• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊
Volume 43 Issue 7
Jul.  2023
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Article Contents
MA Shixin, JI Yangziyi, ZHONG Mingshou, LI Xiangdong. Study on the vulnerability of concrete obstacle under contact explosion[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(7): 073201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0538
Citation: MA Shixin, JI Yangziyi, ZHONG Mingshou, LI Xiangdong. Study on the vulnerability of concrete obstacle under contact explosion[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(7): 073201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0538

Study on the vulnerability of concrete obstacle under contact explosion

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2022-0538
  • Received Date: 2022-11-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-04-17
  • Available Online: 2023-04-25
  • Publish Date: 2023-07-05
  • Contact explosion experiments were conducted to assess the damage capacity of a cylindrical charge contact explosion on a concrete obstacle. A characterization method for the damage level of a concrete obstacle was proposed based on the experimental results. Subsequently, numerical simulations were performed to study the influence of charge mass and placement location on the residual height of a concrete obstacle. To validate the numerical model and applied material parameters, the results of the numerical simulations were compared with the experimental results. Based on the numerical results, the vulnerability of the concrete obstacle under contact explosions of different charge placements was characterized using the damage iso-curve method. The shape and center position of the damage zone on the top and side of the obstacle were obtained. Considering the randomness of charge placement after deployment in actual use, a model for calculating the vulnerable area was established to investigate the overall vulnerability of the obstacle. The relationship between the charge mass and the vulnerable area of different damage levels of the obstacle when the charge exploded on the top and side was obtained. The research results indicate that the shape of the damage zone on the top of the obstacle is approximately a square, with the center coinciding with the center of the top surface. The shape of the damage zone on the side is approximately a rounded trapezoid, with the center located about 10 cm below the geometric center of the side surface. Based on the calculated results of the vulnerable area, the difference in vulnerability between the top and side of the obstacle under contact explosion was compared. When the mass of the cylindrical charge is between 0.5 kg and 10.79 kg, the concrete obstacle is more vulnerable to damage when subjected to a contact explosion on the side. The findings of this research can provide support and guidance for the demolition of concrete obstacles, the design of obstacle-breaking projectiles, and the evaluation of their damage effectiveness.
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