Volume 37 Issue 5
Jul.  2017
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Article Contents
Li Xuezheng, Wang Minchao. Particle velocity models on small yields underground explosions[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2017, 37(5): 899-905. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2017)05-0899-07
Citation: Li Xuezheng, Wang Minchao. Particle velocity models on small yields underground explosions[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2017, 37(5): 899-905. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2017)05-0899-07

Particle velocity models on small yields underground explosions

doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(2017)05-0899-07
  • Received Date: 2016-01-25
  • Rev Recd Date: 2016-11-06
  • Publish Date: 2017-09-25
  • A series of underground explosions whose yield is confined at a limited level ranging from a few kilograms to a hundred were carried out in the Quaternary Period hardpan. The law of seismic wave propagation on small yield chemical explosion was investigated in the experiments. The results show that the duration of the seismic waves were shorter in the near field, the horizontal vibration amplitudes was stronger than the perpendicular ones, and the particle velocity increases exponentially with the increase of the yield. An index in the horizontal direction was approximately 1.09, while that in the perpendicular direction was approximately 0.77. The particle velocity exponentially decreases with the increases of the distance. The attenuating index in the horizontal direction is 2.07 and that in the vertical direction is 1.57. It is shown that the Sadauskas model, the obvious model, and the double extreme model can all quantitatively describe the seismic particle velocity on small yield underground explosions but they differ in the inverse precision of the parameters. Here, the difference in the residual of the double extreme model is the least. In other words, the parameters inversed by using the double extreme model are closest to the data actually observed.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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