• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊
Volume 43 Issue 10
Oct.  2023
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Article Contents
SUN Chengwei, LU Yu, ZHAO Jibo, LUO Binqiang, GU Zhuowei, WANG Guiji, ZHANG Xuping, CHEN Xuemiao, ZHOU Zhongyu, LI Mu, YUAN Hong, ZHANG Hongping, WANG Ganghua, SUN Qizhi, WEN Shanggang, TAN Fuli, ZHAO Jianheng, MO Jianjun, CAI Jintao, JIN Yunsheng, HE Jia, CHONG Tao, ZHAO Xiaoming, LIU Cangli. SSS-MHD: a one-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamics multi-physics simulation platform for magnetically-driven high-energy-density dynamics experiments[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(10): 104201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0127
Citation: SUN Chengwei, LU Yu, ZHAO Jibo, LUO Binqiang, GU Zhuowei, WANG Guiji, ZHANG Xuping, CHEN Xuemiao, ZHOU Zhongyu, LI Mu, YUAN Hong, ZHANG Hongping, WANG Ganghua, SUN Qizhi, WEN Shanggang, TAN Fuli, ZHAO Jianheng, MO Jianjun, CAI Jintao, JIN Yunsheng, HE Jia, CHONG Tao, ZHAO Xiaoming, LIU Cangli. SSS-MHD: a one-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamics multi-physics simulation platform for magnetically-driven high-energy-density dynamics experiments[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2023, 43(10): 104201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0127

SSS-MHD: a one-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamics multi-physics simulation platform for magnetically-driven high-energy-density dynamics experiments

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2023-0127
  • Received Date: 2023-04-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-09-17
  • Publish Date: 2023-10-27
  • The research on generation and properties of materials under ultra-high pressure and density constitutes an important part of the extreme physics and hence a field of modern frontier science, especially the magnetically-driven high-energy-density physics herein is meaningful and in great need by core technologies. High pulsed power devices with tens-megampere output current and thousands-Tesla magnetic field were developed in past decades, e.g., the Z machine capable of 30 MA and 100 TW on load at the Sandia National Laboratories, USA; also a record intense magnetic field of 2800 T achieved with a cascade magneto-cumulative generator of MC-1 type at VNIIEF, Russia. It is available now to compress heavy metals up to 1 TPa or to launch thin Al flyer plates to super high speed over 45 km/s using isentropic compression experiments on the Z machine. Although these experiments take various forms, they have intrinsic unity in physics, which is based on the conservation laws of mechanics and the macroscopic electromagnetic theory. Therefore, it is feasible and necessary to establish a unified numerical simulation platform and determine the mechanical motion of the load configuration and its coupling with various physical fields under extreme experimental conditions by relying on the load current data (or the real data of the drive circuit). The magneto-hydrodynamics multi-physics codes have been successfully developed in USA, e.g., the excellent performance codes—ALEGRA series at the Sandia National Laboratories. This paper substantively extends the one-dimensional Lagrangian code SSS, which has been extensively validated by shock, detonation and laser radiation effect simulations, into a magneto-hydrodynamics multi-physics one and now it is renamed as SSS-MHD. The simulation results of various high-energy-density dynamic experiments with typical significance, such as planar quasi-isentropic ramp wave compression, ultra-high speed solid flyer launch, solid liner implosion, and explosively-driven magnetic flux compression, indicate that their relative deviations of the SSS-MHD simulations from the experimental data of America’s Z machine, China’s CQ and CJ series devices, and ALEGRA-1D/2D calculations are generally less than 5%. The SSS-MHD code turns into a powerful platform to simulate experiments of extreme material dynamics (including gases, liquids, metals and compounds) and its practice could be helpful to develop advanced multi-dimensional MHD multi-physics codes.
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