• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊

2019 Vol. 39, No. 4

Display Method:
2019, 39(4): 1-2.
Design of gradient foam metal materials with a constant impact load
CHANG Baixue, ZHENG Zhijun, ZHAO Kai, HE Siyuan, YU Jilin
2019, 39(4): 041101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0431
Cellular materials can absorb a large amount of impact energy with large deformation, and their crashworthiness may be improved by introducing density gradients. The macroscopic mechanical responses of graded cellular materials are very sensitive to their relative density distributions and the effects of meso-structures can be very different. Some of existing studies is mainly limited to the analysis on the dynamic mechanical response of graded cellular material with a given density gradient, and less on the crashworthiness design method is considered. Based on the nonlinear plastic shock wave model, a backward crashworthiness design method is developed for graded foams. A simplified model and an asymptotic solution are derived by applying the series method with the aim of maintaining a constant load on the impact object. The cell-based finite element models based on three-dimensional Voronoi structures with density continuously changing are constructed by applying the variable cell size method. The theoretical design is verified by using finite element software ABAQUS/Explicit. The numerical simulation results show that the asymptotic solution of the simplified model is effective for the crashworthiness design of graded foams, and the proposed crashworthiness design method is of instructive significance in controlling the energy absorption and impact process.
Numerical investigation on detonation diffraction and re-initiationprocesses in a supersonic inflow
LI Hongbin, LI Jianling, XIONG Cha, FAN Wei, ZHAO Lei, HAN Wenhu
2019, 39(4): 041401. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0464

It is an effective way to initiate detonation with the aid of a pre-detonator in the detonation engines, and the initiation process by the pre-detonator has been widely investigated in static and subsonic flows. However, how to initiate a detonation wave with a pre-detonator in the supersonic flow was little dealt with in the literature and still needs to be intensively investigated. The diffraction and re-initiation processes during a planar detonation wave propagates into the supersonic inflow were numerically investigated in this paper. The detonation initiation processes both in a semi-infinite space and a confined channel were studied. The governing equations are two-dimensional in-viscid Euler equations. The high-accuracy WENO scheme was utilized in the simulations. The chemical reaction model is a two-step chain branching kinetic model with induction and reaction steps. The cellular structure of detonation wave is regular which is corresponding to the detonation wave formed in the detonable mixture highly diluted with inert gas. It was shown that the maximum distance of detonation propagation increased as the Mach number of supersonic inflow in the semi-infinite space. More transverse waves were generated outside the kernel zone. However, the re-initiation of detonation was failed in the geometry utilized in this work. In the confined channel, the re-initiation process was greatly influenced by the reflected waves. The emerged flow was compressed at the upstream side when the supersonic inflow was added and the pressure of the shock wave was increased accordingly. Compared with the failure of detonation re-initiation in the static flow, the re-initiation of detonation was successfully triggered in the supersonic inflow with Ma=2.0, despite the two cases used the same geometry. It was because that the wrinkles occurred on the reaction front and then resulted in the generation of transverse waves in the supersonic inflow. Because of the collisions between transverse waves, or between the transverse wave and the wall, the pressure decay of the leading shock wave was suppressed. Consequently, a successful re-initiation of detonation was occurred.

Reaction properties of Al-teflon with different particle sizes under laser ablation
DING Tong, GUO Wencan, ZHANG Xu, WANG Zhongmiao, ZHENG Xianxu, LIU Cangli
2019, 39(4): 041402. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0023

In order to study reaction properties of Al-teflon with different particle sizes, we prepared Al-teflon reactive material powders by mixing Al powder with particle sizes of 25 μm, 1 μm, and 20-200 nm, where micron-sized teflon powder as raw materials. The laser ablation experiments of Al-teflon reactive material were performed by a pulsed laser system. The self-luminescence imaging and emission spectra in the reaction process were collected and analyzed by ICCD camera and spectrometer. The results show that the reaction properties of Al-teflon reactive material under laser ablation reflect the characteristics of typical secondary reactions, together with continuous combustion characteristics and obvious afterburning effects, and the total energy release time is long. At the same time, the reaction properties is closely related to the particle size of Al powder. As the particle size of Al powder decreases, the reaction becomes more violently in the initial reaction stage. As the reaction progresses, the subsequent reaction capability of the corresponding reactive material with nano-Al size powder gradually decreases, the reaction intensity and reaction time are not as good as the corresponding reaction materials of 1 μm size aluminum powder.

Numerical simulation of confined PBX charge under low velocity impact at high temperature
HU Cai, WU Yanqing, HUANG Fenglei
2019, 39(4): 041403. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0254

Accidental initiations of the explosive subjected to mechanical or thermal loads have caused numerous catastrophic tragedies. The impact sensitivity and thermal safety of explosive is of great importance for the applications. Previous work showed an evident decline on modulus with increasing cook-off temperature, which suggest that Cook-off temperature may affect the deformation process of the impacted PBX, and further affect the critical impact velocities for initiation. In this work, to investigate the mechanical and thermal response of confined PBX charge under low velocity impact of a small projectile during cook-off events, a finite-element model was established to provide reliable prediction of explosive safety performance at high temperature. A thermal-mechanical-combined experiments from literature enabled comparisons between simulated results and measured data for the critical impact velocities of initiation for a HMX-based PBX charge (HMX/TATB/olefin). The simulation results showed that when it was heated up to 348.15 K, the critical impact velocity of initiation for the explosives reached the maximum (360 m/s). With the increase of cook-off temperature, the localized heating regions change from the surface of explosive charge to the center. This phenomenon was caused by the effect of compression overshadows shearing on the initiation because of the strength decreases in the heated PBX, implying that thermal softening plays an important role in the impact sensitivity of the heated PBX charge.

Measuring the detonation reaction zone structure ofJOB-9003 explosive using PDV
QIN Jincheng, PEI Hongbo, HUANG Wenbin, ZHANG Xu, ZHENG Xianxu, ZHAO Feng
2019, 39(4): 041404. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0101

In order to obtain the chemical reaction zone of HMX based JOB-9003 explosive, experimental measurements on the detonation wave profile of solid explosives using photon Doppler velocimetry (PDV) have been performed. Planar detonations were produced by impacting the explosive with sapphire flyer launched from a powder gun. Particle velocity wave profiles were measured at the explosive/window interface. LiF windows with very thin vapor deposited aluminum mirrors were used in the experiments. The time resolution of PDV is about 1 ns, and the velocity uncertainty  is less than 2%. The measurements show distinct end to the reaction zone indicating a CJ point in JOB-9003. The results show that the reaction time of JOB-9003 is (11±2) ns, and the corresponding reaction length is (0.075±0.014) mm. The CJ pressure is (35.6±0.9) GPa, and the pressure at Von-Neumann spike is (47.9±1.2) GPa.

Law of reaction growth of shock initiation on the TATB  based insensitive explosive JB-9014
ZHANG Qimin, ZHANG Xu, ZHAO Kang, SHU Junxiang, ZHANG Rong, ZHONG Bin
2019, 39(4): 041405. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0050

To find out about the patterns and regularities of the reaction growth of shock initiation on JB-9014 explosives, using aluminum-based multiple EMV, we conducted six one-dimensional planar impact experiments in the gun-power platform. Under different initial pressures (11.33−14.18 GPa), we measured the particle velocity versus time up(t) and wave-profiles in the JB-9014 explosive at 9 different distances from the impact plane, and recorded the position of the shock front with time x(t), successfully fitting the unreacted explosive JB-9014 Hugoniot relation. Furthermore, we obtained the time and distance to detonation are estimated according to both the wave-profiles and the x(t) trajectories from the shock wave tracker gauges.

Quasi-isentropic compression technique based on generalized wave impedance gradient flyer
CHEN Zibo, XIE Puchu, LIU Dongsheng, CHEN Wei, WANG Yonggang
2019, 39(4): 041406. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0407

Based on the wave propagation characteristics of variable cross-section rods, a generalized wave impedance gradient flyer, termed the " bed of nails” was designed. The process of the generalized wave impedance gradient flyer impacting the sample was simulated by using the SPH algorithm of the LS-DYNA software. The wave profiles display a smooth increase of  velocity, with no indication of a shock jump. The physical mechanism of the quasi-isentropic compression generation is attributed to the interaction from a series of approximately spherical waves with slowly rising front. The influences of impact velocity and geometric parameters of the flyer on the ramp wave loading characteristics were discussed in detail, which provide some useful information  for the design and application of the generalized wave impedance gradient flyer. Selective Laser Melting, and an additive manufacture technique, were used to manufacture  the " bed of nails” flyer. The experiments were performed at the impact velocities of 348 m/s using the 57 mm gas gun. The measured free surface velocity profile agrees well with the simulation results.

Numerical study of non-uniformity effect on Richtmyer-Meshkov instability induced by non-planar shock wave
WANG Zhen, WANG Tao, BAI Jingsong, XIAO Jiaxin
2019, 39(4): 041407. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0342

Based on the Navier-Stokes equations, the large-eddy simulation code MVFT (multi-viscous-flow and turbulence) was applied to numerically study the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability (i.e. RMI) for a perturbed interface, which is driven by a non-planar shock wave with Ma=1.25 in uniform and non-uniform flows with Gaussian distribution of the initial density. The simulation results show that the interface evolution of the RMI induced by non-planar shock wave is affected by the non-uniformity of the initial flows. Before reshock, the growth of the disturbed interface increases with the increasing of the non-uniformity flow field for either φ=0 or φ=π. However, these discrepancies are reduced as the flow enters the turbulent mixing. Further quantitative analysis of the circulations and high-order fluctuating velocity correlation in the flow field reveal the mechanisms for the aforementioned regulations. In addition, it is found that the interface evolution of the RMI induced by non-planar shock wave is different from that driven by planar shock wave. The mechanism for the difference is the influence of the initial vorticity of non-planar shock wave and the vorticity generated by the shock-interface.

Uncertainty quantification of cylindrical test through Wiener chaos with basis adaptation and projection
LIANG Xiao, WANG Ruili
2019, 39(4): 041408. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0253

The mathematical-physical model used to describe the detonation  dynamics has many  uncertain factors due to the complexity and lack of knowledge for detonation phenomenon. Quantifying and assessing the impact of input uncertainties on output of detonation systems has a direct influence on reducing the risk based on the numerical model  and simulation results for detonation. The Wiener chaos based on adapted basis is used to deal with the uncertainty quantification of high-dimensional random variables for detonation simulation. The rotation transformation and projection method is used  to reduce the length of truncation number.  Rosenblatt transformation is used to transform the set of dependent random variables into independent random variables. The equality of probability principle is used to change the non-Gaussian random variables into standard random variables. Uncertainty quantifications of the cylinder test with high dimensional input uncertainties are studied. The statistical informations such as mean, standard deviations, and confidence intervals are presented. The simulation  results coincide with the experimental data, and the accuracy of the model is validated.

Numerical simulation of peak pressure in near-field underwater explosion
GONG Xiangfei, LIU Wentao, ZHANG Shudao, YANG Jiming
2019, 39(4): 041409. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0262

In this work, to obtain the pressure state of underwater explosion in near-field, we numerically simulated the whole process of underwater explosion using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics and adopting the C-J detonation model, and following the empirical formulas, confirmed the laws of the peak pressure, thereby verifying the effectiveness of the numerical program. We also analyzed the waves' propagation in underwater explosion and compared it with the numerical results of underwater explosion in various dimensions. The results show that the distance ratio R/a=6 is a demarcation point in the waves structure, and in the R/a<6 near-field range the fitted peak pressure curve should be divided into two sections. Further, we performed segmented fitting of the numerical results with power function, and found the fitted curve in good agreement with the numerical results.

Numerical simulation on spallation and fragmentation of tin under explosive loading
HE Nianfeng, REN Guowu, CHEN Yongtao, GUO Zhaoliang
2019, 39(4): 042101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0354
Spallation and fragmentation of tin, a low-melting point metal under explosive loading were numerically simulated. The numerical method and material model used were validated by the experimental results. Thereby, the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the physical quantities in the Sn specimens were compared to explore the interaction between the stress waves and the material in the specimen under impact loading and unloading. Furthermore, the dynamic behaviors of the specimens with various thicknesses under explosive loading were in-depth analyzed to further understand the evolution mechanism of the spallation and fragmentation under the combination action of the reflective rarefaction wave from the free surface, the lateral rarefaction wave and the incident rarefaction wave. The results show that for the thin specimen, the early spallation and fragmentation are dominated by the reflective rarefaction wave. With increasing the thickness of the specimen, the region dominated by the reflective rarefaction wave becomes smaller, and meanwhile the region dominated by the incident rarefaction wave and the lateral rarefaction wave becomes larger.
Characteristics of space and time-frequency distribution of the vibration in full-scale trunk gas pipeline explosion
MA Huayuan, LONG Yuan, LI Xinghua, ZHONG Mingshou, ZHOU Hui, WU Jianyuan
2019, 39(4): 042201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0123
In this paper we investigated the damaging effect resulting from the vibration of pipeline gas explosion using a full-scale pipeline gas explosion test and, after data analysis, found that the attenuation of the pipeline vibration was more in line with the exponential distribution than with the classical power law distribution, and that the vibration intensity was not evenly distributed in the space, with a vibration enhancement in a specific direction. Adopting the improved MP-WVD algorithm, we also analyzed the time-frequency characteristics of the vibration in pipeline explosion and found that the main frequency range of vibration was 10−20 Hz, with a duration of 0.1−0.2 s as well as a multiple loading. Finally, we observed that the Rayleigh wave was stronger than the Love wave. These results can serve as reference for pipeline construction and accident investigation.
Micro-mechanism of bending failure of sandstone under different loading rates
LI Kexuan, LI Tie
2019, 39(4): 043101. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0178
The micro morphology of rock rupture is an important reflection of rock failure mechanism, in order to study the effect of different loading rates on the bending failure of sandstone, the microscopic morphology of the bending breaking cracks and the self-similarity of the cracks are analysed by scanning electron microscope combined with three point bending test. Selecting six different loading rates to test the rock samples to observe the macroscopic fracture condition and then the microstructure of surface cracks on bend fracture surfaces is observed by scanning electron microscope, and take SEM pictures at different multiplier. After the image is processed, getting the micro crack information of bending fracture of sandstone, and the fractal box dimension value of the micro crack is calculated. The results show that the proportion of transgranular fracture increases with the increase of loading rate; the crack fractal dimension also increases with the increase of loading rate, and at the same time, the fractal dimension is proportional to the bending fracture load and bending strength. It can be seen that the loading rate has a certain effect on the fracture mode, and the greater the loading rate is, the greater the failure energy requires, and the wider the crack distribution is, indicating that mining speed is closely related to rock burst and other dynamic catastrophe of rock mass.
Experimental study of Mach reflection induced by collision of oblique shock waves in a lead plate
ZHANG Chongyu, HU Haibo, WANG Xiang, LIU Ningwen
2019, 39(4): 043102. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0441
Using the line-array DPS (Doppler pins system) test technique and a high-speed photoelectric frame camera, we diagnosed the shock wave reflection behavior induced by collision of oblique shock waves in a lead plate, accurately measured the velocity history and captured the bulge evolution images of the collision region. By processing the velocity curves, we obtained such experimental informations as the velocity variation, pressure distribution and plate surface damage. Furthermore, Combining the theory of shock wave reflection, we analyzed and explicated the dynamic behavior of the lead plate’s collision region, concluding that it was Mach reflection that occurred after two oblique shock waves collided.
Numerical analysis on structural strength of a cone-shaped flatted revolution body during high-speed water-entry
HUANG Zhigang, SUN Tiezhi, YANG Biye, ZHANG Guiyong, ZONG Zhi
2019, 39(4): 043201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0330
In order to investigate the structural strength of a cone-shaped flatted revolution body during high-speed water-entry, based on the nonlinear finite element software LS-DYNA, which adopts the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) algorithm, the paper analyzes the characteristics of impact force and strength for the different structural revolution bodies with the initial velocity of 100 m/s. The results show that the peak impact pressure intensity and the velocity attenuation of the revolution body during water-entry agree well with the theoretical values, which can effectively verify the validity of the present numerical method. Besides, the peak value of the impact load occurs at the initial stage of the water-entry and the period is very short. After the revolution body enters the surface of the water, the impact load becomes smaller rapidly and changes slightly. The structural style of the revolution body has great effect on its strength during the water-entry, especially the head thickness of the revolution body. When the head thickness of the revolution body is 8 mm and the wall thickness of its afterbody is larger than 2.5 mm, the structure has no damage during the water-entry.
Application of cohesive elements in modeling the low-velocity impact responseand failure of fiber reinforced plastic laminates
JIANG Zhen, WEN Heming
2019, 39(4): 043202. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0245
Fiber reinforced plastic laminates (FRP) have been widely applied in modern industries such as aeronautics, astronautics, transportation, naval architecture. The impact response and failure process of FRP laminates are a major concern in academic and engineering community. In this paper, the response and failure of FRP laminates under impact loading are numerically simulated with emphasis being placed upon delamination by cohesive elements. The paper consists of three main parts: a damage model of adhesive layer based on improved cohesive zone method is firstly described; and then followed by constructing a finite element model with some modeling details; finally, the finite element model is validated on experiments, and the reason of delamination damage is delineated. It has been demonstrated that the present model can predict not only the load-time history and the load-displacement curve but also the delamination of FRP laminates under low-velocity impact.
Dispersion properties and rapid calculation of fragment force field of D-shaped fragmentation warhead
LI Xiangyu, LI Zhenduo, LIANG Minzu
2019, 39(4): 043301. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0420
Rapid calculation of the fragment force field is a key technique for quick damage assessment of warhead to target. In this work we carried out experiment and simulation on the dispersion patterns of three D-shaped warheads with the angle 90°, 120° and 150° and investigated the influences of the shape’s width and detonation mode on the distribution of the fragment force field. The results showed that 90% of the fragments in the three structures had azimuths of 21.16°, 23.88° and 30.08°, respectively; the eccentric line detonation and the two ends’ eccentric detonations were found to be better detonation modes, and the total energy of the fragments in 20° azimuth was respectively 3.4 and 3.3 times higher than the energy of the conventional fragmentation warhead. Based on the rapid calculation formulas of the fragment field of three typical shapes, we proposed that the force field of differently shaped warheads were obtained by constructing the quadratic interpolation function, providing an effective method for rapidly analyzing the distribution of the fragment field in the D-shaped warhead.
Direct calculation method for free surface data processing of step target in ICE
JIN Yunsheng, SUN Chengwei, ZHAO Jianheng, LUO Binqiang, WANG Guiji, TAN Fuli
2019, 39(4): 044201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2017-0294
In ramp compression experiments, the velocity history of the interface particles with different thicknesses correlates with the parameters of the material compression characteristics. However, there is no direct access to reveal this relationship using conventional data processing methods. In this article, a correlation was established based on the characteristic line theory, and the ramp compression flow field with unknown EOS could be directly calculated. And numerical experiments show that this method can not only accurately calculate the theoretical value in the data processing without strength effect, but also approximate the theoretical value in data processing with strength effect. And, in the real experimental data processing, the results produced by this method are in good agreement with the literatures. This research provides a reliable new way to explore the strength effect data processing method with complete theory.
Blasting vibration signal analysis technology of construction of nuclear power plant based on improved MP-WVD algorithm
MEI Bi, WANG Xuguang, YANG Renshu
2019, 39(4): 045201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0055
In this study, an MP-WVD combination algorithm is introduced to solve the cross term interference problem in signal analysis. The time-frequency resolution has been improved, which meets the requirement of accurately extracting time-frequency distribution characteristics of nuclear power station blasting vibration response signals. Introduction of HHT algorithm into the data preprocessing of MP algorithm has successfully reduced the computational complexity of MP algorithm, and laid the foundation for large data analysis. Combined with the first phase project of Zhangzhou nuclear power station, the improved algorithm has been applied to analyze blasting vibration signals. The time-frequency characteristics of blasting vibration signals in the surrounding terrain and earth rock environment of the nuclear power station were obtained. This will provide reference for vibration monitoring and safety protection of blasting in the extension project.