• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊

2013 Vol. 33, No. 5

Display Method:
Experimental study on expansion characteristics of twin combustion-gas jets in liquid-filled chambers
Xue Xiao-chun, Yu Yong-gang, Zhang Qi
2013, 33(5): 449-455. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0449-07
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A five-stage cylindrical stepped-wall observation chambers and a cylindrical observation chambers were designed to explore the expansion characteristics of high-temperature high-pressure twin combustion-gas jets in bulk-loaded liquid. The expansion processes of the twin combustion-gas jets in the designed chambers filled with liquid were observed by using a high-speed photographic system. The influences of the different observation chamber boundaries and the conditional parameters were compared. The experimental results show that the cylindrical stepped-wall observation chambers can be more helpful for improving the mixing characteristics of twin gas jets with liquid. And the expansion processes of the twin combustion-gas jets in the three-dimensional filledliquid chambers can be controlled in a certain degree by correctly matching the condition parameters.

Experiment and numerical simulation on ignition of charge by fragment impact
Sun Bao-ping, Duan Zhuo-ping, Zhang Hai-ying, Liu Yan, Huang Feng-lei
2013, 33(5): 456-462. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0456-07
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The critical impact velocity range was obtained by using the updown method in the fragment impact experiments. In the numerical simulations, the mechanical damage and ignition reaction of the charge were depicted by the node tiebreaking method and the thermoelasticplastic material model with the chemical kinetics equation. The experimental results are in agreement with the simulated ones. So the node tiebreaking method and the thermoelasticplastic material model with the chemical kinetics equation can be used to effectively simulate the ignition of explosives under fragment impact.

Analysis of linear visco-elastic spherical waves based on ZWT constitutive equation
Lu Qiang, Wang Zhan-jiang, Wang Li-li, Lai Hua-wei, Yang Li-ming,
2013, 33(5): 463-470. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0463-08
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For the explosion and shock loading in the 1-100 s time scale, the linear visco-elastic ZWT constitutive equation under a three-dimensional stress state was derived by ignoring the relaxation effect of the low-frequency Maxwell element and the nonlinear spring element. Based on the basic kinetic equation of the spherical wave and the linear visco-elastic ZWT constitutive equation, the third-order wave equation depicted by the displacement u was obtained. The absorption and dispersion phenomena of the spherical wave propagation in the visco-elastic solid were analyzed. Conclusions are as follows: the attenuation factor of the high-frequency spherical wave is inclined to constant, and its phase velocity to that of high-frequency longitudinal wave; the attenuation factor of the low-frequency spherical wave is in direct proportion to the square 2 of the circular frequency, and its phase velocity is inclined to that of the lowfrequency longitudinal wave; the phase velocity of the lowfrequency spherical wave is less than that of the high-frequency spherical wave, and the ratio between them is related to the Poisson ratio as well as the elastic modules of the ZWT and Maxwell elements.
Effects of explosion fragments penetrating defensive liquid-filled cabins
Kong Xiang-shao, Wu Wei-guo, Li Jun, Li Xiao-bin, Xu Shuang-xi
2013, 33(5): 471-478. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0471-08
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Numerical simulations were conducted to investigate the penetration process of single and double fragments produced by a typical missile warhead into the liquid-filled cabin. The penetration process was defined as five typical stages. The velocity attenuation of the fragments, the response of the inner plate and the synergistic effect of the shock waves induced by double fragments in the liquid-filled cabin were analyzed. The results indicate that the shock wave and local pressure are the main loads endured by the inner plate of the liquid-filled cabin. There is an apparent synergistic effect of the shock waves in the liquid-filled cabin penetrated by double fragments, and the position of the high shock-wave pressure region is related to the space between fragments. The shock-wave pressure peak resulted from the impact of the double fragments and the pressure endured by the inner plate are two times higher than those in the case of the single fragment.
Pulse-shaping techniques of high-g-value acceleration generators
Zhou Guang-yu, , Hu Shi-sheng
2013, 33(5): 479-486. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0479-08
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A Hopkinson pressure bar device was utilized in high overloading tests for initiators as a high-g-value acceleration generator. And a finite element model was created to simulate the operation process of producing acceleration pulses. The effects of the bullets and the pulse shapers on the loading pulses were investigated by considering the shapes of the bullets as well as the materials, diameters and thicknesses of the pulse shapers, respectively. To realize the purpose of effectively controlling and improving the loading environment in impact tests for initiators, the required acceleration pulses were obtained. So the investigated results can provide a basis for experimental designations and tests to check the reliability of initiators in impact environments.
Large-eddy simulation of interface instability of low-density fluids
Wang Tao, Li Ping, Bai Jing-song, Wang Bing, Tao Gang
2013, 33(5): 487-493. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0487-07
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The subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence transport terms were modeled by using the stretched-vortex SGS stress model and a large-eddy simulation (LES) code MVFT was developed to investigate the multi-viscous-flow and turbulence problems. Then the interface instability and its induced turbulent mixing of the low-density fluids were simulated numerically by the MVFT code. The simulated images were compared with the experimental results and the detailed analyses were carried out in the following aspects: the development of the perturbed interfaces, the propagations of the shock waves in the flow field and their interactions, the evolutions of the turbulent mixing zone edges, and the instantaneous density and turbulent kinetic energy of the flow filed. Comparisons show that the obtained numerical images for the interface evolutions and the wave structures in the flow field are consistent with the experimental results. And the three-dimensionally simulated results are in agreement with the two-dimensionally simulated ones, which including the positions of the perturbed interfaces, the waves and the turbulent mixing zone edges. Only the two-dimensional simulated images for the the configurations of the perturbed interfaces in the later stage are different from the three-dimensionally simulated results. At the same time, the numerical simulations explain that the turbulent flows have strong threedimensional effects.
Spherically-symmetric form of the material point method with applications to underwater explosion
Chen Wei-dong, Yang Wen-miao, Yan Han, Zhang Feng-chao
2013, 33(5): 494-500. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0494-07
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In solving the shock response problems of three-dimensional far-field underwater explosion by the material point method, the calculation of the propagation process of the shock wave before it reaches the structure will cost a large amount of computing resources and affect the computing efficiency. Aimed to this problem, a one-dimensional spherically-symmetric form of the material point method was proposed by taking into account the propagation characteristics of the underwater explosion shock waves in the free field. And the underwater explosion of the spherical explosive was numerically simulated by the proposed material point method. The simulated results are in good agreement with the ones obtained by the Cole formula and DYNA, and it can explain that the proposed material point method is feasible. On the basis of the above results, a re-mapping algorithm was brought forward based on the material point method. The blast wave propagation in the free field was calculated in the one-dimensional spherically-symmetric model, and the calculated results were mapped to the three-dimensional model to complete the calculation process. So the computation efficiency is improved greatly.
Acoustic characteristics of underwater continuous pulse shock wave
Fan Zhi-qiang, Ma Hong-hao, Shen Zhao-wu, Jiang Yao-gang
2013, 33(5): 501-506. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0501-06
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With a view to obtaining the application prospect of metal-sheathed detonating cords in the research of underwater sound sources, an experimental apparatus called underwater continuous pulse wave generator, which can orderly generate a series of shock waves, is designed. On the basis of wavelet analysis, the signal decomposition and reconstruction is implemented to investigate the frequency spectrum characteristics of the signals. Likewise, the sound pressure level of the underwater continuous pulse shock wave is analyzed. Results indicate that the acoustic signal generated by this device has strong acoustic power and high sound pressure level. The frequency contained in the signal is abundant, and the shock waves generated by the detonator and the detonating cord show different frequency spectrum characteristics by the reason of different charge structures and explosion propagation styles. The shock wave generated by the detonator is mainly concentrated in the frequency band of less than 15.6 kHz, and the signal produced by the detonating cord is mainly distributed in the frequency band which is below 62.5 kHz. The pulse shock wave count and acoustic duration of the signal can be controlled by the permutation style and the length of the detonating cord, and the time interval between two adjacent pulse waves is adjustable. The generator is stable and controllable.
Mechanical properties of double-base propellant at high strain rates and its damage-modified ZWT constitutive model
Sun Chao-xiang, Ju Yu-tao, Zheng Ya, Wang Peng-bo, Zhang Jun-fa
2013, 33(5): 507-512. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0507-06
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To obtain the mechanical properties and constitutive behaviors of double-base propellant under impact loading, uniaxial compression experiments were performed on the material test machine and the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) device. The availability of the experimental data was examined, and the stress-strain curves were obtained by using the two-wave method. The experimental results indicate that the double-base propellant is a significant strain-rate-dependent material, the yield strength increases obviously at high strain rates compared with that under quasi-static loading, and the relationship between yield strength and logarithm of strain rate is bilinear. The yield strain of the doublebase propellant behaves in the effect of ductile-brittle transition, and it behaves in ductility at low strain rates as well as impact brittleness at high strain rates. The damage-modified ZWT constitutive model was used to fit the experimental data, and the parameters in the constitutive equation were obtained. Moreover, the damage factor was analyzed. Comparisons of the model-predicted curves with the experimental ones show that the damagemodified ZWT model can well predict the mechanical properties of the double-base propellant in the strain range from 0 to 0.14.
Experimental study of blasting vibration with precisely-controlled delay time
Li Shun-bo, Yang Jun, Chen Pu, Liu Jie
2013, 33(5): 513-518. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0513-06
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To understand the blasting mechanism of electronic detonators in weakening blasting vibration and improving rock fragmentation, a calculation formula was given for the millisecond-delayed time between blasting holes based on the energy change in the process of seismic wave propagation. And the model test was designed and carried out according to the actual open pits in China. The test results show that reasonably controlling the delay times between blasting holes can weaken blasting vibration. In the tests, the instantaneous energy of blasting vibration by the 12-millisecond-delay interval is 19%, 25% and 36% of those by 2-, 7- and 9-millisecond-delay intervals, respectively. The peak velocity of blasting vibration by 4- and 12-milliseconddelay intervalls is around 50% of those by the other delay intervals. And the given calculation formula was applied in an engineering practice and its feasibility was validated.
Dynamic interaction between surrounding rock and underground structure subjected to blast loading
Sun Hui-xiang, Xu Jin-yu, Zhu Guo-fu, Wen Ke-xu
2013, 33(5): 519-524. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0519-06
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The nonlinear dynamic finite element procedure of ANSYS/LS-DYNA was used and the fluid-solid coupling algorithm was selected to numerically simulate the vertical explosion process of underground arch structures. And the wave theory of p-u Hugoniot curve was adopted to analyze the explosion wave communication process between arch structure and rock. The maximum interaction force and its distribution diagrams of differentspan arch structures were obtained. The results show that the surrounding rock is unloaded and the stress decreases when the wave is travelling from rock with high wave impedance to concrete with low wave impedance. And the surrounding rock is loaded and the stress increases on the contrary. The 40-m-span arch structure as a whole is shocked by tension and comression force when the explosion distance is 5 m and the explosion vibration is evident.
Dynamic stability and reliability of a supercavitating projectile with stochastic parameters
Liu Ming, An Wei-guang, Song Xiang-hua,
2013, 33(5): 525-530. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0525-06
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Aimed at the dynamic instability problems of a supercavitating projectile subjected to an axial random load, a dynamic partial differential equation for the supercavitating projectile structure was established, and the dynamic stability was numerically calculated by Bolotins method. Considering the influences of the randomness of the structural parameters, the dynamic instability regions of the projectile were constructed by applying the random factor method, and the mean value and the variance of the boundary of dynamic instability regions were derived by using the algebra synthesis method. Based on the above, the non-probabilistic reliability of the projectile structure was analyzed. And the influences of stochastic parameters were discussed on the dynamic instability and non-probabilistic reliability of the supercavitating projectile. The computational results indicate that the parameter randomness can affect the dynamic reliability region boundary and non-probabilistic reliability. And the randomness of the geometric parameters has more influences on dynamic instability and reliability.
A new method for calibrating shock accelerometers
Zeng Li-min, Zeng Han
2013, 33(5): 531-536. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0531-06
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The conventional calibration methods for shock accelerometers include the absolute, relative and comparative methods. A new calibration method, analogy comparison was proposed by synthesizing the advantages of the relative method and the comparison method. In the calibration by applying the proposed analogy comparison method, the standard accelerometer can be traced to the national benchmark by using the absolute method, and based on the measured shock force and dynamic strain, the sensitivity, amplitude linearity and frequency response of the measured accelerometer can be calibrated by exchanging the measured accelerometer with the standard accelerometer in the same shock condition. Thereby, the influences of the measured shock force and dynamic strain on the accelerometer calibration can be weakened and the shock accelerometer can be accurately calibrated.
Formation mechanism analysis and numerical simulation of railgun gouging
Jin Long-wen, Lei Bin, Li Zhi-yuan, Zhang Qian
2013, 33(5): 537-543. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0537-07
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Based on the launching characteristics of an electromagnetic railgun, the formation mechanism of railgun gouging was analyzed, and the formation process of railgun gouging was numerically simulated by using the finite element code ABAQUS. The results show that the transient particles caused by heterogeneous temperature distribution can indeed cause gouging to occur. The simulated gouging shape is in agreement with the experimental one. The degree of gouging damage mainly depends on the armature velocity and the effective damage contact area between the armature and the rail, while the interface load has little effect on it. The materials at high temperature are easily vulnerable and can shorten the working life. By using hard rail materials, gouging can be prevented, but it will decrease the electrical conductivity and launching efficiency. Consequently, the keys to antigouging are determining the balance between the hardness and the conductivity of materials according to actual requirements and overcoming the limitations of the metal processing technologies through the structural innovations.
Key factors in design of electromagnetic ring experiment
Zhong Tao, Zhao Jian-heng, Tan Fu-li, Wang Gui-ji, Luo Bin-qiang
2013, 33(5): 544-550. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0544-07
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A new three-dimensional LS-DYNA program was used to simulate the electromagnetic ring expansion experiment. Some key factors were analyzed for influencing the experimental results: coil winding methods, coil sizes, loading current waveforms, expanding ring widths, and so on. The computed results show that the coil winding method with clearance excels the uniformly winding method. The loading current peaks are approximately linear to the radial velocity peaks of the expanding ring.The movement stability of the expanding ring can be improved by increasing the axial width of the expanding ring section. And the double-coil model can effectively decrease the axial displacement of the expanding ring.
Influences of ignition process and initial conditions on interior ballistic characteristics of combustion light gas gun
Deng Fei, Zhang Xiang-yan, Liu Ning
2013, 33(5): 551-555. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0551-05
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The combustion process in the combustion light gas gun chamber was numerically simulated by using the computational fluid dynamics method. And the influences of the different factors on the interior ballistic characteristics of the combustion light gas gun were analyzed and these factors included ignition point amount, ignition energy, initial temperature and initial pressure. The results show that a reasonable ignition point amount, a reasonable initial temperature and a reasonable initial pressure can be adopted to effectively control the hydrogen combustion process and reduce the pressure oscillation in the combustion chamber. The simulated results can provide an important reference for controlling the combustion process in the combustion light gas gun chamber.
Numerical study on particle motion in explosion buoyant puff
Yuan Tao, Luo Yong-feng, Shang Ai-guo, Luo Kun-sheng, Gao Hong-quan
2013, 33(5): 556-560. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2013)05-0556-05
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Taking the explosion of a 10 kg TNT explosive device in an open, breezeless zone as the background, the states of the detonation products at 1 ms after the explosion were calculated using Autodyn, which provided reliable source term geometric models and physical parameters for the numerical simulation of the particle motion in the explosion plume. Then a double-layer source term model was established using GAMBIT. Finally, by importing the model into Fluent software, a discrete particle model (DPM) was developed. And by using the developed DPM, the particle trajectories of the particles of the sizes of 1, 10, 50 and 100 m, were calculated systematically, the distribution and movement trends of the different size particles in the smoke rising process were analyzed, and the particle concentrations at different heights were given.