• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊
Volume 41 Issue 1
Jan.  2021
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Article Contents
LI Yi, MIAO Chunhe, XU Songlin, ZHANG Jinyong, WANG Pengfei. Wave propagation in density-graded viscoelastic material[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(1): 013202. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0313
Citation: LI Yi, MIAO Chunhe, XU Songlin, ZHANG Jinyong, WANG Pengfei. Wave propagation in density-graded viscoelastic material[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(1): 013202. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0313

Wave propagation in density-graded viscoelastic material

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0313
  • Received Date: 2020-08-31
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-10-20
  • Publish Date: 2021-01-05
  • Wave propagation in visco-elastic materials with gradient density is really complex. In order to understand the responses of the visco-elastic materials to impact load, a series of theoretical equations for wave propagation in density-graded visco-elastic materials were proposed by employing the Euler form of the governing equations and the Laplace transform method. According to these equations, the wave propagation in the two-layer periodically-superimposed media with perpendicular incidence was analyzed. The Ti-TiB2 material with gradient density characteristics and the carbon-fiber-reinforced resin composites with strong visco-elastic properties were selected as experimental subjects to carry out dynamic impact tests by applying a split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) device. To better reflect the influences of the gradient characteristics on the dynamic responses of the materials, the experimental specimens were prepared by using different stacking directions and modes. The data obtained by the SHPB device were analyzed by the three-wave method. Moreover, according to the incident wave and transmission wave obtained by the SHPB device, the wave propagation equations proposed for the visco-elastic media with gradient density were applied to obtain the corresponding theoretical solutions. And the calculated theoretical solutions were compared with the experimental results. The comparisons display as follows. (1) Due to the internal interface and the superimposed interface, the graded Ti-TiB2 materials show certain viscosity properties. For single-layer Ti-TiB2 specimens, the theoretically calculated results are approximately consistent with the experimental ones analyzed by the three-wave method. But there lie some differences for two-layer Ti-TiB2 specimens. (2) The two-layer carbon fiber reinforced resin composites exhibit stronger visco-elastic characteristics, and the attenuation amplitude of stress wave is larger. There are obvious differences between the experimental results analyzed by the three-wave method and theoretically calculated ones. As a consequence, the influences of the viscosity produced by the meso-structures and the viscosity of the material itself on the dynamic behaviors of the macro medium cannot be ignored.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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