• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊
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WANG Fei, HAN Jin, CHEN Jinshe, CHEN Haiyan, ZHANG Yansong, YANG Yang, ZHANG Yang, ZHU Yuzhen. Preparation of NiP@Fe-SBA-15 suppressant and its inhibition mechanism on PP dust deflagration flames[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0434
Citation: WANG Fei, HAN Jin, CHEN Jinshe, CHEN Haiyan, ZHANG Yansong, YANG Yang, ZHANG Yang, ZHU Yuzhen. Preparation of NiP@Fe-SBA-15 suppressant and its inhibition mechanism on PP dust deflagration flames[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0434

Preparation of NiP@Fe-SBA-15 suppressant and its inhibition mechanism on PP dust deflagration flames

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2024-0434
  • Received Date: 2024-11-04
  • Rev Recd Date: 2025-01-15
  • Available Online: 2025-01-16
  • Polypropylene (PP) is widely utilized in industrial production, yet PP dust generated during its production and transportation can form explosive dust clouds, leading to severe dust explosion accidents that threaten personnel and equipment safety. To address this issue, a novel explosion suppressant, NiP@Fe-SBA-15, was synthesized to inhibit the propagation of PP dust combustion flames. The synthesis involved modifying SBA-15 mesoporous silica with Fe ions and subsequently loading NiP, resulting in a composite powder with uniformly dispersed active components and a well-preserved mesoporous structure. Characterization via SEM-Mapping and N2 adsorption-desorption experiments revealed that NiP@Fe-SBA-15 maintains a high specific surface area, exhibits a regulated pore structure, and shows no significant particle agglomeration. The Hartman tube explosive testing system was employed to evaluate the effect of NiP@Fe-SBA-15 on PP dust deflagration. Results indicated that as the NiP@Fe-SBA-15 additive increased, the flame propagation speed, brightness, and flame length of PP deflagration decreased significantly, with flame propagation almost completely inhibited at a suppressant dosage of 70 wt%. The dual explosion suppression mechanism of NiP@Fe-SBA-15 was analyzed. Physically, NiP@Fe-SBA-15 occupies reaction space, reducing oxygen and combustible volatile concentrations, while the SBA-15 molecular sieve, exposed by thermal decomposition of the suppressant, absorbs heat and forms a physical barrier, thereby reducing combustion intensity. Chemically, NiP decomposition releases Ni· and P· radicals that consume key free radicals (H·, O·, OH·) in combustion reactions, interrupting explosion chain reactions. Meanwhile, Fe-based species rapidly oxidize to Fe3O4, reducing oxygen availability and further weakening combustion intensity. In summary, NiP@Fe-SBA-15 was proven to be an effective explosion suppressant for PP dust explosions, reducing combustion intensity through combined physicochemical synergies. This research provides a new approach to enhancing polypropylene industry safety. Future work will focus on optimizing the industrial application of NiP@Fe-SBA-15 explosion suppressants while addressing cost, environmental sustainability, and stability issues to further advance dust explosion prevention technology.
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