminum containing composite charges. After obtaining the ideal maximum reaction heat using the Geiss theorem, this method uses a parameter correction related to the aluminum containing composite explosive itself. Taking Herzog as an example, a specific prediction formula is provided. Then, composite charges of active materials and explosives, as well as aluminum containing explosives, were tested for implosion. Typical overpressure curves were provided, and the method for obtaining quasi-static pressure in the tests and related sources were explained. The experimental data was compared and analyzed with the quasi-static pressure results calculated by the established optimization model, demonstrating the reliability of the modified model. At the same time, the internal explosion results of two types of explosives were compared, and the calculation model was extended to general aluminum containing explosives. The accuracy of the model was verified using quasi-static pressure data from relevant literature, and the reasons for errors and possible improvement methods were analyzed. The research results show that the established quasi-static pressure correction model for post combustion of composite explosives is in good agreement with experimental and literature data, with an average error of 9.1% and a maximum error of 15.8%; The average error of the calculation results for aluminum containing explosives is 12.1%, with a maximum error of 20.6%.
Key words:
- implosion /
- quasi static pressure /
- post combustion effect /
- active materials /
- composite charge
表 1 常见气体定压比热容
Table 1. Common gas specific heat capacity at constant pressure
气体 温度/K 定压比热容/(J·mol−1·K−1) 气体 温度/K 定压比热容/(J·mol−1·K−1) CO2 300~ 2000 37.129 CO 298~ 2500 29.121 H2O 298~ 2500 33.577 O2 289~ 1500 29.359 N2 298~ 2500 29.121 CH4 291~ 1500 35.715 表 2 试验工况
Table 2. Test conditions
工况 装药 质量/g 质量分数/% Al RDX 其他 1 JH-14—Al/PTFE复合装药 150.03 14.0 42.5 33.5 150.03 2 152.56 22.7 41.7 35.6 152.56 3 353.00 29.5 66.3 4.2 4 JHL-2 360.00 30.0 65.0 5.0 表 3 试验结果与计算结果比较
Table 3. Comparison between experimental and theoretical results
工况 装药质量/g a μ 试验压力/MPa 计算压力/MPa 误差/% 修正前 修正后 修正前 修正后 1 150.03 2.7 0.425 0.180 0.253 0.181 40.6 0.6 150.03 2.7 0.425 0.172 0.253 0.181 47.1 5.2 2 152.56 4.5 0.417 0.177 0.297 0.198 67.8 11.8 152.56 4.5 0.417 0.180 0.297 0.198 65.0 10.0 3 353.00 3.8 0.663 0.430 0.686 0.498 59.5 15.8 4 360.00 3.7 0.663 0.440 0.676 0.490 53.6 11.4 工况 药量/g 质量分数/% 工况 药量/g 质量分数/% 铝 CL-20 其他 铝 CL-20 其他 1 200 10 64.5 25.5 4 100 10 64.5 25.5 2 200 20 54.5 25.5 5 100 20 54.5 25.5 3 200 30 45.5 25.5 6 100 30 44.5 25.5 -
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